Chapter 8: UA Entrance Exam Part 1

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It has been 10 months since Shira and the UA staff has made that deal, Shira and the Staff have used that time to get to know each other so much during the whole time as they would come to the cafe where she works, it confuse her at first but soon she got over it as she got used to them being there, she got close to Yamada and Aizawa and Nezu, she is close to the other staff as well, it got to the point that she has started calling them by their name.

It was getting close to the UA entrance exam, the staff are getting nervous as they all want her to join UA and become the hero that they all know she can be, Shira on the other wasn't that nervous as she is calm and relaxed as she had studied for it and worked hard for it. She was a bit nervous at first but this just made her work even harder to work and study for it, one cause of the deal but also to be with the staff as she won't see them too often as the school year starts.

It was a day before the entrance exam, and she had just finished her shift at work, it has became a routine for her to go to UA high school to see and talk to the staff, she own a pass to get into the ground when she got to the staffroom, she knocks three times and opening the door, she softly says excuse me, the staff knows it her as she always does this. Shira saw Aizawa, she has her bright smile as she straight went to him and immediately hugged him ask puffing her cheeks and everyone in the room know that is pouting when they saw her face.

Aizawa sighs and he pats her head and asks "what's up, Shi?" Shira looks up to him, her eyes staring right at him, with her puff cheeks,

"I am annoyed," she said, as she looked at him and after saying that she buries her face back into his chest, Aizawa just sighs again while patting her head to calm her down, while everyone else sigh with him as they watch the event, Yamada walks up to them with a bright smile,

"And why is that, Shi-Chan?" he asks her, Shira turn her face from Aizawa's chest to face Yamada, she saw his face and said,

"Because people are annoying and people kept on staring at me for no reason at all, Hi-Kun" she answers him, this made the teacher confused about what she said,

"Umm...what do you mean they stare at you?" Vlad king asks her, with a confused look,

"I don't know, Ken-Kun," she answers him, she turns to face Midnight, "Neckband, is something wrong with what I wear?" she asks the R-rated hero, this made the heroes even more confused,

"There is nothing wrong with what you wear, Shi-Chan,” the R-rate hero answers the little girl, "why did someone say something about your outfit?" Midnight asks her getting concerned about the younger girl, not only her but the other heroes as well were concerned,

"Yeah, but I have calmed down now," Shira just says as she let go of Aizawa and lets out a sigh, she smiles at them, "just some annoying bug nothing more and nothing less," she said as she sat down at the couch behind her.

"What did this bug say about you?" Aizawa and Yamada ask at the same time,

"Well, they say that the clothes I wear were practically asking boys to come and touch me inappropriately," Shira just answers with a bit of announcement in her voice,

"What but your clothes are cute, not inappropriate at all!" Midnight said, with an annoyed tone, as Shira is just wearing a white mini cut-out dress, with a blue denim jacket and ankle heel boots, with her shoulder bag, "it makes no sense at all," Midnight said with a sigh,

"I know right," Shira said. Shira and the teachers talk for a while and spend together, Shira would sometimes help them with work. They drop her off at her home, after getting ready, she opens her laptop and types something on it for a while, then her ends of lips curve upwards into a smirk as the light from the laptop reflected off her eyes making seems like her eyes were glowing.

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