Chapter 6: The View of The Horizon

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Shira has a gentle and calm smile on her face as she looks at the boy across her behind the fence, he looks at her with a surprised look on his face but slowly opens his mouth to say,

"No reason, " his voice was soft and nearly silent but Shira still heard him and gave a soft hum, as she gave a gentle nod of her head,

"The sky is pretty and beautiful," she said as she looks at the sky behind him, "don't you think it is?" she asked him and this gave him a jump and widen his eyes and she still gave him a gentle soft look on her face and eyes as he nods his head, "I used to hate the sky as it always seems so free and beautiful," she said and she stood up and slowly walk up next to him but the fence still parting them as she sat down with her back facing the fence, he was a little surprise but not scared as he to sat down next to her at the other side of the fence. "I may not fully understand how you feel as I am not you but I can understand to some extent as I too felt the need of taking my own life, hell I tried many times," she said with a small yet sad giggle, it took the boy by surprise and also took the heroes at the other end of the drone by surprise and concern with her words.

"a couple of times my family didn't know about but one time I was three days from death's door but the Ironic thing about it was that I was so close to death that my mind thought of all the times I had with my best friend and my mother's crying tears and my sibling's sad faces that I told my family of what I had done that they brought me to the hospital," she told him as she looks at the sky as he looks down, "I was bullied and hurt by someone who was meant to care for me, that my heart decides to cut off my emotions for so long that I was like an empty doll, wanting to know how to feel emotions, sad, scared, to be happy and to be excited anything but I felt nothing but I learned how to fake emotions instead and to put fake expressions on my face that people can't even tell the difference and all I wanted to do was put an end on it" she looks at him with a small smile on her face but you can tell that there is some sadness in her eyes and the boy and heroes felt a ping in their chest as they saw that expression.

"I won't stop you as it is your own decision and your own choice," she said to the boy, this got everyone by surprise and the heroes were worried, they were objecting even knowing that they won't hear their objecting, "but I will tell you this, your family will be sad and feel guilty, you would miss many opportunities by making this choice, before taking this choice think of all the times you had with them, the family outings, the celebrations with them and everything you had done with the people you care for and them in return to you" these words have had the boy in tears as memories of his mother, father and siblings come to his mind, the time he had to spend with them, everything came to his mind, as she has a soft smile on her face, the heroes has their eyes widen from surprise and kind of relief at the same time.

"Thank you for reminding me of my family, I want to live," he said with a wide smile on his face as he stood and turn towards her, as tears trail down his cheek as he smiles. Shira stood up as well as she has gone over the fence, this action got everyone a bit on easy, especially the heroes. Shira reaches out her hand towards the boy as there is a soft expression.

"Do you trust me?" she asked the boy with a gentle smile, he nods and hold her hand, "close your eyes until I say to open it because we are going to jump" she said, everyone was surprised by what she had said, the boy look has hesitant but still her hand and closed his eyes, they both jump down from the roof.

When the heroes saw this, they would have sworn that they nearly got a heart attack, but the next thing they saw was that Shira had enchanting feathering wings attached to her back, it took them breathes away from seeing this.

"you can open your eyes now," she said to the boy, he slowly peel his eyes open, his eyes widen to the view that he has sawn, the sunlight hitting the buildings, from the sun is setting, the sky seems as though the night sky is washing over the afternoon sky, the clouds were of a soft pinkish-orange colour they clouds spread throughout the sky, it take his breath away not just him but the heroes who saw the view from the drone's camera, "your past self has become a part of you today and now the day you take a step farther to be a new you that you would be proud of, remember you make who you want to be, it's alright to feel those emotions as it is a part of you and shapes you but taking a step forward is your decision and your choice and whoever you became be proud of it cause it shows your path," the boy slowly nods his head to her words, the heroes heard her and have a small smile on their faces as it lightens the hearts.

As the two lands on the ground softly, the boy had a bright wide smile on his face as he faces her and said "thank you so much for today, I will not forget it," Shira had a soft smile as she cups her hand and a soft light shone from it as she opens her hands after a while to show a jade shape feather, she hands it over to the boy,

"Here, something to remember this day as the old you become a part of you and that you take a step forward to becoming a new you," she said as the boy takes and hold the feather in his two-hand tight but still softly, as he turns the feather to her words and the date of the day, he smiles and she smiles in return soon they said goodbye to each other and went back home.

