Chapter 45: Move?

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It was the next day. Everyone was in the classroom when Aizawa started speaking, "As I mentioned yesterday, our primary goal now is to get you your provisional licences," to which all of the students agreed to, "Hero liences are inextricably tied to the saving of lives, so one must be properly qualified for such a responsibility. Naturally, the test would naturally be difficult. Even for the provisional licence, on average, we only see a 50 percent success rate," He says with a stern and strict tone of voice that sent shivers down everyone's spin to truly let them understand the difficulties of this test.

Everyone was naturally tense after that speech, Kiminari spoke in a shaken voice, "Even the provisional ones that hard to get?"

"That's why, starting from today, each of you needs to come up with at least two..." Aizawa was saying until the classroom door was slid open as Midnight, cememtos and ectoplasm comes inside the room, as they all shouted "ULTIMATE MOVES!!"  got everyone in the room to be excited. After awhile everyone got change into their hero costume and gone to the training ground also known as TKL, hearing the actual name Shira can't help but to give a little giggle as she is trying to not laugh as Cementos started to explain why it was called that.

As the teachers were explain what an ultimate move was and the reason for it Shira was just thinking of random things and listening to music as everyone was training and trying out their ideas on their ultimate move Shira was just watching them all as sheas near Midoriya when he let out a small sound from the shock of ectoplasm, she move further away so she was not in the way of whatever they were talking about and not get drag into in either as she knows full well that the UA staff will try to make her socialize with her classmates as she let out a sigh of exhaustion.

It was the middle of the night as little orbs of dark blue light wandered around the area like a scene that comes from fairy tales, as the winds whispers softly between the buildings. As a child can be seen softly and quietly crying in the conner hiding from a dark shadowy figure, "Come out wherever you are? I won't hurt you," the figure says with a horrifically sweet tone of voice that sent shivers down one's spine. The child covers the mouth with their hands, 'please anyone, please help me.' The child prays in their mind, begging for anyone to help them.

"Hey there, little one," a calm and sweet voice whispers to them, " Why you crying and why are you so injured?" They ask as the child opens their eyes to see a small fairy that glows a soft blue light with a smile that stragely calms the child anxiety down. The dark figure saw the light and about to grab the child when a shield came and protected them.

"Now now mister, that was not very nice of you," the fairy voice at the man who growls in anger and about to hit them once more when his eyes rolled to the back of the mind and he collapse to the floor. "Creater!" The little fairy says with excitement and happiness at the figure in front of them as they fly around them.

The figure lowered themselves to the child's height as the fairy stopped and started talking, "You did a great little one for holding on for this long, now let the older ones take care of you till you can," they smile to the child as the figure slowly show their gloved hand to the child, to only see and necklace with a beautiful jem on it, " this is a reminder and it will protect you in dangerous times so keep it close to you, okay" the fairy says.

Then they can hear sounds of people rushing towards them as a small wind come and then the figure disappeared with no trace other then the necklace that lays on the child's neck, the child was about to panic but then a fairy's voice can be heard, "there's no need to panic as I am still here beside you," they said with a gentle smile.

While a figure sits on the edge of the rooftop thinking of the events that have happened lately, they can't help but think something big and dangerous will happen to society that everyone lives in.

Society now is stage that humans have made, civilians are the adiuance that watches the heroes fights while never picking a weapon to defend themselves. When times are though, they expect the heroes to come and protect them and get bloodied, in sweat, and dirt and to be perfect but never the other way around as it goes against their ideal.

If a child were to cry for help, society would not reach a hand out to help. Instead, I believe some else will come and help that child then become that hand to help. "I wonder if this future will change or stage the same, will the deaths still be changed or will their lives be taken, well heroes and society what will be the answer. It's your move."

Author: Sorry, everyone, for the long update. Sorry for the short time. I hope you all enjoy this story.

Thank you, and I hope you all enjoy the story.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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