Chapter 34: Practical Exam

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It was for the exam exercises, and everyone was in their hero costumes, the students were in front of the UA teachers. "Right, the test exercise will begin shortly. You can fail this test, too so if you want to head to the forest lodge, then we'd better not see any pitiful blunders from you." one of the teachers told the students.

"Why so many teachers?" Jiro asked, already able to see where this is going, she was trying to tip-toe out of the room, to which Aizawa used his capture scarf to wrap around the young girl who tries to wiggle out, to which some of the teachers chuckle as it was pretty cute and funny to see.

"I've no doubt you all learned what information could of the test beforehand so I think you already hold a vague notion of what you are to do..." Aizawa says as well as ignoring the struggling girl wrapped in his scarf.

"Sure, just like the entrance exam it'll be like a mucous game only with robots!!" Kiminari says in excitement, as Aizawa let out a sigh,

"I can see the fireworks! the curry! the dare sessions-!!" Ashido says with the same excitement as Kiminari.

"Sorry, I'm afraid not!! Due to various reasons, we're changing the contents of the test, starting today!" a voice can be heard, then Nezu came out from Aizawa's grey scarf, then started climbing down Aizawa as the rest of the students asking what the principal meant, "well fears of a surge in say. We will have you form pairs to engage in combat with one of these here educators! Nezu explains to the questioning students.

"Now, who all of you are paired with and which teacher you'll be fighting has already been decided. the way you tend to move, your grades, and your degree of familiarity.... we judged how you'll be pairing up based on all sorts of things, and we'll list the matchups now." Aizawa says then he started giving out a list of the pairs.

Todoroki and Yaoyorosu VS Aizawa

Midoriya and Bakugo VS All Might

Ashido and Kiminari VS Nezu

Aoyama and Uraraka VS No.13

Kouda and Jirou VS Present Mic

Asui and Tokoyami VS Ectoplasm

Sero and Shinso VS Midnight

Shira and Shouji VS Snipe

Satou and Kirishima VS Cementos

Ida and Ojiro VS Powerlouder

Aizawa announces which pairs of students against which teacher as one of those students are still struggling in the sleep-deprived homeroom teacher's scarf, as some of the students look at their classmates in a worry yet sweat drop expressions when that very teacher has finally lessened his hold on the young girl when she took a breath,

"Hey, what's the big idea on the scarf!?" she asks the man, in an annoyed tone in her voice to which the hero only lifts his right eyebrow,

"Where did you think you were going to?" he asks but his tone was not the tone you would use on asking or when you are curious instead of knowing tone to which she just kept quiet knowing that she can't lie to him not that she would lie as she hates the idea of lying. "You weren't thinking of sneaking out and missing the practical test, were you?" she can just hear the sarcasm tone in his tone and the anger in it to which she just looks to the side when then a sigh can be heard, "look Shira you need to take the practical exam, no matter how much you hate it, alright," he says in a soft tone while also patting her head as she just gave a small nod in response.

"I am finishing this quickly so I can have my snacks and drink and stories," she says as she looks at him with eyes full of determination to which he can not help but let out a small smile knowing this is just so much like her, not just him but the teacher who was watching the whole scene smile too,  while the rest of the students were in their pair making plans.

After a while, each pair of students goes to the teachers that they are against to the bus that will be taking them to their exam sites,

"Shouji-kun, can you please explain more of your quirk to me please?" Shira asks the boy, to which he complied and explain when a smirk came to her face and smile up at the boy, "I have an idea."  A few minutes later they finally arrived at the exam site when they all got off the bus and Snipe went up front and he started explaining the exam.

"The time limit is 30 minutes! your win condition is either to pin these handcuffs on me or for either of you to escape from this stage! for you see, this will be nothing like the trail of battle as your opponent will be at a higher level, this time round, the conditions of the test will be extremely close to an actual battle. Suppose you've come across a villain and if you can fight and win that is fine but that being said the power gap is too big the only answer is to run and call for backup."  Snipe explains to the two, that they have to listen carefully, then they got the signal to bigger the exam, and Shira took a deep breath in and out and in again. Snipe can feel the tension in the area, and chill crawls up his spine that he turns around.

Still waiting, Hands shaking maybe the past will be clear,

Those words went past Shira's lips, but the words went to Snipe's ears like a whisper as a cool wind went past him, and both of his hands started to shake a little bit but it was still in his control, the turns to faces both Shoji and Shira but they were no longer at the previous places.

But these voices, these strange noises

they followed me here

then noises and whispers of many other people's types voice echoes in the area, saying many types of words but no clear words can be made out from it, he started to look around him to find where those voices are coming from.

