Chapter 27: Todoroki VS Midoriya

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After a while Uraraka stopped crying and calmed down, letting go of the hug. It was getting close to Shira's turn, "Thank you," Uraraka said to Shira. She gave the brown-haired girl a nod in response, there was an announcement that it was Shira's turn, and the said girl walked out of the waiting room, and enters the fighting stage. the court cheers can be heard in the area, and Shira was up against another student who can control air. As Shira walk up to Cementos and gave him her phone and headphones, she let out a soft sigh and walks to her side, entering the fighting arena.

"Right, it is now for the girl who came in three places in all stages and getting the three-place one her strength, talent on her own, Shira Tsubaki!!" Mic announces, everyone was cheering as Shira was humming a song in her mind, as her commenter enters the fighting arena. when Midnight announces for the fight to begin, the boy starts by shooting air blades at Shira but she just yawns and flicks her wrist to make a shield that protects her from the air blades, the boy keeps on trying, and Shira just sighs and one moment she was there but in a blink of an eye she was no longer at her previous spot, everyone wonders where she was even the crowd can't see her, the look up at the sky not there, and the next they knew it the boy announced as out as he has stepped out of the arena, everyone was confused as they look back at the arena, there they see that the boy was indeed out of bounds but they are confused as to what had happened but most of all it looks as though the boy was shoulder thrown out of bounds, the boy himself is confused as he was looking for Shira then the next he is looking at the sky and was called out of bounds.

"Hey, you okay? I used my quirk so you wouldn't feel any pain or hurt from the throw I gave you," Shira says coming to view for the boy to see her. She outstretch her right hand to help the boy up from the ground, but the boy just glared at her and slap her hand away from him upset about his loss, Shira just let out a sigh and went up to Cementos to get her phone and headphones back, went back to her place after getting her phone and headphones back, when she got back she sat down,

"hey Shira-chan, congrats on winning!" Mina says with a wide smile on her face, as she faces Shira face, the said girl looks up at her and nods her head in response when there was the next fight between Todoroki and Midoriya, Todoroki sent a row of ice toward Midoriya, as Midoriya used his quirk by flicking his middle finger which causes the wind forces which causes to break, which causes to break his middle finger, which Shira let out a sigh when the was a cold wind which causes Shira to let out a shiver from the cold, 'dear heaven it is too cold!' Shira let out a sigh from the coldness, this counties on as Shira is now getting bored from the fight as it was just the same all the time, as Todoroki just kept on sending ice toward Midoriya as Midoriya was breaking his finger bones. 

Shira sighed, 'Todoroki is just getting frostbites and freezing his body systems and Midoriya is just breaking his bones,' she was greatly disappointed with the two, while everyone else from the crowd was surprised and excited about the fight. A conversation caught her attention between Kirishima and Bakugo, "anyway, both you and Todoroki can send out a whole bunch of really strong attacks rapid-fire without breaking a sweat, huh." Kirishima says, with hearing this, Shira rolls her eyes 'wow people do not seem to understand a thing about quirks or the body,'

"We don't just shoot them rapid-fire, you know," Bakugo says with a serious tone and straight face, hearing this Shira had a small smirk. "if you over-exert your muscles, the fibers will wear down. if you run too much, you'll run out of breath. Quirks are just physical functions, so that guy should have some kind of limit too."

"our quirks are just an extension of ourselves, and are just a part of ourselves," Shira says to them all, hearing her voice everyone turns towards her, "they are not tools that can be easily used or replaced, they are our limbs, arms, and legs, it is part of our body," she says for other to understand, as they nod in some type of understanding, "so what the two are doing can endanger their self, Todoroki is freezing his own body and Midoriya is breaking his body if this continues own they will be in danger if not stop in time," she says looking at the fighting boys, "both are idiots and has no brains," she said letting out a sigh, 'Midoriya is too reckless and a danger to himself and Todoroki allows his past and emotions blind him from seeing his surroundings, if they continue on lime this they will break instead of living' Shira thought as her eyes focus on the two boys that are fighting. "They will never be a respectable hero if they keep this up," she says in an annoyed and serious tone, her classmates heard this and stare at her wide eyes in shock.

"That's just cruel is in it?!" Uraraka says in an upset tone for her green-haired friend. it is was not just her but her friends and classmates too were not happy with what Shira has said but Momo wanted to understand why her friend said that asked.

"why would they not be a respectable hero?" Momo asks her friend beside her. Shira let out a sigh as she faces the two fighting boys.

"Midoriya is reckless and allows himself to break bones time and time again, thinking this the pro heroes will not give him offers as he will just injury himself true it is a great asset as a hero to give themselves to save others but people will not trust heroes to save them is they will break by using their strength and will break by one fight," she explains to her class and the more sensible type of student can understand where she is coming from as hard it is to swallow what she has said is true. "Todoroki on the other hand allows his emotions to blind him from truly understanding his surroundings, as of right now his not using his fireside cause of emotional setbacks, how can people trust a hero if they allow personal feelings to get in the way of saving other with full hard work," she says with a hard tone, hearing the classmates can understand where it's coming from not just them but people who are overhearing the conversation,

"B..bu..but.." she was cut off by Shira speaking again,

"though they are still young so there is time to improve that, They have potential and qualities to be amazing heroes, that I can say for sure, and everyone came to this hero school to be taught how to make changes, I just hope they release this points soon to improve on while they have time," Shira says in a soft tone and a small yet noticeable smile, other don't know what to say as it felt as though she is truly not like a child her age but someone who has lived life in both sides. The two boys fight, Midoriya kept on breaking his bones and Todoroki just kept on refusing to use his fire side quirk, "Everyone's...they're giving everything they've got! They're doing it so they can get that much closer to victory! they're doing it so they can someday become number one!" Midoriya said with passion in his voice,  as pictures of his friends the people who work hard to achieve their goals, "you think you can win using only half your power, but you haven't been able to put a single scratch on me yet." Todorokia clenches his jaws hearing Midoriya's words, "so get over here and fight me!" Midoriya shouted to Todoroki with ambitions and passion.

"Just what... are you planning..."Todoroki whispers with wide eyes, then flashes of memories come to Todoroki's mind, as the two boys kept on fighting with each other and his emotions taking over, and he subconsciously uses his Fire quirk.

"SHOUTOOOO!!!" a strong, loud voice cuts through the stadium, not Percent Mic's voice but Endeavors, "so you've finally accepted yourself, have you!? Good!! Excellent!!" he continues on, Shira on the other hand sighed and stood up from her seat, "now this is your true beginning!! you who holds my blood, surpass me...and realize my ambition in yourself!!" only to have no response or acknowledgment from his son, and no one knows how to react to this. The two students' fights get on getting intense when they were using their quirks to the fullest, the teachers had to intervene, which causes the massive explosion,

"what was that...what the hell even is your homeroom class, dude..." Mic announce while his legs straight up as he was pushed by the strong wind to be pushed back, Shira, on the other hand, sighed with annoyance, and the whole arena was covered with smoke when the smoke cleared up to reveal that Midoriya is out of bounds and against the wall while Todoroki is on the arena with half of his T-shirt was the burn-off and out of breath and his eyes was wide from shock, and surprise but there is some confusion.

*Sorry if this has been slow, I have been busy with assignments. I apologize for the wait for the people who are enjoying this story and for the people who are following me. I do apologize if the story is short*

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