It's been several months since Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff gave their lives to bring back the trillions murdered in the decimation.
In the wake of the post - apocalyptic clean up, and the entirety of the universe adjusting to home the life...
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"It's okay, show them who you are Everybody hurts, everybody's got scars"
Sleeping with Sirens, Hole In My Heart
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B U C K Y sat on the couch. His thick jacket was still on, and his hair was pushed back by the baseball cap he wore. His posture was nothing but polite and his eyes roamed around the living room.
The house was perfectly typical, nothing out of the ordinary.
The living room was combined with the dining room, and then a wall separated the kitchen from both rooms but a door on each side allowed entrance to the kitchen.
Down the hall were the bedrooms and a bathroom, where Charlie had been in for almost half an hour now.
Across from the kitchen doorway was the staircase, which lead down to the front door, and then to the bottom floor; where another large TV was, along with a utility room and the garage.
It was exactly like Bucky pictured.
There were pictures hanging up on the walls and little knick-knacks on the shelves. It smelt faintly like sugar and lemon, though there was a unique smell that almost every house had.
It was only slightly messy; as Charlie spent Sunday cleaning the house with her brother.
Bucky liked the old couch, with red and white cushions that were faded by time. They were soft and worn out, but more comfortable than he first thought.
When Charlie finally appeared out of the bathroom, dressed in the first pair of normal clothing Bucky had ever seen before, she immediately apologized.
"I'm sorry, it took forever to get it out of my hair." She told him.
Bucky looked at her hair; which was loose over her shoulders. He could already see the curls beginning to form. Her loose bangs were swept off her bare face and she looked cleaner than ever.
"It's okay. I'm sure it was bad." He smiled.
Charlie nodded and then walked into the kitchen. Bucky had the sense to follow her, and soon they were looking at take-out menus.
"Do you have any specific ideas? There's really not much to get around here that doesn't charge a ridiculous amount of money for delivery." Charlie thought briefly about how terrible the economy was now after the blip. Hopefully, it would balance out soon.