It's been several months since Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff gave their lives to bring back the trillions murdered in the decimation.
In the wake of the post - apocalyptic clean up, and the entirety of the universe adjusting to home the life...
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"We're running just as fast as we can, holding on to one another's hand"
Tiffany I Think We're Alone Now
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B U C K Y kept his word when he said he wouldn't be leaving until Noah Ferguson was arrested for assault. It had been almost a week since the attack, and he was still in the Grant household. He wouldn't be leaving any time soon.
It was Saturday night when they were visited by strangers. Oliver has been invited to Aiden's for a birthday party sleepover, and the house was left to Bucky and Charlie.
They were in the kitchen eating dinner when the doorbell rang
Bucky was in his feet in a second. "You're not expecting anyone." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
Charlie stood up as well; carefully following Bucky with a small limp. Her barely there fracture still made it uncomfortable to walk, but it was healing nicely.
"Stay here." Bucky told her.
He walked down the steps to the front door and pulled it open. His body didn't relax when he saw two police officers standing outside the door in the dark night.
"Is this the Grant household?"
"It is." Bucky said. Then he looked back at Charlie, who was standing at the top of the stairs. Then he turned back to the police. "Come in."
The police officer that spoke first spoke again when he saw Charlie. "Miss Grant, I'm afraid I've got some troubling news."
Charlie felt her stomach drop. She nodded slowly and started walking down the stairs, carefully. Bucky met her half way to help her the rest of the way down.
"Noah Ferguson has, unfortunately, not been found. His parents haven't seen him since the attack. We are doing the best we can, but so far we have been unable to arrest him. The warrant is still out there and his picture will be going up on our website. Hopefully by spreading his face, we'll be able to find him faster."
"So he's still out there?"
"That's correct, ma'am. I know it may be a troubling thought to have. If you feel any discomfort, or believe there to be anything out of the ordinary happening around you, please call 911 immediately. We have reason to believe he is armed and dangerous."
"What reason?"
The police officers shared a look before the younger one, the one who hadn't said anything, spoke. "We found pictures of you in his bedroom. They are scribbled out, or ripped." Then he looked at Bucky. "You as well, Sargent."
"Make sure you keep your doors locked. Try not to go out alone, Miss Grant. I wish I could have brought you better news."
Charlie didn't say anything. She felt her hands shaking.
"Thank you, officers. We'll call if we see anything." Bucky stepped in for her.
A short goodbye was said before the two police officers left the Grant household, back out into the December night.
When the door shut behind them, Bucky turned back to look at Charlie. "Are you okay?"
"What if he comes here? What if he... what if he really hurts me this time?"
Bucky moved to comfort her, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her tightly. "He won't hurt you. I won't let him."
She closed her eyes as she breathed him in. "You're literally never leaving this house, just so you know."
His chest shook with a small laugh and he leaned back to look at her. "I don't plan on it."
Later, after they finished eating, Charlie went to find comfort in her bed and Bucky followed her. The TV was already on when he walked in.
Charlie was sitting on her bed, brushing her hair while she looked at the TV. One of her favorite shows was on.
Bucky hesitated for a second, as he always did, before going to sit down next to her. They were both already in their pajamas, and despite it only being eight in the evening, they were both ready to find sleep.
But Charlie knew she'd have trouble sleeping after the unsettling news that she had found out only an hour ago.
When she looked at Bucky, who's eyes were locked on the screen, she smiled. "Bucky?"
He hummed, still looking at the TV.
"Can I braid your hair?"
He looked at her then, with confusion written over his face. "You want to braid my hair?" Then a distant memory came to him and his face broke out into a smile. "I used to braid my sisters hair."
"You had sisters?" Charlie asked, moving to kneel behind him. Even though he didn't answer her question, she knew it was a yes.
"I was the oldest of four, yeah." Bucky smiled softly. "I miss them."
Charlie wasn't sure what to say as she brushed his long hair back. He never really talked about his past like this. "What were they like?"
"Like sisters. They were great. I remember I once beat up a guy that tried to hit on one of them. God, I don't even remember which one it was."
"You'll remember, Bucky." She told him sweetly. "Just give it some time."
He nodded as he closed his eyes, loving the feeling of her brushing his hair. And when she set the brush down and started to braid it, he felt goosebumps rise on his skin.
"I used to braid my moms hair. I loved to French braid it. I can't do it on my own hair. Well, I can do two on the sides but not one straight back. It hurts my arms." She told him.
"I don't think I could do it anymore." Bucky said as he looked down at his metal hand.
"Well, you can practice on me." Charlie said. Upon realization of how her words sounded, she blushed. "I mean..." They still hadn't talked about the shared kiss they had after the assault.
Bucky laughed quietly. "I know."
When the braid was finished she tied it and then leaned back. "Perfect! It's beautiful." She giggled.
Bucky turned around to look at her with a smile. "How long do I have to keep it braided?"
"Until tomorrow so your hair will be all wavy for Christmas Eve."
Bucky smiled again and moved to lie down next to her. "Anything you want."
Charlie swallowed and looked at him. She wanted to kiss him again. More than anything. The kiss they shared last week was the best kiss she ever had. And not because it was the most lustful or because it was filled with the most passion, but because it was with him. It was with Bucky Barnes.
She'd known him for almost five months now.
Gaining the confidence to do so, Charlie turned off the lamp and looked back at him. The light from the TV cascaded over him and highlighted the features that she loved so much.