Chapter 44: Moving To Dorms

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It was the next day, and everything was in chaos. The news was speaking of the event that occurred the day before.

The people who were involved in the incident were resting and recovering from it, "The flame inside of me has vanished. The symbol of peace is truly dead. But there is still something I need to do." All might says as he sits on the hospital bed.

"So Tomura Shigaraki is Shimura's grandson...?" Grantorino says as his hands lays on his cane in a cross, tone of seriousness in his voice.

"Don't forget who told us that, though. Should we take that with a grain of salt?" Tsukauchi tries to reason with the two heroes in the room. "Didn't the two of you ever interact with Ms. Shimura's family?"

"Well... Shimura's husband was killed. So, in order to keep her grandson from being far from this world of heroes as possible, she put him into foster care. She told me and Toshinori, 'If anything happens to me, I want you to stay out of the boy's life,'" Grantorino explains to the detective.

"Promises can be a curse and it also can be a blessing" a familiar voice was heard throughout the room, the three turns towards the direction, to see a familiar vigilante with a small glowing fairy on their shoulders, "Sometimes it is better to break those promise to bring peace to the both parties" the fairy interpreted as the vigilante walks from the window where they were before toward the previous no 1 hero, as their hands started glowing, to which made everyone on guard, as the same glow was emanating from Toshinori, as he was starting a feel lighter and less pained and troubled, after the subsided, they were gone once more.

After a few more discussions between the three a few knocks can be heared through out the room, the former number 1 hero told them to come in, the door opens to reveal a familair female student that the teachers grown to care for holding a fruitbasket and flowers, "Hey All Might, how are you doing?" Shira asks after waving and giving a small bow of respect to the detective and elder pro hero.

"Oh Shira, I am quite alright, child thank you for asking," he replied to her with a smile on his face, then it was replaced by sullen look as he once again spoke, "Shira how are you?" his tone of voice as he spoke was a soft gentle, but she can also hear a tone of worry and regret,

She let out a soft giggle as she understood what he was truly asking about when she was used as a hostage and was in a separate room from Bakugo, "All Might, I am okay, you all arrived at the right time, but I will be honest that it was quite terrifying as he tried to take my quirk but luckily mine is quite stubborn," she says as she place the fruit basket and flowers on the small table beside the bed, hearing her words made everyone in the room flinch, "He tried to take your quirk..." All Might tone was stiff and rigid, and Shira gave nod, "yeah, but instead, my quirk gave a strong, painful shock in retaliation," she says with a smile on her face.

Everyone didn't quite sure how to react to the news that they had just received from the girl, as this has never happened before, "Though he was angery from the reaction and looked like he was about to kill me or something but hey it didn't happen and I am fine and alive, right" and once again Shira's words had caused everyone in the room to finich at her words without her knowing, as the adults realise how close they were to losing this young girl life if they had arrived any later then they were, they could not help but clench their fist at this revelation.

"Life sure is interesting and annoying," Shira says out loud in thought. This caught everyone's attention and wonder what she meant, but before they could ask, she had already said goodbye and left, leaving the three adults to wonder once again.

As Shira was on her way to her own hospital room, though she was feeling quite well as she had sneak out of the place as she did not like staying in the hospital room, when she arrived there she was engulfed with a pair of arms to came from one loud blonde that she cares for deeply no matter how loud he may be, "Where were you?!" He asked loudly in her ears, with tears peaking out of the edges and corners of his eyes behind the orange tinted sunglasses of his.

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