Chapter 12: The Fairy

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It is a typical night, the moon is high in the start sky, and the soft breeze of cooled wind gently touches the skin of the figures that sat on top of the building roof, ask little lights fly around this figure.

"You can show yourself to our master," one of the little fairies said, as it flies close to a shadow, "your friends too can show themselves," the fairy said with a bright smile on their face as it danced, then more shadow figures show themselves, "come," the fairy moves forward the figure who sat at the edge, as it whispers something to their ears as the figure stood and jump over the railing that separates the inner to the edge,

"Are you the night fairy?" a monotone chill came from one of the shadows, the fairies then showed brighter that allowing the show who the shadows were and it was the Midnight, Present Mic, Eraserhead and Nezu, and the detective Tsukauchi, the figure just tilted their head in confusion,

"Excuse me?" one of the dairies asks for the figure, it was a little awkward,

"Are you not the Vigilante that uses little fairies to speak to the victims?" it was Detective Tsukauchi you ask in a bit of tense but clear confusion on his face,

"Yes, they use us to speak to people who require talk and get information and find people who would need help," another fairy answers the question, "but why is our master called the Night Fairy?" the fairy questions,

"Umm... that is what the victims are calling them," Present Mic answers the fairy with a smile, the figure nods its head,

"The most important question..." Nezu said with tension, "why do you do such actions?" this cause a little silence,

"That is our master's wishes and we will do as they have wished," a fairy answers, as the figure just sat down on the railing,

"Then why does your master do such actions and choices?" Eraserhead asks in a monotone yet annoyed tone,

"That is for you all to find out," another fairy answers, this made the heroes and detective frustrated, "they have no obligation to answer and it is their right to keep the answer to themselves," this made the heroes and detective even more frustrated as they press their lips as the fairy is right, as a fireball appear suddenly and hit the figure made their surprise, as the heroes and detective rushes to the figure only to see nothing,

"Endeavour!" Nezu said in irritation, as Endeavours shows himself to them,

"Why would you do that?" Present Mic asks with frustration,

"They are a villain," the angry fireball of a man answers as though it was the most simple’s thing in the world,

"As it seems that the chats have been interrupted, you shall speak and answer to our master some other time," one of the fairies said as all the fairies fades away,

"Wait." Detective Tsukauchi says as he tries to reach the fairy but only for his hand to go through the fairy, it was silence as the detective aggressively turns towards the flaming hero, "why would you do that? we could have gotten information on the vigilante but no you had to just throw a fireball at them, when they were not resisting or fighting us yet you attacked them, we were not even chasing them yet you attacked them," the detective says with frustration and annoyance and the UA staff can understand how the detective, as the UA heroes and detective sighs with defeat.

Next morning:

Shira is in the school inside the staff room, she is just on her phone as the teachers were doing their paperwork, all you can hear are pens scribbling and typing then you can hear a sigh it was the little girl who was laying on the sofa, "do you all have some snacks or something?" she asked.

"Not at the moment, Shi" Aizawa answered her question as he sighed, "Nezu or lunch rush should have your cola if you wanted something," hearing this Shira got up from the sofa,

"Kay," she said as she walks out of the room and went to the kitchen, "hey Lu-san," she said with a smile on her face, she gave a small wave of a hand to Lunch Rush. He turns to see Shira and he also waves in return, Shira walls towards the fridge to look for her cola,

"Hello there Shi-Chan," he said with a smile, "how have you been?" he asked, after finding her cola, she turns and open her cola, it let a fizzy sound out from the bottle,

"it's been alright, I guess," she answers with a sigh, "Just not looking forward to the class much," she said as she took a sip from her cola, "everyone there is load and annoying," Lunch Rush nods his head in understanding, "anyway it's nearly time for me to get going to homeroom," she said as she took another sip and walked out the kitchen as they wave each other and walks to her classroom as she is in front of her classroom door she let out an exhausted sigh.

'Why did I make that stupid deal, oh yeah because of my stupid wish, oh yeah I let my stupid emotion take over' She let out another sigh, she opens the door and saw that it was empty which made her happy as she walks to her desk and put on her headphone and play her playlist and read a fanfiction as she drinks her cola, a few minutes went by as more of her classmates comes into the room but she simply ignores them once again.

