Chapter 14: Class President and Alarms

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It was the next day, everyone was in the classroom, all the students were just chattering to each other except Shira as she was just on her phone and ready while listening to music using her headphones, the students only stopped speaking when Aizawa walks inside the room, with his presence every student going to their sits and stay quite, Aizawa signal to Shira to listen to him, Shira took off her headphones and paid attention to Aizawa,
"Good work with yesterday's battle training," Aizawa says as he put a thick layer of paper on top of his desk while speaking to his class, "I've looked over your grades and evaluations," this got everyone stilled and nervous wondering what he will say to them, Aizawa faces Bakugo, "Bakugo" Aizawa simply said but cause Bakugo to flinch at the mention of his name, "Grow up already. Stop wasting your talent," he told Bakugo with a stern tone, Bakugo takes the advice,
"Got it," Bakugo, he said while his eyes look down at his desk as he understands, then Aizawa faces Izuku,
"And it seems Midoriya has ended yet another day with a broken arm," Aizawa simply said with an annoyed tone of voice which causes Izuku to have a big flinch as he looks down at his desk with a worried look, "Learn to control your quirk... because just trying won't cut it." Aizawa rumble those words out with a dark annoyed look with got Izuku to shake, "I hate repeating myself but you do have potential if you can overcome this so work on it, Midoriya"
"Okay," Midoriya answered with determination in his eyes, then it was Shira's turn and Shira knew this so she looked away as everyone in the class looked at her,
"Shira," Aizawa simply said but you can tell the seriousness in his voice, Shira still didn't look at Aizawa, after a few seconds of silent, Shira gave out a sigh knowing she has lost, so looked at Aizawa, "there was nothing wrong with what you have done other then your teamwork and communication need to work on," he simply said to her, because he and the other pro heroes teachers wish for her to make friends her age that is another reason as to why they made her come to UA even though she has basically passed high school level and might as well be in the same level as Nezu. Shira just sighed and give a simple nod of understanding.
"Now on to homeroom business, sorry for the sudden announcement but today..." the small delay made everyone tense thinking it was another brutal surprise quiz, "you will have to pick a class president."
"Such a normal, school-like thing," the student said loudly from the relief and surprise yet excitement as everyone shoot their arms up wanting to take that role, Shira on the other hand chose to just watch the whole development.
'Too much work and responsibility especially for a hero school like UA, yeah no thank you,' Shira simply thought with annoyance as she watches her classmates practically jumping off their sits for wanting to be chosen when a voice resounded in the room, everyone faces to where the voice was coming from to find Iida.
"Leading the many tasks of heavy responsibility! but the ambition does not equate to the ability," Iida said as this made everyone quiet down a little bit, and Iida lifted his head to reveal a serious face, the sacred office demands the trust of its constituents! If this is to be a democracy, then I put forward the motion this is just a classroom, not a congress," he said but that serious decoration was put down at the fact his arm is up high and his practically saying he wishes for that role more then anyone.
Shira tries not to giggle or laugh as she is finding this too funny to watch, when she hears Tsuyu say to Iida, "But Iida, we haven't known each other long enough to build any trust,"
"And everyone will just vote for themselves!" Kirishima said in the discussion,
That is precisely why anyone who manages to earn multiple votes will be the best-suited individual for this job!!" Iida explained to everyone, Shira just sighed knowing how this will turn out already from experience and seeing others try the same way, she raised her hand and announce,
"Yeah, you can forget about me then as I am not participating, as 1. Do not wish for the role, 2. I have a free choice whether to vote or not," Shira said out loud for everyone in the room to hear, her words shock everyone except Aizawa as he was expecting this not just him but all the other teachers too were expecting this,
"How come you don't want to have the role of class president?" Uraraka ask what everyone is wanting to know as well as everyone to is waiting for her to answer out of curiosity, she let out a sigh and looked at everyone,
"Simple cause 1.  it's too much work and responsibilities to handed, yeah no thanks, 2. That would also mean that I have to be a role model for everyone in this class, yeah can't do that, 3. I will have to make sure everyone is updated for any activities that may need to know, 4. make sure that everyone is up to date with their work and that everyone understands what you have to do in each subject, so yeah too much for me and not for me either, I prefer doing whatever I want whenever I want," Shira simply explained for everyone who was listening to her explanation,
"Umm...okay, but you will vote for whoever you want to take that role, right" Mina ask, which cause Shira to giggle,
"Yeah nope," she said with a mischievous bright smile, which cause Aizawa to sigh as he knows that she is enjoying all this drama that is going on,
"But is your responsibility to choose as it will affect how the class will work and how smoothly-" Iida was about to go on until Shira cut in,
 "I have the free right whether to vote or not and I chose not to vote, not by school rules but the governmental laws, my free rights of choices," with a bright smile knowing, that she is right and just won, "do not worry I will not complain as to whoever takes the class president role," everyone just silently agrees to what she has chosen, as Aizawa goes into his bright yellow sleeping bag and went to sleep as everyone continue onto the voting, the results where Midoriya as class president and Yaoyorozu as Vice-president.
