Chapter 41: Death's Arms and Rescue

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In side of bar are 8 people and two young teenager kids who were tied to a solid chair, and young boy with spikey ash blonde hair have his hand tied with a solid metal block. while another is a young girl with long black hair who seemed to be unconscious but she was tied up to the chair and her mouth was gaged. There was a TV that was on and was showing the news that was showing the UA staff that was in a press conference of the event that has recently happened.

"Pretty weird, if you ask me... why're they criticizing the heroes, huh?!" the man with light blue hair with dry skin, said while looking at the young boy with ash blonde hair. "heroes today sure have it rough, I'd say. Am I right, Bakugo?"

"The minute that protecting people started coming with a pay check... heroes stopped being heroes. This is what stain has taught us!!" A man with green scale with red tin scarf wrap around their neck,

"Save someone, and you get money. You get fame. sounds weird to me, and in this society, where the precious rules are everything... the people aren't cheering for the losers, telling them to fright another day. they're blaming them. Our war is based on a few simple questions. l what is a hero? What is justice? Is this what society's really supposed to be like? Once we get people thinking about this stuff, that's when we've won." says the man with light blue hair, as he continues to speak to young boy, "And I know that you love to win!" he man has a bright unsettling gleam in his eyes.

he then told another man with back hair and covered in scars all over his body, "he'll go wild, for sure" the black haired man warns the other.

"It's okay. We got to treat him as an equal. We're scouting him, after all. Besides before he throws a tantrum, our little U.A. student here... should be smart enough to know he can't win." the man who seemed be in charge of the group.

The black hair man who didn't seems to be convince told another who seems to be wearing an full body skin suit, who didn't want to  end up untying the young boy while another who was wearing clothes that like a magician and mask was apologising to the ash blonde haired boy.

Shira POV:

"we need you to understand that we're no mere thugs working in the name of aimless evil. Not in the least. It wasn't by accident that we spirited you away."  she hears one of the villains said to Bakugo.

'umm... it seemed like that they are trying to persuade Bakugo into joining them because of his anger problem, oh how wrong are they' she has thought while listening to the conversation. "Everyone here has a different story to tell, but we've all suffered... thanks to other people. Thanks to rules. Thanks to heroes. we've felt suffocated... you, more than anyone should..." Shigaraki says as he walks up to Bakugo, who kept quiet but once Shigaraki was standing right in front of Bakugo, she hears an explosion right next.

"thought I was gonna croak of old age while you idiots yap, yap, yapped away! Can't stand morons like you who can't get to the damned point! Basically you're saying, "we wanna cause trouble, be our pal! what a joke!" Bakugo says as smoke comes out from his right hand, " I've always admired All Might's triumphs, no matter what any of you jerks nothing's ever gonna change that.", which Shira could not help but to giggle at, which got everyone's attention as they all though she was unconscious. "oh, it seems that the little girl is awake now" the black hair villain says as he walks closer to Shira when the TV shows the press conference of UA and that the press was questioning UA,

"Can you say the same about young Bakugo, who was one of the student who was abducted?" says one of the press spoke, catching Shira's and Bakugo's attention, "He won your sports festival. He struggled valiantly against a powerful villain during the sludge incident. His impressive record implies the making of a tough hero, yet... He showed a rather violent side of himself after his festival victory. An attitude that persisted up through the awards ceremony. We've already caught glimpses, here and there, of his mental instability." those words were getting to Shira as it was annoying her but she took a deep breath through her nose, "What if it was those very qualities that made him a target? what if a skilled manipulator gets to him and sends him down the path of evil? Can you provide proof that, as you say that boy has a future?"

Then Aizawa lower his head to a bow, surprising both Bakugo and Shira as it was not a move that they ever though they would see from Aizawa, Shira can not help but lower her head and clenches her hand, "Any lapse in his behaviour is my failing. Still he behaved that way at the sports festival because he has such a strong convictions and ideals more than anyone, he pursues the title of top hero with everything he got. If the villains have mistaken that for a weakness then their though process is indeed superficial." he says while lifting his head to face the man from the press in the eyes.

Shira can not help but to giggle at the action of her father figure, "that doesn't sound like proof of anything. the boy's emotions aside what of the other student, was her name Shira Tsubaki?" hearing her name made the teachers stiff a bit, Nezu, Aizawa and Vlad King expression falter a bit but not much. Shira did not quite know how to react to the fact the topic gone to her but before this can be continue, as Bakugo started laughing "Hah! Good ol' U.A. Thanks for sticking up for me...get it now, league of scumbags?!" he shouted at the villains, Shira can't help but to smile internally at this.