Heroes POV:

After the drone came back from making sure that Shira got home safe, the heroes were not too sure what to make of today, as they were not expecting any of the events to happen today. they all sat back in their seats as Nezu had called the other UA staff to the meeting room to show it to them but blurring out the boy's face. After the other staff arrived and watched the video that they all have finally spoken.

"So, to sum it out, Shira has spoken to a suicidal kid and helped him out and gave him a new meaning to his life to move forward," Snipe spoke up after watching the video in shock, like the four who saw the whole thing by live nods, Snipe sighed and put his head down onto the plan of his hand, "I don't know what to say to that," he said honestly as the rest to understand how he felt,"

"Yeah, I don't know what to say about what we have seen," Mic agreed with Snipe as he saw the whole thing live from the drone,

"Well, it's not every day we see this kind of thing happening," Aizawa said in a monotone tone of voice a he looks at them all, as the other heroes’ nods in agreement, that is when Nezu spoke up from looking at his laptop,

"I should say that she would make a wonderful hero, truly" this caught everyone's attention as they all look at him when he said that,

"What do you mean sir?" Thirteen ask him, as everyone too was curious as to what he meant by his words,

"I have done some research of this girl and what I have found is this," he pointed at a big screen on the wall, to show a picture of Shira and information about her on it, "she does some volunteering to help other such as, helping people who are homeless, helping building houses and repairing buildings that villains or heroes fight that cause damages, she also helps with injures and hospitals" as he shows pictures of her helping people with repairing buildings and helping the medics with injuries patients "that is not all but she also talks and meets those people who have been affecting cause of those fights, such as help them finds jobs or be some sort of support," he continues from hearing this cause the heroes to be shocked as they have never thought of any of them. "She really would make a wonderful hero, she thought of being on that is, and the public would love her as a hero," he said and then showed a video on the screen and played it.

It was about a recent villain attack and robbery but instead of the fight it showed, Shira, helping the medics with injuries people, helping them get people out of rubbles and fixing the buildings at the same time though she was using her quirk she doesn't seem to care at all even though there were worker who told her not to but instead she replied 'It doesn't matter and I can just report myself later after dealing with this first' her voice was so serious as she just continue helping, while others were just surprise as a policeman came and told her to stop or else he would have to arrest her but just concentrate on helping an injured woman, 'Look you can arrest me later as of right now I am very busy as you can see this made the policeman froze in his spot but as he was about to put his hand on her shoulder but the serious look in her eyes told him that even if he does arrest her there she would not care and continue what she has to do, the policeman just sighed but just let her continue what she was doing and walked away. Then a few minutes it showed the scene of her staking down a villain who was being chased by another hero.

"She does have the potential of being a hero that is for sure," Aizawa said after the video finished playing on the screen this took everyone in the room be surprised as Shota Aizawa just said that someone has the potential to be a hero, the teacher who have explained a whole class and more students who he says does not have potential at all.

"That is a shocker but I do have to agree to what you have said," Vlad king said as he too agrees with him, not only them but everyone else in the room agrees with them.

"Yeah, but she says that she doesn't or that she even wants to be a hero," Present Mic said, this made the rest of the heroes except Aizawa, Nezu, and Vlad king turn their heads towards him,

"Wait, what do you mean?" Ectoplasm asked with wide eyes,

"Oh yeah, we haven't told you all yet have I," Present Mic said with the realization "well you see..." then he started to explain everything to them.

"Wait so she doesn't believe she can be a hero or what?" Power loader asked with confusion in his voice, the other Heroes don't know.

In the middle of the night, the city has been quiet, too quiet for the liking of the vigilante as they can feel the uneasiness in the air, it reminds them of the saying 'The clam before the storm' this just put them in the guard for anything that is coming and that they are ready for it as they stand at the edge of a high building roof.

Author's note:

I have put this story in Quotev, Its name is The Night Fairy MHA By Ella Xin.

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