Chapter 10: UA High School Letter

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It is the next day in the morning, Aizawa is at his home getting ready for work, he has gone downstairs when he hears a humming, it was his lovely load blonde husband, Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic) in the kitchen making breakfast, Aizawa walks up behind Yamada and sneaks his arms around Yamada's waist, Yamada flinches a bit but recognizes that it was his husband then relax,

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Yamada said in a crispy tone with a bright wide smile, Aizawa just hummed in replied, "are you not a bit early than usual," Yamada ask in a concerned voice, as it is normally Yamada would have to wake him up after he finishes preparing breakfast. Aizawa sighs as he releases his hold on Yamada and walks to the dining table and sat down on his chair.

"I will talk about it when we get to UA," Aizawa simply said, Yamada just nods as he has known Aizawa for so long, they eat and got to UA, they are in the staff room, "guys,"  Aizawa said, this got everyone's attention as he never announces that he's arrived and just go to his desk, Everyone turns towards him, "let's go to the meeting room," with that he walked away as the others were confused but followed, the got to the meeting room, Nezu is there and detective Tsukauchi is inside already seated, everyone is confused but sat down at their seat the look at Aizawa, he let out a sigh but spoke, "alright so what happens is that yesterday, I had a strange encounter with someone," this made everyone confuse but Nezu and Tsukauchi as Aizawa have already reported it to them.

"Okay, so what about it?" Midnight asks confused,

"Yeah, you must have them in custody already since it is you," Yamada said very confidently to his husband, the teachers all agree but when they saw the tense atmosphere from Nezu, Aizawa, and Tsukauchi, "right?" but Aizawa just shakes his head as a no, this made everyone shock, "how?"

"I am not sure, I am not even sure if they were even ever there, to begin with," Aizawa answered in frustration, "I found them by coincidence, My gut was telling me where to go and I just followed it, then from a distance, I saw a figure on top of the rooftop, when I got there, I didn't feel there presence and hardly see them even though I was so close to them," he explained further with so much frustration as he combs his hair with his hand from frustration, it all most made his co-worker feel sorry for him as they have never seen him like this.

"What happened?" Vlad king asks,


"Who are you?" Aizawa asks in guard, hands griping his capture weapon, the figure turns towards Aizawa, they are facing each other now, but Aizawa still can not see them clear at all, Aizawa's quirk is still activated but he can't feel any quirk connection. 'What is going on here?' Aizawa thought still looking at the figure, there was only silence that answers Aizawa, then a second later a little fairy that was glowing a light blue came behind the figure.

"Hello Eraserhead, it is a pleaser to meet you," the little fairy said to Aizawa while bowing, the fairy had a bright tone of voice, Aizawa was speechless and confuse as to what was happening,

'Is this their work or what? are they mute or something' Aizawa is thinking,

"Is this your quirk?" Aizawa asks still guarded towards the figure and little fairy,

"you may believe whatever you wish to believe," the little fairy answers instead of the figure," this not your normal route, so what brought you here?" the little fairy asks Aizawa, but Aizawa didn't answer instead chooses to stay silent but the little fairy just allow it, "that is alright, no need to answer but you see my master's time is limited and so they must go now," the fairy said to Aizawa but before Aizawa can do or speak a sudden just of when hit him causing him to close his eyes, and when he opened them again the figure was gone nothing there what so ever but the little fairy was still there, "my master wish you luck and goodbye," the fairy said with a bright smile as they wave their little hand and fades away. Aizawa was left on top of a rooftop by himself.

After the incident he went and called for Tsukauchi and Nezu to talk and to report it, he went to the office where both of them were in and explain the incident, then suddenly Tsukauchi stood up,

"You had a run-in with The Night Fairy!" he said with a shocked face, this made both Aizawa's and Nezu's eyes widen,

"How can you be sure of that?" Nezu asks, "If I remember correctly that we have no clues on this certain vigilante,"

"Yes, that is correct but they mention a fairy speaking for their master, and at the time and area where Eraserhead has mentioned there was a report of this vigilante fights near the place," Tsukauchi answers him, Nezu nods his head for understanding,

"It makes sense but for now it is only a suspicion than an answer of right now, understood," both Tsukauchi and Aizawa nod in understanding.

Flashback Ends:

Everyone in the room stays quiet as this was not in their expectation at all, the number 1 mysterious Vigilante has been spotted by an Eraserhead but has not been seen clearly. The silence has been broken by Vlad king,

"How is that possible? It makes no sense," he says with frustration,

"Listen, everyone, this is only an assumption and nothing more, is that understandable," Nezu said to everyone in the meeting room, everyone gave a nod of a head in understanding. Afterward, everyone went back to work.

