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"It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be much mistltoeing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near
It's the most wonderful time of the year"

Andy Williams,
It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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C H R I S T M A S Eve was in full bloom the next day. The Sunday had been filled with Grant household traditions.

The beginning of the day was spent baking Christmas cookies. Oliver was much too excited to decorate them himself, and made more of a mess then he did on pizza Friday's.

Bucky didn't help keep it clean either.

Then they spent the better part of the afternoon watching old Christmas movies in the TV room; some Bucky had never even heard before.

Chinese takeout was ordered for dinner, because that was what the Grant's always did, and soon the sun had already set and another Christmas Eve was at its days end.

Oliver could hardly contain his excitement.

"Santa's coming tonight, tonight. Santa's coming tonight!" He sang as he stuffed another cookie into his mouth.

Charlie was standing at the dining room table, putting new batteries into the old camera. It was almost nine o'clock and Oliver's bedtime, but there was still a few last minute things that needed to be taken care of.

"Hey Buck," Charlie said through a mumble. "Can you pop this in? I can't get it to close."

Bucky was quiet as he took the camera, easily clipping the back part of it into its place. "Why are you videotaping it?"

"Because we always do. Well, my parents. I figured... I don't know, I thought I should too. He's only nine." The last part was a whisper.

"You Grant's have a lot of traditions."

Charlie nodded with a smile. "You know it. Okay, do you think you could manage to record us?"

Bucky gave her a look. "I think I can." He looked down at the old camera. "Wait, how do you turn it on?"

She laughed and turned it on, explaining to him how to work it. Then he pointed the camera towards her face. "Not on me, jeez." She covered the front of it with her hand.

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