Chapter 11: First Day Of UA

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It was the first day of UA for the first years, Shira went early on the first day, she went to the teacher's lounge, where she saw the staff there, she gave a small wave at them, and then she yawned a little as she went on to the sofa and said "I'm going to have a little nap, wake me up once it's nearly time to go to class," afterward her eyelids fell. A few minutes have passed when Aizawa woke her up from her nap.

"What is it?" she said a bit annoyed,

"Nezu thought it would be good for you to talk to everyone before going to homeroom," he simply replied, she just sighed and sat up on the sofa,

"Fine," she said with a straight face, as she stood up and went with Aizawa to the meeting office where everyone else is, when they got there, she saw all the staff sitting in their chairs as she went ahead and sat at the comfy chair that she got especially for her as Aizawa sat at his chair next to Yamada, "so what do you all want to talk about?" she asks with a little pout as she was disturbed from her peaceful nap,

"Yes, well we just want to know will you be okay and do you know the rules you need to follow," Nezu said as he looks at her straight in her eyes,

"wait a minute, so you all woke me up from my wonderful, peaceful nap for something like that," she said will an annoyed tone and the teachers knew that they will have a lecture about this so they have prepared themselves, "you got to be kidding me right now, my peaceful nap, my time of little rest before putting up with a bunch of annoying kids, you disturbed it for this, excuse me,  I know what they school rules are since I have been in this school and been with you all for quite the while, so ya didn't need to wake me up for something like this," she said with a very annoyed yet intense tone as she can be a bit intimidating when she became like this as for the whole months the teachers have been with her they have seen this and sometimes get the receiving end of this side like right now,

"w we j just want to make sure?" Yamada stuttered out as he hid behind Aizawa as he has been on the receiving end of this side a couple of times the others nod their head quite quickly at that, Shira took a deep breath to calm herself down after calming down, she sighs and gave a small nod, she let her hand out and said,

"Lollypop," she had a bit annoyed but calmer than before, Aizawa dug out from his pocket for her lollypop that all the teachers have to help her calm down, Aizawa unwrapped the lollypop and gave it to her, Shira put the lollypop into her mouth after a few seconds she has calm down, the teachers all relax notice this, they all continued the meeting as Shira just put her headphones one and listened to her playlist while reading online manga on her phone at the same time.

it was close to homeroom so Shira went ahead of Aizawa to the classroom, she still kept her headphone and continued to read, she already know the school from the back of her hand even though the teachers always told her not to pay attention to her phone while walking as she can get hurt by doing so but Shira doesn't care, when she was outside the class 1-A, she just walked in not paying attention much to anyone in the room and walk to her chair at the back but she has an inkling that Aizawa was going to put her at the front but she doesn't care, Shira didn't notice a dark-haired boy shouting at her and bright red angry eyes staring at her as she was not paying mind to them, though she can feel their presence, then a spiky ash-blonde boy bang his hands on her table, the whole room has gone silent and a nervous green-haired boy shriek, she simply has a glance at the ash -blonde hair boy and went back to her phone, this made the boy mad but she didn't care.

Shira can already notice that Aizawa was at the door behind the green-haired boy, "if you are here to make friends then you might as well leave now," he said as he unzip his sleeping bag and surprising the students except Shira, Shira paused her music and move the left side of her headphones off her ear but still on her head, "Shira sit at the front" he said as he walk to the front of everyone, she let out a sigh as she moved to the front sit as everyone else went to take their sited place, Aizawa put her bag on her desk as she left it at the staff room as she was to lazy to carry it, "it take everyone 8 seconds to stop talking, that is not good enough," he said, even though he know Shira has probably notice him but didn't want to react like always, "put this on and meet me at the training ground," Aizawa put a box of UA PE uniforms, he gave Shira one in her size, (he know her size as Nemuri drag him and Yamada to clothes shopping with her and Shira) she just grab it and walked out while listening to music and got changed fast and went to the training ground, she was the first one there, when she saw Aizawa she walked up to him and hug him,

"I'm bored," she said with a pout and childish tone, Aizawa immediately sighs as he knows that she is in her childish mode, He got a lollypop out and unwrapped it, and gave it to her, She took and suck on it, as he pats her head as her headphone were off and on her neck, you can hear the music from it, her phone is in her pocket, they can hear the other students so Shira sighs as she walks to the fence and sat down, and pays attention to her phone and pause her music so she can listen to Aizawa, she nods signalling Aizawa that she is listening.