Bakugo has a massive smirk on his face, when he started speaking once again, "Just so you know, technically I've still got permission to fight back!" hearing those words Shira can't help but want to face palm her face from how he sounded at the moment and how she can partially hear what he was probably was thinking of wanting to beat some of the villains before escaping the place.

"this boy really seems to understand his position! clever little thing!" one of this villains says the villain had short reddish brown hair, with a darkish prink top shirt and white undershirt and blue demean trousers from the sound of their voice, it was safe to assume that they are female. While another that seems to be at the same age as the two students and with blonde hair ask if she can stab them.

"no... you idiot." said the black hair villain that was covered in scars, spoke as he step at the back of Shira dangerously close to her and Shira can feel hair at the back of her neck prickling.  "If that's your attitude, then why not just pretend that we'd won you over? I don't understand." the Villain who was dressed like a magician spoke up.

"If I'm not feeling something, I ain't gonna lie about it. And I'm not in the mood to hang around this boring dump for much longer." Bakugo spoke up, with a big smirk on his face, but the villain who is called Shigaraki was silent and kept staring at the detached hand that was blown away by Bakugo from earlier. That was when the villain that was covered in dark purple smoke suddenly spoke up, "you mustn't, Tomura Shigaraki! Calm yourself..." but then Shigaraki turned his face towards the two student specifically at Bakugo. His stare was cold but there a seep dark rage that sent a cold chill down their spine.

"Just stay back...all of you. This kid..." Shigaraki said while he went to pick up the detached hand that was on the floor, while he once again put it back on top of his face, as he started peaking up again, "Is an important pawn. I wish you would've listened I thought we might understand each other..." hearing this Bakugo just disagreed with the villain, "what a shame. We all just heard about the heroes' investigation, so I can't waste much time trying to convince you... Master, lend me your power" Shigaraki said to someone that they can not seem to find or see, then all of a sudden the black haired villain grab Shira from the back. "well, it seems that we have wasted to much time that we nearly forgot the reason that we took you" Shigaraki said as he look towards Shira, as he then pointed at a door at the canner of the room, as the black hair villain drags her towards the door.

When they went inside Shira can only see was empty white room, the dark haired villain drags her to the middle of the room and left. After a few minutes gone pass when a man who wearing a suit and a black helmet walk into the room an walks towards her, "seems that we have kept you waiting for quite some time," the man said to her. "You have quite the strong and interesting quirk, miss Tsubaki" he was now in front her, "and you will be quite the troublesome person" he says as he put his right hand on top of her head. Shira can't help but to feel fear in her stomach and her heart was beating harsh and hard against her rib cage.

It stayed like that for a while until she heard the man make a confused sound, it was the man, he started coughing and backs away from her, which makes him let go of her. She can see blood dripping underneath the helmet.

"I do not understand, how can I not take you quirk?!" The man shout in anger and frustration, Shira stayed still and made no sound as she continued gaining her energy, "alright if I can not take it, I will just kill you" he says as he walks back to her, Shira tries to stay calm and she also tries to undo the binds of the chair. Just when the man stretch his arm out and hand facing right to her head when she can feel death's arms wrap around her and their cold horrid yet calming presence behind her, when a loud, ground shaking bang interrupted everything. The shouting and walls breaking and crush and the sound of loud multiple rushed and running foot steps can be heard, it sound like the heroes has arrived, Shira could not help but to smile and sigh in relief in her head, that they all arrive in time because a second longer she would be dead on the ground, "well, it seems that they have found us and you get to leave for now but you are not free just yet" he says in a cold and shivering voice when he grab Shira and rip the binds of her, when the area started getting blurry for her to see.

"Must've been scary...Good job holding out! I'm sorry... but you're okay now kid," All might says to Bakugo, when Bakugo was saying something back to him, that All might was looking around the area, "Where's Young Shira?!" All might quite whisper in a some what worried tone of voice.

Everything was blurry but Shira can some what see what was going on, "Sorry Tiger, But I've had my eye on her quirk for quite a while" the man with the black helmet says as everyone attention was on his direction, "It was just to good... I had to have it" he says as while in the shadow.

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