My Phone has no signal,

It's making my skin crawl

The silence is so loud

The lights spark and flicker

With monsters much bigger than I can control now,

With those words, the muffled voices stop suddenly then big shadow silhouettes can be seen, Snipe points his guns at them ready to shoot, and he can feel nervousness in his gut and his heart are beat hard at his chest.

Welcome to the Panic room

where all your darkest fears are goanna

come for you, come for you

welcomes to the panic room

you'll know I wasn't joking

when you see them too, see them too,

Welcomes to the panic room

Then as those shadow silhouettes started coming closer to him, he started shooting at them, but the bullets weren't hitting them but instead going through them, Snipe started breathing harder and his heart was beating so hard and fast that he can feel it hitting his rib cage,

There are no crying wolves now,

cause the truth has settled in,

Hiding under goose down, for your nightmare to begin,

when seeing an opening Snipe runs past the silhouettes and hid behind a pillar and reload his guns ready to fire, he steadied his breath and heart, when he was ready to look at the silhouettes only to hear a click, not see anything but when he was about to look again only to hear, "Welcome to the panic room" and there she is, Shira with a cheeky smile on her face and to show her hand holding a part of the cuffs and Snips felt a tug at his wrest to see he was caught with the other part of the cuff,  'another announcement. Shoji and Shira's team have passed the exam!' the announcement can be heard, Snipe let out a sigh and he can hear a giggle, "sorry Snipe," Shira says to the man,

"Contrast on passing the exam!" Snipe says to the girl as he pats her head, his tone that of a proud uncle as she gives smile in return to the man, "well done Shira-Chan" after the whole thing they return to the base, where she and Shoji can see the rest of their classmates, where they have been congratulation from everyone there.

After the exam, everyone got changes and are all in the classroom, where everyone who has fail the exam has a dark shadow over them,

"Everyone...I'm looking forward. Hic...To a bunch of...awesome stories from the trip!" Mina says with tears pricking her eyes, as Midoriya tries to cheer her up, Shira was watching the whole thing at her seat with Momo and Shinso beside her,

"Why are they so upset?" She asks Momo with a confused face and tone, Momo thought about how to explain,

"Their upset cause they can't go on the trip as they have failed the exam," Momo tries to explain it the young girl to which she just got another confused face,

"Why won't they be on the trip?" Shira asked once again, Momo was about to answer only to be cut out by Kiminari's voice,

"Failing our exams means summer school hell instead of training camps in the woods! and we flunked the practical! the only twist would be in your average scores were less than the monkey's" Kiminari shouted, which irritated Shira,

"Can ya quite it down, already, yeah ya failed and have to take the Summer school to make up for it, but for heaven's sake, use your brain cells for god's forsaken name, you failed the practical exam, not the written exam which is an accomplishment, so be proud of that and think that the summer school will help you even further with improving yourself, this is hero school, yeah it's fine to have fun and spend time with your friends but hero school also mean developing your skills and mind for that career, so shut it" Shira scolded them with a very annoyed tone, some of the students step back from the young girl, Momo and Shinso try to calm the girl down as Shira slowly sat at her seat while taking deep breaths, then the classroom door slammed open to reveal Aizawa with a stack of papers in his hand, everyone sat down.

"That's the bell. be seated" he says as he walks to his front teacher's desk, and places the paper on top, "morning. about your final exams... sadly, we had some failures as such you're all going to the summer training camp."

hearing those words many of the students celebrated but Shira covers her ears from the loud voices of those who is excited and happy to be going even though they have failed,

"Everyone cleared the written tests but the practical Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido and Sato, and Sero, have all failed." Aizawa further said,

"Wait, we're allowed to go" everyone that mentioned asked in shock and surprise, this continued but Shira just blocked it all out as she already knows where this was going as she has already figured out her classmates well enough. it was home time and Shira has finished packing her things when Momo got the idea to go shopping with everyone in the class to get the things that they would need for the trip, everyone agrees that it was a good idea, and Momo looked at Shira waiting for her answer she was about to say no when Nemuri and Yamada telling her in her to go and that they would bug her until she agrees to go when they find out about the shopping trip of 1-A comes to her, she let out a sigh and agrees to come, hearing this brought s smile to Momo's face, After Momo giving the place that they would be meeting at to her.

Shira went to the staff room and just like she had thought Nemuri and Yamada run to her and started asking her, "you did say to go, right" they both asked her, Shira let out a sigh and walked past them and sat the couch and started telling the two adults about everything.

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