It's been several months since Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff gave their lives to bring back the trillions murdered in the decimation.
In the wake of the post - apocalyptic clean up, and the entirety of the universe adjusting to home the life...
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"I come alive when I hear your voice It's a beautiful sound, it's a beautiful noise"
One Direction, Hey Angel
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I T was early morning when Bucky woke up. His tired eyes barely lifted in the dark of the room, and the annoying alarm of Charlie's phone was distributing the peaceful atmosphere. An alarm he hadn't heard in a long time; because it was her work alarm; which meant it was seven in the morning.
He moved tiredly from the bed to turn it off, eyes roaming the medical room that they had spent the last week in. He knew that after her appointment today, they would be taking residence in a bedroom upstairs. Most likely next to Oliver's room; which Bucky had already spent a few days bringing over his toys and clothes.
He knew he would be helping Charlie move in too. Despite the fact that she hadn't made the decision yet, he already knew what it would be. By the end of next week, she'd be living here.
And Bucky wasn't quite sure where that would leave him. Because without the house he had lived in for almost a year, he wasn't sure where he belonged. A part of him wanted to go back to the Avenger's facility, because Steve and Natasha had already moved back in and with Sam there too, that's where he felt he belonged.
But the sleeping beauty on the bed was his home too. She had been there for him in more ways than anyone else had been. He counted on her in more ways than he counted on anyone else, he had needed her. And she was always there for him. Since the day he first laid eyes on her.
When the room was quiet again, Bucky looked down at the woman still asleep. Her messy white hair was displayed around her face, and faded white lines of her pillow case decorated her cheek. One of his old shirts was covering her body, and the covers were wrapped around her. He knew she was most likely cold.
The overwhelming sight of her sleeping in front of him was heavy on his heart. And he still felt awful about their arguments. And he still felt so fortunate that she was here; sleeping safely next her. And Oliver was a few floors above, sleeping in the room next to his grandfathers, perfectly safe too.
Bucky let out a deep sigh as he climbed back into the bed, and his arms wrapped around Charlie. She grumbled quietly at the disturbance, but it wasn't enough to wake her just yet. So he pulled her close, until she was sandwiches between his arms.
He couldn't stop himself from placing a delicate kiss on her cold lips, and then again and again. His eyes never leaving her face, using his fingers to trace the beauty of it, until finally her eyes fluttered open.