Chapter 28: Hero name...

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Shira was outside of the nurse's office to see if Midoriya will be alright after his fight with Todoroki, she was waiting for the rest of her classmates to leave as she knows Chiyo would kick them all out soon and she was right as she heard Recovery Girl kick them out but then when she look up to see her classmates when it came to a certain blue hair boy her quirk activated.

After the vision was shown, she became really tired that she limps felt so heavy that they might as well be led, she was so dizzy that she lean onto the wall for support, she was tired before using one of her quirks three times but her second quirk activating as taken to much out of her and before she knows it all she was out and on the floor.

Shira woke up to see white, she look around and saw that she was on the nurse's office bed, she let out a sigh as she thinks of what to do now as she thinks of a plan when the doors opened to show it was the teachers, they walk up to her with concern looks, it has seems that missed the end of the sports festival and once again she let out a sigh.

So now she had few choices to do now, She thinks back to the vision that she has seen takes a deep breath, and goes into deep thinking, the teachers don't quite understand what she was doing but the atmosphere around her kept them still. when opens her eyes and let out a breath, "okay," she gave herself a nod and turn to the teachers, "take me to Ingenium." she says with a serious yet calm look in her eyes and tone, the teachers felt as though they have to do as they were told. After a while Zashi, Aizawa, and Nemuri brought Shira to the hospital where Ingenium is in, they visited the hero who is beaten and laying in bed.

The room is silent the only sound that fills the room was the hospital machines, Shira took the first step, "Hello, I am Shira Tsubaki, it is a pleasure to meet you," she says with a soft yet calming tone and smile on her face, which the hero returned his own.

"Hello, nice to meet you too, I have been told that you wish to talk to meet and wish to speak of something," he says to her which return she nods her head in agreement and spoke of the words that made the heroes eyes widen in surprise and as she explains further the hero grips his hospital sheets and had tears in his eyes and said "I choose to take that chance and promise to do my part," he announced with determination as he looks at her in the eyes in which she gave a smile.

"very well, then let's continue" her smile and voice are light and soft.

In UA, Class 1A:

All the students sat in their seats, as Aizawa walks into the classroom it looked like a mummy and boxes full of paper, already knowing what are the paper Shira got ready to leave to which got her to be wrapped up by a grey capture scarf. She wiggles trying to get out of the hold to come to no avail.

"Shira, where are you going?" ask but more like told her, to which he gets no answer as she still tries to get out of his hold in which he just tightens even to which she yelps at the tightness her classmate's sweat drop at the girl but also confusing at their female reaction.

Aizawa sighs at the girl's behaviour and choice to ignore her struggles for the time being, That was when Tsuyu ask Aizawa, "Aizawa-sensei, I'm happy you were able to remove your bandages!" as Shira was still struggling in Aizawa's scarf and everyone in the classroom jus choices to ignore the whole thing.

"The old lady got over-dramatic with her treatment. But let's put that aside. Today's hero informatics period is a little special." Aizawa says while scratching left eyes while speaking to  Tsuyu, everyone was nervous what is that special meaning behind his words as Shira struggles even harder. "It's time to formulate your codenames. your hero names."

"Oh my god yes!! Now this is making my chest swell!!" hearing this everyone in the classroom was stands in excitement. causing Aizawa to use his quirk to kept everyone to behave and stay silent.

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