Lunch Time:

In the staffroom, everyone is eating lunch when Midnight thought of something,

"Hey, how do you think Shira is doing right now? “Midnight asks, this got everyone's attention,

"Umm... not too sure to be honest," Mic said, with his second finger on his chin, "what wish do you think her wish is?" with this question everyone just stilled as they wondered about that subject as well.

With Shira:

Shira is laying on her bed, she was covered in her bed cover while watching on Hero's watch tube, after watching some videos she reads manga, she was getting bored as she was finishing a lot of manga and animes and watch tubes so she decided to get dress and get some snacks from the shop, while she was out she heard some annoying people being load and an explosion, she turns to where it was coming from to see another villain running towards her, she just sighs as she is bored, the villain had a knife and about to stab her but she moved to the side dodging her the knife, grab the villain's wrist while twisting it,  pulling their wrist to the villain's back as Shira push them to the ground. Shira let out a sigh as she used her free hand to call Tsukauchi,

"Hey, Tsuka-kun," Shira said on the phone,

'Hello Shira-Chan, what can I do for you?' Tsukauchi asks,

"Well, you see that the moment I have taken a villain down onto the ground would like to have a police officer take him down to the station," She answers as she tightens her grip on the villain's wrist as they were trying to struggle out of the grip, which was failing as Shira just tighten it causing the villain to winces,

'I am sorry, what?' he asks in concern and confirmation that he has heard that right,

"I have a villain in my hands at the moment and wish for a police assistant to bring them to the police station," she once again repeated,

'Very well, we will be in the way now,' he said,

"Thank you," she said as he hung up the phone

After hunting up the call, Shira looks down at the villain, "well the cops are coming and you will be under arrest, you have the right to be silent," as you can hear sirens coming to where they are, a few seconds later the police cops came to view and take then arrested the villain in custody, as she went back to get some snacks from the shops, afterward she went to the park as she sat down at the swings, she looked up at the sky as she swings back and forth. Felt soft winds hitting her face. While not too far from where she is, a wing hero sees her can watch her as he can see an image of feathery angel wings form on her back, her black straight hair seems to be dancing with the wind's motion as she swings, and when you listen closely you can hear Shira humming a tune, it was so enchanting, it took the winged heroes breath.

After a while Shira decided that it was time for her to return home, she picks up her snacks and got off the swings, and walked away, returning home as she got there, she got her shoes off and put her snacks away, got changed and went straight to bed.

A few weeks later, it was the time for the UA letter to arrive, while waiting for Shira would work at the cafe and meet up with the UA staff and chat with them from time to time and hang out. There was a sound from the door, she looks to see that it was the letter, she went a take, she ripped open the letter to see a little disk thing came out of it, it started shining light, to show an image of Nezu on Aizawa's shoulder,

'Hello, Shira Tsubaki,' Nezu said with his paw up to show a wave, as Aizawa did one too,

'Hey there kid,' Aizawa said with a small wave of his hand as he look at the camera, it seems like he was looking straight at Shira, it made Shira smile and giggle a little seeing this, it just seems just like Aizawa.

'We would like to congratulate you on achieving the highest score in the school's history, in both written and physical exams,' Nezu said, with a high happy tone in his voice, not just him as you can see a small smile on Aizawa's face, it was a proud type of smiles, seeing this made Shira smile as well and makes her feel proud of herself as well and she has never felt like in forever.

'We welcome you to your hero academia' Aizawa said with that small smile on his face,

'oh, and  after you finish reading the latter afterward come to the school kay' Yamada said as he push Aizawa away from the camera, he had this bright wide smile on his face,

'Yeah, yeah,' Nemuri said as she join in as well into the view, this whole interaction made Shira laugh a little as they were acting a little childish afterward the hologram finished, she look inside the envelope that tell her who her teacher was and which room she would be in,

Dear Shira Tsubaki,

We like to congratulate you for making it into UA High School and to Inform you that you will be in class 1-A and that your homeroom teacher will be Aizawa Shota.

Welcome to your Hero academia,

Sincerely Principle Nezu.

After reading the letter, Shira got her clothes changed, long sleeve white T-shirt and black high waist skirt, and knee-high socks, she put on her shoulder bag after making sure that she has everything, and she brush and put her hair up, after putting her ankle boots on. then left making sure the door is locked and when to UA high.

After getting there she went to the UA staff, she does her normal knock when walking in she sees everyone with smiles on their faces already knowing that she was coming, she gives a smile back in return as she run to give them a big hug for each individual. Afterward, they all went out going to have a party to celebrate the news of the results. it was all smiles and enjoyment.

'This may have been the right choice getting to know them' Shira thought while watching everyone enjoying the outing.

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