Chapter 22: The Sport Festival Starts

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When so random student voice can be heard from the crowd, "We came to see what you kids are made of, true, but we didn't think you'd be this arrogant. are all the kids that enrolled at the department of heroics this way?" the student says as he walks towards the front "there was a lot of kids who wind up in the general education department or another department because they have failed the heroic one, did you know that." the student continues as he made it to the front, "and based on the results of the sports festival, people can even come under review to be transferred to heroics and the reverse is also possible outcome scoping out the competition if nothing else that is what we all are thinking" he then looked straight at Class 1A students in the eyes, "Why don't we try pulling the rug out from under those heroics kids while they're on their high horses? and so consider this as a declaration of war." this caught Class 1A's attention and by surprise but the most was when Shira, who's not wanting any drama and wanted to just go to the teacher's lounge already, went to the front of Bakugo before he says anything,

"I apologize for my classmates' rude words and hope that you all would forgive his behavior," Shira says as she lowers her head, seeing this action made her classmates, not just her's but other students as well shocked when a new voice came out from the crowd of students.

"hey!! you!! I'm from class B!! I heard you knocked around with villains or whatever so I came to hear it directly But I don't wanna hear some snot-nose punk!!! Don't embarrass us during the main event, you hear me!!?" a boy with silver metallic colored hair shouted from the back of the crowd,  'why do they keep on coming, I just want to go to the teachers' lounge' Shira thought as she was nearly begging to get out of this crowd of students. Bakugo walk passed Shira and walks away.

"none of that matters once you're at the top," Bakugo said as he walks past Shira, Kirishima was saying about how manly that was and Kiminari was saying how Bakugo was just making Class 1A more enemies but Shira didn't care as she just wants to go to the teacher's lounge, after a while the crowd has finally cleared that Shira ran to the teacher's lounge.

"Yes, finally I made it to the teacher's lounge!" Shira said nearly shouting it out when she slammed the door open making the other teacher jump from her loud appearance, "I swear to the heaven's name, I will snap at the students here for their big stupid head," she simply said as she sat at the couches waiting for the teacher to finish their last work,

"What happened, Kid?" Aizawa asks as he had already done his paperwork and sat next to Shira, she looks at Aizawa who was sitting next to her, and she hugs him and buries her face into his chest, as she puffs her cheeks from annoyance and frustration.

"I am just so tired of the students here, right when I was packing up to get ready for our outing today, right, but when Ochaco opens the stupid door, outside o the stupid classroom were a bunch of other students from other courses and classes, crowding the bloombing hall-way, urgh," she says as she looks up at Aizawa from his chest, Aizawa sighs as he pats her head to calm her down, "like I get the fact that they want to scout out the competition but seriously crowding the hall-way, and making a massive trouble for other people, like what the hell," she continues as she pouts, even more, the teachers just sweatdrop knowing she will be ranting for a while, they have gotten used to her ranting, and they prefer this over her devil's nightmare side. Aizawa just listens and pats her head until everyone is finished and she calms down, Midnight texts lunch rush to bring snacks to the teacher lounge and her favorite drink too, after a while he brought them for her, and the moment she sees them she cheers up and went to her snacks and drink with a bright smile, "Thank you Lunch rush" she thanks with a bright smile on her face as the teachers just smile back to the young girl.

"so I just the other students went outside of your classroom," Kan says as he looks at Shira who was eating her snacks, she just nods her head as she enjoys herself eating her snacks, "hmm, it is good to get information on the competition, right," he says as he looks at the other teachers in the room,

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