Chapter 16: The USJ Attack

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"we're almost there. Settle down already," Aizawa said in his monotone voice.

"yes sir," everyone said, Shira opens her eyes as she felt the bus stop moving, she saw everyone getting ready to get off the bus, she stretch a bit as the door opened and everyone got out of the bus and followed Aizawa inside the USJ building.

It was massive inside and split into sections "the flooding wreck, landslides, Fire, etc.etc." a voice said, it got everyone's attention, it was 13 who spoke, "This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disaster, and it's named... the Ultimate Space for Jams!!" 13 said,

"it's the space hero no.13," Midoriya said with excitement, not just him, and Ochako was jumping with a bright wide smile on her face that she might as well be floating around.

"He's the gentlemanly hero, who does phenomenal work helping out with disaster relief!" Ochako said with a jump and excitement, "wow!! I've always liked No.13" Shira let out another sigh but she can't disagree as she liked 13, as 13 has always been kind and respectful and she enjoys their company, Shira notices Aizawa walking toward 13 and she walks closer to the pair when she hears Aizawa speak as he looks around as though he was looking for a certain someone,

"Hey 13, where's All Might? he should be here around this time" Aizawa said, as he is wondering where the Number 1 hero is as he was meant to be with those two to teach class 1A, and yet that certain hero is not where he is supposed to be.

"From what I was told, sensei...It looks as though he'd been out hero-ing while commuting up until his time was up" 13 replies as she left showing three fingers indicating that All Might has used his hours to Aizawa, hearing those words, Aizawa was not pleased with the news, "He is now resting at the nap room"

"That guy's the height of irrational," Aizawa said with an annoyed face like a certain number 1 hero comes to his mind out of annoyance, hearing the news Shira was not one bit happy, and with that, both 13 and Aizawa felt a familiar dark presence from behind them, they slowly turn towards the familiar dark presence only to see the very fact that they wish to never be on the receiving end of, a bright sweet closed-eyed smile on the very girl that they care and never be on her bad side as this young girl can become the devil's nightmare,

"oh, so All Might thinks that it is more important than the students that he has responsibility for, then leave all the hero work to the heroes who are in duty and have the capabilities of doing their jobs, mmm," Shira says with a sweet tone but it gave an icy chill down the two heroes spin.

'that man is going to have a visit from the devil's nightmare' both heroes thought at the same time, feeling pity towards the Number 1 hero, who will soon be in deep trouble from the certain young girl who at the moment t is surrounded by a dark shadow as a sweet closed-eyed smile plastered on her doll-like face, Shira took her phone out and sent a text, after sending the text to someone,

"let's get on with the lesson now," she said with a smile as she put her phone away, she turned on her heels and turned back towards the rest of the class, she walks towards the rest, her back facing the two heroes as they feel a bit of fear in the chest and think whether they should warn the rest of the teacher before the return back to UA.

meanwhile with All Might

'DING' All Might hears his phone, he looks to see that he receive a text from Shira, after reading the text his face paled as though all of his colors were drained from his body leaving a pale white figure sitting on the couch, he spat out blood that drips through his lips and his fingers as his hand cups over his mouth,

'We need to talk about priority and responsibilities'

"I am going to the devil's nightmare," he whispered out, remembering his life through his time, as he truly needs to learn from his mistake, noticing that she 'the Devil's nightmare' may not light up to him at this moment, he wonders if he should start praying to God to help him survive.

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