Chapter 38: Shown Memories

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It was night time and Shira could not sleep, to which she chose to be outside and look at the full moon, her heart is beating so fast, and she has an anxious feeling and knows full well that she can not just ignore it. She let out a sigh, as she thought of what had happened in her life.

she let out a sad sigh and close her eyes, "uncover inside scars" she says with a solemn tone, as the light of night blue with silver ice blue mist-like clouds from the bottom travels to the top only to reveal her young body covered with scar, open, old and new scars, the scars on her face that come across her left eye, opening her eyes to only show blink yet ice colour eyes with no shine. Unknown to her that the two teachers were watching, when they were walking, they notice her from the window of where they were, only to be shocked and heart ached to see her new appearance.

Shira walks to the woods further from the camp with two heroes not too far from her. Shira then activates her area control quirk and the seer's eyes, when activating both bright lights of a mixture of Purple and dark blue. the mist covers the surrounding area as well as swallowing the two teachers. Vlad and Aizawa closed their eyes as they were swallowed when the once again opened, they only see a wide space of nothing but mist with sprinkle-like stars, and Shira in the same place, the wind started to blow but they can hear the sound, as crystals appear from the ground started glowing and lights similar to the northern lights shine above, each one music can be heard working together to make a melody.

Then spikes came from the ground and grow taller until they became a cage, and her scars from her ankle and wrist opened to open and chains faded to attach her wrist, and ankles to the ground. The teacher tries to run to her only to feel liquid in each step they look down at water and vines and chains wrapped around the legs to which they can not move.

Song: When She Cries by Britt Nicole

A soft voice can be heard singing, as images show in the wide space, the images show a little girl who looks to be a younger Shira, ranging around with a bright smile with younger little children like her. Then a 7-year-old Shira can be seen with a foreign man and a woman who seems similar to Shira, " Shira this man will be your father okay" the woman says to her to which she replays with a happy tone voice and excited tone with yes.

Then a memory of Shira arguing with the man, then to hit by him hard so she was thrown to the floor but nearly hitting the corner of a table. Shira had tears pricking her eyes but she just left running to her room, she climbed into her cardboard and cried.

Little girl terrified
She'd leave her room if only bruises would heal
A home is no place to hide
Her heart is breaking from the pain that she feels

She goes to school only for kids to be friends with then later on talks about it behind her back, her asking t play with them but for them to change their minds and leave her alone. Her mother and the man agree and fight and she cry into her pillow.

Every day is the same, she fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides and tries to pray
She wonders why
Does anyone ever hear her when she cries?

as more memories appear and show her crying by herself, her asking her older sister and older step-siblings to play with but to shut down as they play on the computer to which she had to play by herself, her running into a cold storage room crying alone. As she hits her small tiny fist on the wall hard until it became red with tears running down her face.

Everyone's singing, but she can't seem to smile
They never get past arm's length
How could they act like everything is alright?
Pulling down her long sleeves
To cover up the memories, the scars leave
She says, maybe making me bleed
Would be the answer that could wash the slate clean

It was a memory of her birthdays are shown but she always shows a fake small smile with no shine in her eyes. when people speak to her with a smile to her to which smile more never let them be close to her. As memories of her crying and her causing harm to herself show.

Every day is the same, she fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides and tries to pray
She wonders why
Does anyone ever hear her when she cries? This is the dark before the dawn, the storm before the peace
Don't be afraid, caused seasons change
And God is watching over you
He hears you

Memories of her crying in her bed asking why only for no answer, her being distant from her own family, her being alone with no one beside her as more pieces of herself to falling apart. Then a memory of her and another girl who seems to be the same age as her hanging out and talking to each other was shown and Shira smiling and hugging the same girl.

Every day is the same, she fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides and tries to pray
She'll be just fine
Cause I know He hears her when she cries Every day is the same, she fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides and tries to pray
She'll be just fine
Cause I know He hears her when she cries
She'll be just fine
Cause I know He hears her when she cries

After the song finished, when their surrounding slowly fades away in mist till, they were back in the woods of the training camp and Shira turns her quirks off to show her natural self, no scars, no chains back to normal but both the teachers know that those scars are not a physical scar but mentally and emotional scars. They slowly walk toward the young girl as they get closer, they can hear a soft signing, there was no quirk nothing but her singing.

