Chapter 9:UA Entrance Exam Part 2

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Shira sat down at her seating place, she sat next to a boy with green bushy hair, freckles on both sides of his cheeks, big green eyes that glittered with excitement but a bit of anxiousness and anxiety, she had a bit of fidgetiness. She also saw another boy with spiky ash-blond hair, with scarlet red eyes, it was full of aggressiveness, a mixture of anger yet there is a spark of inferiority and superiority.

Then Aizawa and Thirteen, both walk into the exam room, and there was a full bright smile on their face. They walk in front of everyone, both explained the exam test to the participants, each one of the teachers passed the exam papers to each student. It came easy for Shira, taking the exam her, it is like common sense for her and nothing else, she was nearly finished with her exam when she got bored and so she looks around to notice a lot of the students were having a hard time with it, Shira sighed and just finish her paper. Shira just waits till everyone finishes their papers and it was externally boring for her as there was nothing for her to do.

After a while, everyone has finally finished the paper exam and they handed the exam back to the two heroes, the two heroes have left after having all the Exam papers with them. After a while, Yamada walked into the room with a bright wide smile on his face,

"Can everyone give me a YEAH," he shouted but silence answered him instead, it was so awkward, Yamada walk to the front after saying "wow tough crowd," when he got to the front and saw Shira giving a wave with a smile on her face, it made him a little bit happy. Yamada went ahead and start explaining the whole task. While the boy next to her had speckles and stars around himself and mumbling about Yamada, Shira just chose to let the boy do whatever and ignore the mumbling.  That was until a boy with dark blue hair stood up and start talking about how UA is not living up to its name as the number 1 hero school and so on Shira was not paying much attention but it was annoying her a lot, then the blue hair boy pointed at the green bush boy,

"If you are not going to take this seriously, then please leave,” the blue-haired boy said, the green bush boys were nervous and panicking, Shira then stood up and said,

"aren't you the one being rude at the moment, interrupting Present Mic when he was explaining the Exam, not only that but pointing at someone who you do not know, and not only that but full-on embarrassing him in front of other people," Shira told the Blue haired boy, he was about to speak but she interrupted him, "if he is bothering people, it would be the area that is around him, and as I am right next to him, he is not bothering me and other people in the same situation as me could have always spoken to him and nicer way into asking to keep quiet or to stop and you are further away from him then me or the other that are around him, so sit down and keep quiet, yeah" she spoke, the boy had no choice be to sit back down as he is far to embarrass, Shira look at Yamada, "you can continue explaining, Present Mic," she said with a bright smile.

They were outside of a fake city, everyone changes into their sport wear clothes, Shira just has a loose white T-shirt, black sports leggings and a sports jumper on and white sports shoes. she ties her hair into a ponytail and she starts stretching, then the big gates start to open, and the moment they open start running in. She started growing wings at her back, white fluffy feathery wings, she flaps them into flying into the air as a few loose feathers gently fell but instead of falling onto the ground she made them into blades that surround her. Shira started destroying robots left and right with her bladed feathers, while also using her surrounding to make weapons and save people at the same time, who are about to get injured or in the way of getting hurt.

Heroes POV:

Everyone who knew of Shira knows that is she is clever and strong but this is beyond what they have imagined as she is drafting robots left and right while saving other participants. Shira made her fathers into blades and saving and slicing robots, any building that is falling she use the cement into a dome to protect the students, it was as though the whole environment became her domain.

"What the hell is going on?" power loader asks, in full shock and confusion as he has never thought Shira was this strong at all, she was fully overpowering the whole ground,

"I am not too sure myself," Vlad king answered as he is confused and shocked by the situation, as the heroes did know that Shira was strong and full of control over her quirk but not like overpowering the whole ground kind of strong, they have overcome to the shock that they all were in and start looking at the other participants from the other city sites and found some promising students, then came the boss of the robot number 0, a massive robot come to the filed, many students went running away from the robot, but an ash blond boy exploded the big robots head, and another with green bushy hair saved a brown-haired girl while also crushing the robots head but while Shira...

Heroes POV End:

The ground start shaking, as many students started running the opposing ways, Shira look to see where they were running from to see a massive green robot that are higher than any building in the city they were in, Shira looked around to notice some injured students that are being pushed by others, and getting injured, She just sighed she thought to stop the main cause, she flies to the front of the robot, used cement and wind to make some type shield on the injured and move those unable students away from the fight and she made her blade larger and sharper, and made giant hammers with the cement, she then slices and crushes the robot while using the air to soften the landing of any debris that falls to not make and damages or injuries to those who may have not gotten out of the fight. Shira has destroyed the robot, everyone who saw the show had wide eyes, as one person destroy a massive robot by themselves.

After the whole test has finished, Shira softly landed on the floor and then turned off the shields, Recovering Girl came into the scene, when she releases the shields and her wings, Shira took a deep breath, "well, that was fun," has been released she said when her wings, she turns to see Recovery Girl, who Shira smile towards her with a bright smile. Shira started helping the injured people with Recovery Girl.

That night, the moon was shining bright above the area, the wind blowing like it was whistling, on one of the building roofs, if you look closely, you can make out a figure sitting on the edge, their legs are hanging, they close their eyes as they took a deep breath as memories come to their mind,


"Who is this?" said a small little girl who hides behind a women's legs,

"Now-----, where is your respect to your new father and mother," the woman said to the little girl, the little girl went forward to the couple and said,

"Hello, I am ------, nice to meet you both," she was a little shy as after introducing herself she ran behind the woman again, the man kneels to the same height as the little girl,

"Hello, I will be your dad, it is nice to meet you," he said with a smile to the little girl, the title girl just nods in return. After a few weeks later the couple married and took the little girl and her older sister to a different country, they never suspect that this was going to be the biggest mistake that will scar the mother and the two siblings.

Memories end.

There a trace of tears flow down the figure's checks, the shine from the moonlight making them seem as though the tears were glistening, they wipe them away but the tears keep falling,

"Just why? why?" they ask in a whisper with so much sorrow in their voice that it can just break your heart from hearing and bring tears to your own eyes, they were so emotional that they never heard footsteps from behind them until they felt a presence right behind them as the figure turned to see who it was, only to see that it was no other then Eraserhead.

"Who are you?" he said with a stern and monotone tone of voice while griping his grey capture scarf, ready to fight and capture them. The figure just shakes its head indicating they will not speak, "Are you a villain?" Eraserhead just asks again but no answer came out of the figure, Eraserhead can't see the shape of the figure even being so close to them, it was like they were just a shadow and he can hardly feel their presence either, he allows fond them but an accident as he was just passing and his gut told him to go to the building rooftop, which with many years of hero work experience, he has learned to listen to his gut so he did. Eraserhead used his quirk but it didn't seem to work at the person, as he still can't feel the person's presence or see them clearly, it was like they were a ghost.

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