Chapter 35: Shopping Mall Incident

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It was nearly time to meet her classmates at the mall, she was still at home, she let out a sigh, put her school bag down on the floor and walked into her bedroom, and went straight to her closet, taking a look at what clothes of what she is going to wear.

After looking through the clothes, she finally found what she is going to wear, black plain shorts, and a white vest but put on a dark red ghemdilmn hoodie with a button hood, a top long jumper with button press sleeves, she put on a black knee length sock. She packed the things that she would need into her small shoulder bag, got her headphones on, and after checking the time and seeing that it was nearly time to meet her classmates, she put on her black and white ankle boots and went going after locking up.

After arriving at the mall and the meet-up place, she got to see everyone in her class, Momo spotted her getting closer to the group, so Momo waves her hand to her to which Shira responded to her,

"Hello, Shira!" Momo says with a smile on her face happy to see her friend showed up to shop with everyone in the class, Shira gave a small smile to Momo, Mina seeing Shira approached the group and excitedly ran to Shira and attempted to jump on her to which Shira avoided the attempt, to which causes Mina to pout at but soon cheered up.

"This place has more shops than anywhere else in the prefecture. It got the coolest and trendiest stuff! The Kiyashi ward shopping mall" Mina says with her left hand up in the air with a big wide smile on and she kept on explaining even more while Shira was on her phone checking on the list, she has made of everything she may need for the training trip. While she was on her phone everyone split into groups until it was just Izuku and her alone, she looked up to see it was just her and Izuku she let out a sigh,

"Is there anything that you need for the trip?" she asks the nervous green-haired boy, who was shocked as he was not expecting her to talk to him but after a while, he nods his head rapidly, they were about to move until a new voice came in,

"Ohm, cool... you two are from U.A.! Can I get your autograph?" a voice said, as both of them turn to see a hooded tall man said getting closer to them, Shira thought that the voice sounded familiar, but her instincts told her to be on guard which she did. Then the man wraps his right arm around Midoriya while saying, "you're the kid who got wrecked in the sports festival?!" She kept a closer eye on the interaction, "And you the girl who has that strong quirk that's able to create wings and control nature," he says while pointing at her he was about to get closer but move further away but close enough to hear the conversation.

"Then, during that business in Hosu, you both ran into the hero killer! you're something else!" he continues but what he has said put her further on edge, "man, I can't believe it, though, to think we'd meet again, here" She shared her attention even further on the man as she can feel something was wrong, "can't help but think that something special helped you came this far. Something like fate or destiny maybe...well, I guess for you we last met in that attack on U.A." hearing that she went grab the man's wrist and pulled Midoriya out of the man's reach, and mode a distance between the two students and the hooded man, as Midoriya tried getting some sir in his lungs, the man faces them and it was Tomura Shigiraki

"Easy two are going to act like we're a couple of old pals. no making a scene, alright. I just want to talk, that is all. So, don't you try anything funny? It's not crazy to imagine that someone could commit an atrocity at any given moment and I could take twenty, no, I could take at least thirty people's life out" Shigiraki said to the two, Shira was about to speak when, Midoriya spoke up first,

"Talk about what...?" Midoriya says in a shaky voice, which made Shigiraki smile,

"We might as well sit for this. let's try to relax..." Shigiraki says as he points at a seat underneath a tree, to which Midoriya follows the man, Shira went with the green-haired boy. "I pretty much hate everyone and everything... but right now, that grinds my gears is the hero killer," Shigiraki said. Shira kept Midoriya near her when the man talks, and kept an eye on each movement the talking man is doing, then when the man asks Midoriya a certain question, "so what makes us so different? Midoriya"

"What... makes you different...?" Midoriya started nervously but chooses to continue, "I think...well, I can't accept what you do...and I don't understand it...the hero killer...although I can't accept him...I do understand him. For both me and the hero all started with all might..." Midoriya continues to speak but Shira can start feeling some type of tension going on and her instincts are all saying that it is dangerous, "His methods may be wrong... But I think he is at least trying to live by his ideals." by those words, Shira's Instincts spiked, that Shira pulled Midoriya closer to her and made a bigger distance from Shigiraki and use her Quirk that she activates secretly from the start when Shigiraika approach them to make a bigger shield around them to separate the civilians and them three,

"Ahh...It's all so clear now. Feels like I've connected the dots about why the hero killer pisses me off so much and why you're s dammed irritating I think I get it now. It's all cuz of All Might." Shigiraki started going on speaking and there was fear and panic in Izuku's eyes Shira hid him behind her as much as she could as she can feel as though Shigiraki was about to attack anything soon until a familiar voice of a classmate can be heard and all attention has gone to that person and it was Uraraka.