Bakugo was shouting wanting to know who voted for Midoriya and Iida was sad that he got no votes, Midoriya violently shaking from shock and nervousness and Shira is trying so hard not to giggle or laugh from watching such a funny scene, Aizawa came out of his sleeping bag and announce the result.
It was lunchtime, Shira is in the teacher's lounge, giggling from what had happened and eating her lunch with the teachers.
"You don't want to be a class president?" Nemuri asks the young girl who was enjoying her lunch, Shira just nods her head,
"Why though? you would make a wonderful Class president," Yamada said from his sitting beside Aizawa, the other teachers agreed with what Yamada said except Aizawa but he too agrees with Yamada's statement as they have seen it many times after meeting Shira,
'Shira always helps others when they need help, and takes responsibility for her actions, in serious cases, she always assesses the situation before taking action, She is understanding of others and most of all so tries her best for others.' every teacher though as they remember the times Shira acted, helping others in danger, assessing the situations, helping the medics and most of all help others from the aftermaths of villain attacks and hero fights, even the small incidents that happen will being its her,
the teachers and Shira were hanging out when they have noticed a kid ranging out to the street to get a ball he was playing with on the sidewalk while the mother was paying attention to her phone, a wild car with a drunk driver was coming through the road, before any of the hero teachers can take action, as in a flash Shira was already beside the child and then wings came out of Shira back covering her and the child, as a gust of strong wind blows harder as the car is getting closer to the two, as the cars were about to hit them it stops it was slightly off the ground as the wheels were still violently spinning which shows that the breaks were not on and not touching the ground anymore. everyone was surprised but let out a relieved sigh, Shira looks up and gave a smile to the child as the child looked at her with tears building up in their eyes,
"I'm sorry... I d-didn't mean to," the child tries to say but can't as he is about to cry,
"Shh... It is okay as you know understand not to do it again right," she said with a soft smile and soft voice as she picks up the child while talking and walking to the sidewalk and comforting the child, as that was happening the car too moved to away from the road to not make traffic but it was still slightly floating and the car doors as glued sealed and window cover with some seal to prevent it from breaking.
soon after the hero's teachers and mother rush to them, the child calm down by then, "what happened?" the mother asked as she takes her child out of Shira's hold and glares at Shira but Shira just sighed,
"Mam, I suggest you keep an eye on your kid while walking next to a public road as he had nearly got into a car crash," Shira explained but the mother still kept her glare at Shira but Shira pays no mind to the women's glare at all instead she chose to pull out her phone and because she had the detective phone number already al she had to do was text a report to the detective, the address and area. It was the Teacher heroes were the one who was not able to ignore that glare, Midnight, Present Mic, and Eraserhead stepped in between the women and Shira, Midnight looked at the women with a smile yet no warmth came from that smile. 
The woman was about to say something until she had recognized who she was, then the women's attitude changed, her glare changed into sprinkles as she knows the person in front of her is a popular female hero, "ah... Miss. Midnight, I wish to thank you for saving my child,” the women said in a light tone as she smiles, this made the heroes even angrier.  After a while, the police finally made it to the scene, after a while of talking to the detective and the police arrested the driver for drunk driving and reckless driving as well.
