Chapter 32: Rescue Race

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Shira was just stretching in her hospital room; she was pretty okay other than the overused quirk but the UA staff teacher being the over-protectiveness of them would not allow her to be released without them coming over but since they were pretty busy at the moment but they have said that they will come over soon.

Since Shira was bored, she choices to go to the three boys' classmate's hospital room, she got off her bed and went to the boy's room on the way there she hears them chatting about something when she was in front of the door, "Both of my arms got trashed,'d appear the damage is particularly severe in my left arm. they told me my 'brachial plexus' is impaired. All it amounts to is it is hard to move my fingers and little numbness. and there's even a chance it could heal through nerve-grafting surgery. when I found the hero killer, I became incapable of rational thought. I should have contacted Mr manual first. I hate that bastard, but...what he said was the truth. that's why until I can become a true hero, I think I'll leave my left hand like this." Ida said full of determination and thought in his words, Shira couldn't help but have a warm feeling and a small smile on her face, she heard Midoriya's voice in agreeing to what Ida has said.

Then hearing what Todoroki has said, "I'm uh...I'm sorry... now I feel like whenever I'm involved people's hands go bad..." those words cause her to let out a giggle, after calming down she choices to just stay in her room, and so she walks back to her room with a smile on her face.  when she gets to her room she lay on her bed for a while until her phone started ringing, she took out her phone from her bedside table, she takes a look at her phone screen that shows the ID name 'Zawa' to which she answers.

phone call with Zawa:

Shira: Hey ya, Zawa

Zawa: Hey Shira, you haven't done any trouble while you were there, have you? (His voice was serious but there was still a little tone of tenseness in his voice, which was relaxing to Shira, to which she is smiling while talking.)

Shira: Well, that is just rude, ya know.

Zawa: It is just the truth; you always seem to bring trouble or to find it in some way. (He says with a tired sigh at the end, she just let out a fake gasp)

Shira: That is not true, name me one true time.

Zawa: Are you sure you want that? (He says with a 'are you sure' tone, which Shira somehow can tell)

Shira: yeah, maybe not (she says with a nervous laugh)

Zawa: the others just want to check up on you and to make sure you are not being reckless and overworking yourself.

Zashi: Hey there Shi-Chan, are you feeling better and resting and staying in bed... (Zashi started asking lines of questions, one question after another, that Shira couldn't answer any of them)

Zawa: Stop you loud bird (Shira can hear Zawa telling Zashi and some ruckus on the other end of the call, she couldn't help but sweat drop from her pro-hero-like family)

Zashi: But I haven't heard from her since she went to Hosu but then when we finally got a contact from her it was from the hospital saying that she has overused her quirk and then news from the police chief saying that she was in the Hosu incident was part of the fight with the hero killer... (Zashi started going off, the worry in his voice can be heard and felt for Shira, which also causes some tight feeling in her chest)

Shira: umm...Zawa, can you please have the call on speaker so I can talk to everyone?

Zawa: Sure, if that is what you want. (With that he has put the call on speaker and calls everyone's attention) You are now on speaker, child.

Shira: I'm sorry for worrying you all, I am just fine and alright. I didn't mean to make any of you all worried about me. (It was silence for a while other until Aizawa's and Midnight can be heard from the other side of the call)

Aizawa: Shira, listen alright, we are going to be worried about you because we care for you and we will always care for you, as we are friends and you are important to us. (His voice was kind and gentle.)

Midnight:  He is right, Shira-chan. We care for you and you will always be important to us all, everyone in the UA staff members. (Numbers amount of voice can be heard but one thing was sure they all agree to what the two heroes’ words,)

All Shira can do is a hum in a response to them, to show that she understands their words. She can feel her heart tighten and she couldn't speak as it felt as though there was a nut in her throat. As she has not felt anyone cared for a long time, she didn't have care for her in years.

Call ended:

It was the next day, everyone came back from their work experience and class 1-A, in that class can be heard laughter and chatter. Everyone is talking about their experience, what they have done, and so on. Shira was just on her phone when she heard someone mention the Hero killer, which caught her attention she acted as though she was not listening but she was all ears in the conversation.

"I saw it on the news: Something about the hero killer and the villain alliance being connected? I shiver just thinking of how USJ would have played out had such a terrifying bastard come on the ambush, too." Ojiro said while Shoji nods in agreement.

"Right, he was pretty scary, but did you watch the video, Ojiro? I don’t know if it was his single-track mind or tenacity or whatever but didn't you think he was kind of cool, too?" Kiminari said when Izuku tried to stop him from talking anymore which Kiminari realise and so he then covered his mouth.