"A friend...? No... doesn't look like it... could you leave them alone?" Uraraka ask when Izuku was about to say something but was stopped by Shira shaking her head, 'Don't say anything as it could get her in danger,' Shira said in her mind when Shigiraki then stood up causing Izuku to stiff at the sudden action,

"I didn't release that you two were with someone else, sorry about that," Shigiraki says with a fake bright tone of voice and smile as he started to walk away Uraraka walk towards Shira and Izuku, just when Izuku started to ask a question,

"Wait...Shigiraki!!ALL FOR ONE... what is he after?" hearing that name Uraraka turn her attention to Shigiraki who has his back faced them as he walks into the crowd of people as he spoke,

"What you should worry about is meeting me again, cause that's when you'll die." was all Shigiraki said as he gets further into the crowd of people. Finally, after Shigiraki was gone Shira turn to Uraraka and ask her to call everyone she got her phone and started calling the teachers and the police.

"Okay the police and some of the teachers are on their way here, Uraraka is everyone in the class, okay and no unexpected meetings with anyone?" she asks the brown hair girl,

"Yeah, everyone is alright and they are safe and they are coming here" Uraraka answers to which Shira nods her head, then Shira gives her attention to Midoriya and slaps him which causes everyone who had arrived there, Ida and Kiminari to go up to his side as some of the girls tries to calm Shira down,

"What the hell were you thinking following the man's instruction, just because he said that he just wanted to talk, and allowing a stranger to have wrapped their arm around you like that when you have no idea as to who they are pure idiocy that even a child would not do as their parents have warned them countless of time to not talk to a stranger and not to approach them, don't just talk to them and allow them to come into contact with you, I swear to fucking god that I am going to slap your head even more," she says to the green-haired boy, but what got even one by surprise was that she cursed as she does not do that, the only times she did was at the stain incident and now and so it is quite shocking. Midoriya has his right hand over his left face as it was the area that has been hit by the black-haired girl.

"Hey Shira-Chan, how about you calm down and relax?" Mina tries to calm the angry girl when a familiar voice of Izuku Midoriya quiet voice can be heard,

"But...But he...said that he would kill the civilians in the area..." Izuku reposed to the black-haired girl, hearing his reason made everyone give the green-haired boy concerned eyes except the said girl as she walks to him and raised her hands, everyone thought she was about to hit him once again but it was not that but instead, she rested her hand on top of his shoulders,

"that may be, what you had done was too reckless as even if you had gone with him to chat he could've still gone back on his words and killed everyone in the area including you, especially you as you were in contact with him, it is fine to want to save people but keep yourself safe as there are people who care for you now and in the future, yes you are training to be heroes but you are still a person who has people that care for, so do not be reckless, think and then take action, think of a way to save someone but still be safe and come back to them," she says to the green-haired boy as she looks at him with an honest and full of care eyes, as the boy could not help but nods his head.

"Sorry for making you worried and being reckless," he says to her, to which he receives a pat on his head as she then says, "I am glad you're safe, Izuku," she says with a soft and gentle smile on her face. After a while, the police made it to the mall and evacuated everyone inside, the shopping trip was on hold, as Izuku and Shira were taken to the police station for questioning of the event.

In the police station, questioning room.

Shira was sitting across from Tsukauchi, who let out a sigh seeing the smiling girl across her, who have somehow managed to have a bottle of soft drink and a packet of chocolate cookies,

"Nice to see you once again Shira-Chan," he says to the young girl, who nods her head as she continues eating the cookie in her hand, he lets her finish the cookie that she is currently eating, after she has finished eating, she took a sip of her drink and faces the detective, the detective took this as a clue to start asking questions.

"I have already spoken to Izuku Midoriya about what had happened in the mall" The detective has said to the young girl, she just nods in understanding as she pulls out her phone and put it on top of the table, the detective gave a confuse look but the young girl just smiles at him and the words that came out of her lips surprises the detective.

"The conversation of the whole thing is in here" she says with a cheeky smile.

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