Finally, the school bell rings after it rang Aizawa walks into the room and it causes everyone except Shira to go silent as they are scared of him from yesterday.  Classes have gone as normal and now it is time for Hero training Study everyone but Shira was excited about this class but she just pays attention to her phone, then there was a big bang and shout "IT IS I ALL MIGHT, WALKING IN LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" he shouts, causing her to cover her ears cause of the noises, the rest was making a big deal out of this but it just made her annoyed, All might look at the class till he felt familiar fear, his inspecting telling him that he made a certain person annoyed, making him silently squeak from fear as there he see that certain person sitting at the front row, with their hands covering their ears, "quite everyone, please" he says in a quiet voice not wanting to go through another lecture, the made the students confuse but follows the instructions that have been given, it seems to have calmed Shira down a little bit.

So after everyone changed into the hero costume, Shira was a white kimono dress, with black flower petals falling across it was simple yet graceful, she had black tights on, with her black and white ankle boots, on her stretch strings hand and ears pod, and a Japanese fan, and on top of her thighs were and black thigh straps with a rectangle bags, she had donut monotone necklace with a small bell in the middle, her hair in a half-up and down hairstyle with a ribbon on her hair and a red knitted scarf around her neck. She was adorable and beautiful she was like a Japanese porcelain doll. Shira just leans onto the wall close enough to hear what the task is even though she already knows what it is as Aizawa and the other teacher told her what it was. She was extremely bored out of her mind, she got up and walked to All might and simply said "bored," her tone was monotone and cold, All might sweat dropped even though he had known her for a while long enough to know her noticeable habits, he got out a lollipop and gave it to her,

"Have this and listen and read whatever you want and I will tell you who you are with or when it is your time okay," All might say calmly, Shira lets out a sigh but nods in understanding. The students don't quite like the girl's behaviour at all but try to keep it to themselves as there might be something that they do not know and try to be understanding but they are kind of feeling some unfairness and jealously. after getting everyone into pairs and start the activities.

Team A- Izuku Midoriya & Ochaco V.S Team D- Katsuki Bakugo & Tenya Ida

Team B- Shoto Todoroki & Mezo Shoji V.S Team I- Mashiro Ojiro & Shira Tsubaki

Team H- Fanukage Tokoyami & Tsuyu Asui V.S Team J- Jiro Kirishima & Hanta Sero

Team G- Denki Kaminari & Kyoka Jiro V.S Team C- Mojo Auroras & Shins’ Hitoshi

Team E- Yuga Aoyama & Mina Aside V.S Team F- Raked Sato & Koji Kora

Everyone except Team A and Team D has gone to the inspecting room for the battle, it was full of extreme actions as Bakugo just left his partner alone with the weapon and went after Midoriya, as Midoriya and Uraraka split up for Bakugo to go after Midoriya and for Uraraka to find where the weapon would be at. It was kind of predictable for Shira, then a massive explosion happen, which got everyone by surprise and made Shira angry about the recklessness of the two idiotic boys. finally, after the pair's activities finish, they return, everyone was surrounding them, but Shira went in the front of Midoriya and Bakugo she sis an action that got everyone by surprise except All Might as he had already known the girl's behaviour,

"How stupid are you two!" Shira said in a scolding tone, Bakugo was about to shout at her but got cut by her, "Do you have any idea how reckless you two were, yes you all are training to be heroes and it is dangerous but that is no excuse for that recklessness and yes you two are young but when you are heroes, you would need to think of your surroundings, the people around, what actions to take and the people who worry for you two at the same time!" Shira turns to Midoriya which he flinches at "now for you, you may have done great teamwork but you were reckless, as Aizawa had already told you to be careful of you quirk as it takes a toll on your body and breaks it, there will not people who would always be there to heal you and when using it think of the place you are in the surrounding and creatures damages,"  this causes to Midoriya to look down and she turns to Bakugo " you let your personal emotions and grudges to take control then thinking, you may be clever for battle and great instinct for it, but your actions put great harm to people and for yourself, as your quirk is just like another physical part of your body, work with others, you may want to be the Number 1 hero but to be one you have to have other to work with not just for you but the society as 1 can not save millions" She then look at both of them and said "apologise to everyone!" She finishes with a cold glare at both which causes them all to freeze, Midoriya did as told but Bakugo was about to argue but was stopped when she sent the glare to him which stops him and reluctantly did as tell.

Shira has calmed down and let out a sigh, "lollipop" she said and All might give her a lollipop, and went back to what she was doing on her phone before, the rest of the students were just Silently thinking that she can be a little bit scary, Bakugo just clicks his tongue as Midoriya just sweat drop as everyone discuss about the battle between the two pairs. Soon it would be for Team B and Team I to turn as All might let her know that it was her turn, she went to their building where the weapons are placed with Makira Ojiro. 

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