Chapter 36: Training Camp Begins

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The detective was not expecting that Shira would have recorded the whole interaction with Shigaraki on her phone. Not only the detective but the other heroes who were watching the intergradation from the other room were speechless and did not know how to react to the new discovery. The detective picked up the phone and went to the other room, where the heroes are in, after entering he played the recording while the said girl was eating the rest of her snacks.

After they all listen to the recording, the detective returns to the room where the young girl is inside, he let out a sigh and continued the questioning. After a while, the whole questioning was finished, and Shira stretched with a small smile on her face. Shira and Tsukauchi walked out of the room as they walked out, there outside is none other than Aizawa with a fierce frown on his face, and crossed arms, it was clear that he was not one bit happy, Shira already saw where this heading hid behind Tsukauchi, but the detective did not want to be in between the two and so decided to walk away leaving the young girl.

As Aizawa was about to speak a loud voice interrupted him, it was no other than his dear loud blonde husband, who chose to launch himself to hug the young girl, to which is squeezing the air out of her lungs, for a while later Aizawa decided to help the black-haired girl from his blonde husband, as he put his right hand on top of the blonde left shoulder to which causes the blond-haired person to turn his head to face the black haired man, after the blonde haired man release her from his embrace, that she gave them a smile.

It was the next day; it was a new day, and everyone was in class, and Aizawa a speaking to everyone about the incident that had happened the day before. "So given what happened, we are on the lookout for these villains. And we had to cancel our usual accommodation at the last minute. We will not reveal our actual destination until the day we depart." Aizawa said as he rips the paper that had all the previous plans in half. Hearing the news everyone was confused and worried as they had readily spoken to their parents and had made plans.

"You, broken bones or not, you should've killed him," Bakugo said to Izuku which caused the boy to flinch at his words.

Then Shira was on her phone, but no music was playing when she heard what Bakugo had said to Izuku which annoyed her, that she stood up from her seat and stood in front of the ash blonde boy and slam her hand on his table shocking everyone. she leans in close to the boy's left ear and whispered something, but no one can hear her, but it was cleared that whatever she spoke caused the young boy to clench his fist as he about to spoke but one cold icy glare from the black-haired girl to shut his mouth.

Then she returned to her seat and went back to whatever she was doing previously. It was finally summer break, and on the first day of the training camp, Shira had to get out of bed early. She did not want to go so early but managed to drag herself out of bed. After getting ready she went to school to where the meet-up was and saw Class 1-B there and the rest of her classmates, she let out a sigh, and not wanting to get involved with any drama she sneaked past them all and got inside the bus.

After everyone boarded the bus, everyone was so energetic, but Shira was not so good on long rides, so she sat next to Aizawa and went to sleep until they reached the end of the ride. After a few hours, the bus finally stopped and Aizawa woke her up and told her that everyone was waiting outside, and she stretched a bit and walked out. Only to see that it was a wide speak at the edge of the mountain, class 1-b was not there, and she immediately can tell that something was wrong but knowing Aizawa, that whatever was going to happen she was not an exception on and so she gave up on escaping and accepting the fate that she had.

"Of course, we stopped here for a reason," Aizawa says as he walks up the front of everyone when another female voice can be heard, this catches everyone's attention.

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