Chapter 1: The First Appearance

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It was a night in Mufutasu, the stars shining and the moon illuminating the city. The chilly air hits the surface of the skin, it is silent in the city. Then a scream for help slices through the peaceful silence, their middle-aged woman holding tightly a crying child clinging onto it as though the woman was her lifeline. They are surrounded by three buff musclemen.

"Come with us, RIGHT NOW!" man 1, one of them told them, but the middle-aged woman shakes her head telling them no.

"Make this easy for all of us" man 2, another man says while scratching the back of his head with a bored yet annoyed tone of voice. then the last man walks faster toward the woman and child about to grab them, the woman and child both closed their eyes, they were expecting a hash pull but instead they gear a thud, they slowly open their eyes but to only see that the third man is knock out on the ground,

"What the hell happened?" man 2 said with a shocked tone of voice, looking around. Then a shadow appeared behind the man, the man was about to turn after feeling a presence behind him only to be knockout and for the shadow to be gone the next second.

"What the hell?" the last man said while moving and looking around him, with sweating dripping on his forehead and breathing heavily, "where the hell are you?" he said once again, the next he is out.

The woman and child do not know what happen and we are not too sure what to do, and then a small little white golden light went up to them, it looked like a little person with wings, waving at them with a smile,

"Hello, my master has told me to look after and protect you till you are safe and that the police are coming now so please wait till they are here," the fairy said with a cute high tone of voice and with a cheerful smile while flying around the two. when the women look up only to see that the three men are now tied up and still knock up.

The woman heard a soft giggle in her arms she looks down to only see that her child was smiling while talking to the little fairy as they play with the child, the woman cannot help to smile with relief and joy.

'Thank you, the woman, whispered while looking at the night starry sky. Soon you can hear the siren and see lights of blue and red. the fairy hid but still because of the child and women with cheeky smiles on their faces. police officers came towards them.

not too far from the area in the sky, there is a dark figure watching everything and then flying away. 

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