Shira walked closer to the child and smiles, "next be careful okay, and check the road before walking across, okay" Shira said as she knees down to the child's height and pats the top of the child's head, as the child nodded while tears were building up in their eyes. Shira just smiles and stood up and walk away.
Flack back Ends:
"I just can't picture myself being a class president and too much work so yeah no, I am a very lazy person," Shira said as she gave a small wave of a hand as she was just about finished eating when all of a sudden, the school alarm rang across the whole school, it was really loading that Shira covered her ears to block out the load noise. "dear God in heaven," Shira said, "get the CCTV cameras on the screen to see what the problems," the teacher all got in actions, they all looked and saw that it was just the press but Shira found this suspicious, She has just mentally written it down to figure it out later, Yamada and Aizawa went to calm down or at least control it a little bit as she has told Tsukauchi about the situation, She looks at the hallway CCTV and saw that it has kinda calmed down as Iida was in front of everyone on top of the doorway and told the students to calm down but still full of panic, Shira sighed, "hey Nezu-san, I will be using he announcement mic" she simply told, as she walked up to the mic,
"Hello everybody, please be reassured that you all are safe and sound, so please relax and calm down as this is a false alarm as the press has taken a step into the school property, it has been taken care of by your teachers so you no longer need to panic."  Shira's voice filled the whole school, taking every student's attention, they have seemed to have calmed down a bit from the announcement, "Students please continue to what you all were previously doing, as the police will soon arrive and will handle the press soon enough, so please be treasure and hope that you all will enjoy the rest of lunch and those who had gotten injured please see Recovery girl, thank you for listening," she had finished off saying, soon after the police have come and taken care of the trespassing press away from the school ground afterward everyone continues on with classes, at the beginning of homeroom Izuku was in front of everyone in the class with Yaoyorozu to continue on about choosing other council members but Izuku said that there was something more important.
"I believe that Iida is more suited to be class president," Izuku said with a smile, this got Iida by surprise as he was not expecting this turn of events, Shira, on the other hand, had a small smile 'Knew so' she had thought as she continues on watching the whole thing. "You all have seen how well Iida had led everyone in the class and so I think that is the correct choice for the job," Izuku continued, and everyone too also started talking.
"Ah! that sounds good!! Iida had really shown his stuff back at the cafeteria!!" Kirishima said with a bright smile as he so agreed with Midoriya, "not that I have anything against Midoriya,"
"He was like that beacon that was pointing at the emergency exit," Kaminari agrees with the red-haired boy, as he too has a big bright smile, Aizawa in his bright yellow sleeping bag got a bit annoyed with the delay and so he glared at everyone,
"Whatever, just get on with it already, what a waste of time." these words from Aizawa who is glaring at his students makes them all scared, and with this Iida agrees to be the class president as Shira stood from her place a left the classroom, she walks towards the broken withered gate of UA, there stood some of the UA teachers and Nezu, the air is so heavy as she gets closer, she hears,
"No ordinary reporter could have done this." Nezu said with a serious and calm voice, "someone must have instigated this whole affair, did some evil-doer manage to slip in, or do they have other intention to wage some war against us?" this made many thinks of what had happened, as the wind gently blows as the broken closed gate was in crumbles.
"that is a great question Nezu san," Shira's voice is heard by the heroes as they turn to face her, Shira walking closer towards them as she looks at their eyes, "here a question if this is the work of a villain, what could their motive be for waging war against UA? and what will they gain from this?" her voice full of seriousness ashier calm eyes look at the heroes, "UA high is a school full of promising students and full of heroes who work as staff, this event has never happened before now, so what is different as to right now," Shira walks pass the heroes towards the broken gate as she bends down and touch the broken stones that lay on the ground, "things will be troublesome for UA," she said as she looks at the whole scene as she stood up again and faces the staff, "let us see what lays before us and ahead shall we," her voice was bright as though this is game but her eyes tell another story, full of readiness and calm as the staff nods their head in agreement.

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