Song: You are the reason by Calum Scott

There goes my heart beating
Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now

Her voice full of emotions can be heard and the teachers can't help to stop in the track not just them but some other figures can hear her and stop in their own track.

And there goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, because I need you to see
That you are the reason

The pain in her heart can be heard can felt, and the sadness in her voice touches her listeners. how much she wishes to have that person beside her and how much she wants to be with them.

There go my hands shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now

And if I could turn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe

The more she sings the more emotions she let out, with moonlight shining on her making her glow, the wind blowing making it seems that nature is singing with her, and the tears coming down her face seeming to shimmer like gems and stars.

And I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, because I need you to see
That you are the reason

I don't wanna fight no more
I don't wanna hide no more
I don't wanna cry no more
Come back I need you to hold me (you are the reason)
Be a little closer now
Just a little closer now
Come a little closer
I need you to hold me tonight

As the listeners listen to her each word and emotion, they can not help but reach out to her, as the emotions of wanting the familiar warms and closeness and hopelessness that she gives out is familiar to them and can not help to have a sense of understanding to her.

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

After a while, the two teachers came closer to her and sat down next to her. They did not ask anything or say anything but let her cry as Aizawa stroked her back as she cries letting her know they are there for her, she continue until she fell asleep.

The next day, Shira woke up for the third day of training camp. her eyes being red and swollen, she saw that she was in the teachers' room as she remembers the event that happens last night, she let out a sigh, 'well I guess that saw my memories then, I wanted to avoid this as long as I can" she thought in a disappointed tone. She climbs off the bed, went to the girl's room, and got changed for the day.

She went to where everyone else was and started her part of the training when she thought of something, she went into the woods without anyone noticing. After training she came back covered in sweat and tiredness, seeing this Aizawa and Vlad came to her with a towel and a water bottle, "where did you go to?" Vlad asks as she drinks her water,

"Trying something new but I would need to change my clothes," she says as she shows them her red-soaked white T-shirt, seeing this Aizawa immediately grabs her wrist and uncovered it, this action got everyone's attention,

"what new thing about!?" he asked in a serious tone, as he saw many open red wounds on her arm and wrist, seeing everyone else was full silence but she was confused but answered,

"Well, I wanted to see if I can use my blood for something, and guess what I can," she says with a happy tone but Aizawa can't help but grind his teeth together from how un effect she is from how much open red cover blood wound she has, so much blood that owns white shirt is blood red.

"Shira you are covered in the red-blooded wound!" Vlad says to the girl seeing how much Aizawa was trying to control himself from shouting at the girl from her recklessness,

"Yeah, I used too much energy so I can't use my quirk," She says as Mandalay brings the first aid kit, Shira took the disinfection alcohol and bandages and she started treating her wound as though they were nothing and she was used to it as though it was second nature which really worries the heroes before they can say anything more Shira was already gone to get lean up and make some food.

After eating, Pixie-bob start speaking "our stomachs are full and the dishes are clean! next up is..." when she was interrupted by mina "the test of courage!!" she said full of excitement with her pink fist in the air. That was until Aizawa drops that excitement,

"Before that, and though it pains me to say it, the remedial bunch is going to have a review lesson with me starting right now," he says with an unbothered tone of voice.

which causes everyone in the remedial student to shout "NO WAY!" they all say with so much sadness and disbelief. Aizawa had to use his scarf to tangle everyone up and drags them with him, "yes, yes, it sucks to be you but the training we did earlier today was far less fruitful than I'd hoped. Which means we need to wash, rinse, repeat..." he says to them s he drags and them complying to him, while Shira was watching them but also trying not to laugh at the scene, she follows, "your not joining with the others?" he asks to which she nods at, he let out a sigh but didn't argue or speak until they reach the building.

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