Information Of Shira Tsubaki

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Name: Shira Tsubaki

Age: 14 years old

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2"


Hair: Stright shiny, soft, and smooth black hair, she has side bangs on each side of her face, which reaches to her shoulder blades

eyes: Doll almond shape, dark brown eyes that are close to black

she is slender and Pettitte yet curvaceous body type, she has fair smooth skin.

Blood type: O-

She has sensitive hearing, lives alone and she is an orphan, she lost her family at the age of 8 years old.


Serin's voice/Area control: she can do whatever she wants, whatever she says or has sung will happen, and she can control whatever is in her area. when she sings it is even more robust, it would get stronger with more practice as it develops with the user. Whenever she sings with emotions, it would affect the surroundings and other people that are in her area of control.

Drawbacks: overused gets a sore throat, her hearing will get even more sensitive hearing, it drains more energy and became more fatigue.

Seer's eyes: this allows her to see in stages, this quirk will get stronger, and is able to control it with time and practice along with the user. With this quirk, it will make the user able to understand others on a deep level as they will experience the event as though they were that person themselves, this makes them extremely empathetic.

stage 1: the eyes of truth (always active)

she would be able to see the truth of everything, knowing others' truth for everything, what they are hiding and what people can not hide anything from her.

Stage 2: to see the paths of the future (options of the owner or activities on their own)

She would be able to see the future paths they can choose, which is more likely they would choose, and the consequence of which path they have chosen.

Stage 3: to see the past (options or activities on their own)

she would be able to see others' past, what has happened to them, and what choices they have taken.

Stage 4: to see the present (options or activities on their own)

she would be able to see what is happening to them at the very moment, what they wish, what they want, what choices they can make, and what path they can take.

Stage 5: to project (options or activities on their own)

She would be able to show other people to see what she wants, the past, she can only show glimpses of the future to others.

When she uses this quirk, it will use her sense: this would make it as though she was there in person, she would feel what they have felt, and this would also make it as if they were there physically. though that would also mean that they will also experience the person's death as well.

they can not see their future but they can see their past if they want to, they can not project other people's death, only she can see them.

Drawbacks: tiredness, headaches, dizziness, overused sore eyes, sensitive eyes


power: 4/5 B > Power: 4/6 B

Speed: 6/5 S > Speed: 6/6 S+

Technique: 6/5 S > Technique: 6/6 S+

Intelligence: 5/5 A > Intelligence: 5/6 A+

Cooperativeness: 4/5 B

Wits: 6/6 S

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