Chapter 25: Song from passion

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The thin red liquid rolls gently down the young girl's arm, as clear water falls down her eyes and soft sobs can be heard in the room, as her skin shows goose bumps from the cool air of the room. the room was a mess with papers and pictures.

"I'm sorry, that I was not a great friend, sorry I was not there when you needed me, sorry I was not there beside you, please come back, please...plea..please..." she repeats over and over again as more tears roll down her face and that she sounded like she was begging as her body shakes as she wraps her thin delicate arms around her body as she could have screamed but no sound comes out of her mouth, her eyes glisten from the tears and red from the cries...

Memory finish:

"Hey Shira, you okay there?" Snipe asks with concern in his voice as he softly shakes her as the young girl was in a daze, Shira's eyes were wide open from the surprise,

"umm...yeah I am fine," she says as she turns her face to face them, she had noticed that it was a lunch break for everyone, Shira stood up to walk around for some time, and as she walked around she had antecedently overheard a private conversation, she went and about to leave to not hear the conversation when one part of the conversation caught her interest, she went to see who it was as the voices sounded familiar to her, and saw that it was Todoroki and Midoriya,

"you know about 'quirk marriages,' right?" Todoroki said, hearing this Shiralistenedd while leaning on the corner wall, "After the phenomenon had started it came into the picture during the second, third generation choosing mates solely to enhance one's quirk to inherited down the line...and forcing marriages for that purpose. A throwback to a bygone idea devoid of any logic." " hearing this Shira tighten her jaw and tighten her grip as her arms were folding over her chest, "As a man of means and merit... he easily ingratiated himself to my mother's family and took possession of her quirk."

The air was full of tension as Todoroki explains more of his situation, hearing this is making Shira annoyed and a bit angry, "All he wanted was to slake his thirst and raise a hero to rise above All Might. Fuck him..! I'll never be that piece of shit's tool!!"Shira's grip was getting tighter that the knuckles were turning white, and she can taste iron in her mouth, "in my memories, my mom is always crying... She told me that my left side is ugly and she dumped boiling water on me." hearing this causes Midoriya to be shocked but for Shira, it wasn't anything to be too much of a shocker as her quirk Seer's eyes allow her to see many things and many of them were never a pretty sight. "the reason I'm aiming to beat you is as a personal triumph. I won't use my shitty old man's quirk... or rather..."  hearing this caused Shira to get off the wall, "I'llbecomee #1 without needing to. this is my total disavowal of him," he says full of emotions, as he was about to leave, 

"I've just been the beneficiary of the outside help, All this time that was true earlier, too...I... The reason I'm standing here is that someone always saved me..." this conversation was getting annoying to Shira as she was getting enough of how stupid these students were getting, 'yes, everyone has many hard times, loses and many more but if Todoroki wants to prove Endeavor that he beat him, then Todoroki would need to move a step, Midoriya he too needs to Move a step of proving his words, as this is truly showing that they all are still immature,' "I'm going to beat you, too!" Midoriya declared to the two color-haired boy, sighing Shira'schoices to show herself

"As much I love ihearing your both problems but please have this type of conversation somewhere private as anyone can hear you conversation," Shira says with a monotone voice, this made Midoriya finch as he was not expecting her or anyone at that, Todoroki was stone face but you can see emeotions in his eyes he was about to say something but was interupted by her, "Look it ain't my problems so I wont say anything but I will say my opinion as it would bugs me and wont be able to do whatever I want to do," she says as she look at Todoroki in the eyes, "Listen Todoroki or not listen I don't really care I just need to let it out, allowing that man to have a hold in your mind will only drag you down but others aswell, as it seems you believe that it is some else but not your, meaning you are allowing someone to take a hold into you heart and mind, then you will never prove that man," she told the two coloured haired as she finishes her words she walks passed Todoroki, Midoriya and at the coner of her eyes she see Bakugo who was hiding.

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