"no... It’s alright. He was certainly a man of conviction so I understand if people find him 'cool.' However, he chose to advance his cause through a 'purge.' and whatever beliefs you may hold, that and that alone is in error..." he kept on talking Shira blocked it out as she turns her attention back to her phone, this kept one until class started.

After a while it is now hero class, their teacher is All might, "Hi! for I'm here! Is the note I usually do things on, but right, onto foundation hero study time! It's been a while, boys and girls! in good spirits, I hope!?" he said to the whole class as he stands in front of everyone. After he spoke many of the students started rising their hands to speak, "That was a lukewarm entry. After so long, too. oh my, He must have exhausted all the possible patterns." the students said, as All Might raises his hands as he says, "Right on the heels of all your workplace experience, this time we'll mix in an element of play, it's a rescue-training race!!"

"If it's rescue training, then should it not be carried out at USJ!?" Ida says with his right hand up, Shira is just ignoring everyone except All Might as at the moment he is the teacher but she is just twirling her hair, as All Might answers Ida, "No, that place is for disaster rescue. what was I saying? Ah yes, A race!! This is playing ground (Gamma)! where densely packed lanes make this construction site seem more like a complex labyrinth! make four groups of five! we'll do the training one group at a time! When I've given the distress signal somewhere in the area, you all start simultaneously from outside the limits! this is competition can come to my aid first!!" All might then continues to explain further, as he then points at Bakugo, "of course, keeps damage to the surrounding buildings at a minimum!" this annoyed Bakugo.

Shira just got annoyed with the whole thing, and as she also does not want to participate but she knows that she would have to so she just let out a sigh. The students started discussing who might win this race and who will have been best to have on the team, she kept saying in her head that 'don't want to do this repeat but she still got in position and ready. Then when All might then announced 'Start' Shira and everyone else in the first group which are Sero, Ashido, Ida, Ojiro, and Midoriya, started to move forward but Shira just felt lazy that she used her quirk, 'Wings' she whispers that people barely hear with this two lumps can be seen at her back, then wing none started spreading then white feathers started showing, when they were fully grown she spread her wings to flap with one flap she was in the air after she was in the sky already, she then whispers 'Hawk's eyes' with this she can find her target which is All Might, after finding All Might she made a big flap with her wings, which gave her a big advancement forward.

She was in the first place, manoeuvring around the buildings, under and above the areas she could not avoid. After being above her target arena she slowly lowered herself, landing right next to All Might, he gave her a big bright smile while holding up a slash to which she takes a step back while walking backward. After a while, the rest of the group arrived where they were, "young Shira was No.1, but all of you have learned how to use your quirks more broadly since you first entered the academy!! Now keep at it for me and begin preparing for the end-of-term test!!" All Might says but Shira just walks away from the whole group.

Everyone was in their changing room, Shira was putting on her bottom-up shirt, while the rest of the girls were putting up their uniforms when Ochako lightly taps her on the shoulder which cause her to turn around to face Ochako, "yes, what is it?" Shira asks her with a confused look.

"Hey Shira, I was wondering if you want to go to lunch with us?" Ochako asks Shira, with a little worried face, Shira has stayed quiet for a few seconds as she also puts on her tights, she then puts her attention back to her classmate.

"Well, I don't mind but not today maybe tomorrow," Shira answers her as she puts her skirt on as well as putting on her tie. after that she sat down on the bench and puts on her shoes, "As I have other plans at the moment, I am sorry but I will be free tomorrow lunchtime" she continues as she put on her blazer.

"No, it is fine," Ochako says as she waves her hands in a frantic, "I do hope that we can have lunch together tomorrow," she says with a nervous smile, to which Shira gave a small bow of her head as she says thank you, after getting all her uniform on she put her hero costumes into her case and made sure that she got everything that she needs in there and puts them away.

She went towards the door and she gave a small bow, "well you all after lunch then in our next class|" she says as she left the room. After leaving the room she went to the Staff room, "hey guys, I'm here guys" she says to everyone in the room, everyone there turns towards her as they wave their hands to her, as she walks to her usual place at the couch. "I am so tired," she says as she let out a sigh from exhaustion, Snipe went to the fire and got her a bottle of cola which he hands to Shira.

"You recovered from overusing your quirk from your work placement,” Snipe says as Shira gave a smile and takes the cola from him. After a while lunch rush brought lunch for her and everyone as they continue eating and talking for a while.

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