"Right, you with the ash blonde hair, as you had one of the highest grades," Aizawa said as he threw the ball to the boy with ash blonde hair, "throw the ball," he simply said, the boy did as he was told but Shira wasn't paying attention as she was to busy reading on her phone to care for anything else. Aizawa did all the speech things and so on, While everyone else was doing the test Shira was doing whatever she wants, when it was nearly her turn a boy with dark blue hair started shouting at her with his arm moving like he was a robot,

"You! this is not acceptable for a UA student, you must pay attention to the teacher," he shouted at her but Shira just chose to ignore him, "and eating during class is not acceptable either," he kept on nagging at that it got to the point of being annoying till Shira bite her lollypop to break,

"That is, it!" Shira shouted getting everyone's attention, Aizawa immediately turn his head towards her voice, "Listen here, I do not care what you have to say to me  or what you think is acceptable, I will mind my own business and not get in the way of your got that so just leave me alone or to your wish for me smash your head to the ground," She said it a cold chilling tone od voice, Aizawa rush toward her and tries to calm her down,

"what's going on here?" Aizawa asks while putting distance Shira from the boy,

"Sir, I was just telling her that her behaviour is not acceptable of a UA student, having headphones and listening to music during class, having her phone out and eating during class, and now threatening me her classmate," the blue-haired boy replies while his hands moving like a robot, while Shira was puffing her cheeks from annoyance, Aizawa sighs knowing that Shira is going to complain later on,

"Well, she has permission from the principal to have them out," Aizawa simply said to the boy while walking with Shira away from the boy. After doing all the tests it was the throw ball and it was Shira's turn,

"Do I have to do this?" she asked with annoyance and put, Aizawa just nods, she let out a sigh. 'Area control; feathers she said in her mind, then feathers started fading around her, 'Area control; shape control to a feather shape' with this the ball started to change shape into a feather and then, "FLY," she commanded them then they all started to fly away fast as sound into the sky, after a few seconds later, the little machine started beeping, Aizawa showed it to everyone it showed the infinite sign.

"WHAT!" the students shouted, Shira just moved back to her place and closed her eyes for a few minutes till she heard a big explosion and something shout (DEKU!)

'SO LOUD AND ANNOYING' she thought and snap, before anyone can say anything, she was already in front of the ash blonde hair, she moved to the side then the next second the boy's face is on the ground with her hand at the back of his head, "SO GOD LOUD!" she shouted with full annoyance in her voice and eyes, everyone was too scared to move and shock to say anything it was just silence,

"The hell is your problem," the boy with ash blonde hair muffled said as his face is still on the ground,

"You used your quirk when you have already done your turn and were about to attack a class member, and annoyed me, pushing me to cross the line of my patience that's my problem," Shira said back to him with full annoyance, Aizawa moved towards them and gave Shira an unwrapped lollypop, she sighed and took it putting it in her mouths, she walked away saying "I am going to nap," then she walked away before getting an answer.

Aizawa POV:

I sighed seeing Shira walk away, properly going to the staff room, it would be a good idea to tell the others to keep it down, I took out my phone to text them in the group chat,

"Who is she?" a boy with yellow blonde hair ask, a bit shaken up by what had happened,

"I have no idea but that was awesome," the girl with pink skin said,

'This is so problem some I thought thinking of what will happen shortly,'


With Shira, Staffroom:

Shira is in the staffroom on the sofa as she is too annoyed with what is going on, she looks at her phone to notice that her phone battery is getting low which annoyed her even more but luckily Aizawa walks in.

"Phone," she simply said, Aizawa sighs as he gigs into his pocket and gave it to her, she takes it and connect her headphones with his phone, as Aizawa also gave her bag to her, she dug in her bag to find her power bank and wire as charge her phone, "thanks Zawa-san," she said with a smile, as he sat next to her and pats her head as he did, she gave a small giggle as her smiles widen more. "You know, I wish you were my dad," she whispers without her noticing, it takes Aizawa by surprise and was about to say something but was interrupted by the rest of the teacher to walk into the room,

"Hey, how was the first day? Shi-Chan," Yamada asked with a bright smile on his face as Shira just groan at the question, this made the staff kind of give a small smile, "that annoying huh," he said with a soft smile and eyes as she just gave a nod, as Yamada also sat next to her, Shira lay her head on his shoulder,

"Everyone in that class is loud and annoying, and arrogant," she said as she look at her phone reading manga, "this ash-blonde boy slammed his hand in front of me before Zawa walked in, and this dark blue hair boy kept buying and shouting at me," she explained to them as she, "like I am only here because of the deal and because you all are here too, heck I don't even want to be a hero for god sake," she pouts when she said this, the teacher giggle and Aizawa just gave a small smile but that soon get interrupted by a very load blonde, the Number 1 hero slams the door causing it to break,

"HELLO EVERYONE IT IS I ALL MIGHT," he shouted out, and this annoyed Shira as she was in a good part of her manga but then flinch from a big bang and a loud voice disturbed her,

"ya annoying brat, keep it down will ya, as there are other people and you don't just slam the door causing them to brake and shouting like that announcing your arrival, like yeah ya might be the number 1 hero doesn't mean you can do that ever you this is a workplace, not a party or a preparative ya got that, think of other people for heaven sake, harsh" Shira scolded All might as she stood up and walked towards him as he cowers in fear as she has gone to this site and no one wanted to intervene not wanting to be scolded by her either, "fix the door and don't rely on Jima-san, got that," she finishes as she walks back to her previous place and sat back down as Yamada gave her lollypop and Nemuri as gave a bottle of coke, as everyone was giggle at the sight of the Number one hero being scared a teenage girl.

Who to say that Nezu might have recorded the whole thing as he too was watching the whole scene with his cup of tea with a smile on his mouse face. It may have been annoying but ends with a good smile with people who cares for her as Shira has a big smile on her face.

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