Chapter 19: Black, Purple Angel

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Everything was racing in Shira's mind till it hurt her mind, all the sounds around gets drowned out by her mind, she tries so hard to control her emotions but the image of Aizawa's injuries and blood shows up in her mind, she can smell the iron in the air, her outfit covers in red by the blood. All Might manage to get out of the Nomu's grip, "If the shadow-mist were your true form and you had no actual body then why would you have called any attack 'dangerous'!!?" Bakugo said with a wide smirk on his face as the mist villain tries to get out of Bakugo's grip but Bakugo then said "Don't you move!! the second you so much as twitch, I'll load you with a nice little explosion right here, right now" Bakugo's tone was so dangerous as his grip gets tighter, "Not a very heroic line there, Buddy..." Kirishima said with a weary tone of voice.

"We've been cornered, and what's more, you're all nearly unscathed. Man, I have to hand it to the kids these this rate, the villain alliance will be a laughing stock...!" the light-blue villain says with an annoyed tone, "Nomu, go ahead and finish explosion boy over there. we're rescuing over reloving door." he said to the Nomu, Then the Nomu started to move to the point that a leg and arm broke off this made the students got a bit scared and on guard but what even more scared them are that the fact that Nomu leg and arm regenerated in front of everyone. The villain explained that the Nomu is an artificially crafted that was made to withstand All Mights 100% strength. The Nomu was about to attack Bakugo with a strong punch, which causes a big wind to attack everyone making everyone close their eyes, when they open their eyes once again only to see Bakugo was not where he once was but instead beside Midoriya with a shocked face.

Once the smoke cleared up to reveal that All Might was the one who took the impact of the punch "Do you not know mercy?" All Might ask,

"We had no choice. We had to save our ally, didn't we? and noot long ago one of your kids over there...ah, which one. the plain-looking one. he tried to beat me up with all his strength, hear? and for whom do you think he mustered such toughing acts of violence? Hmm, 'hero'?" the light-blue-haired villain said, while the villain pointed at Midoriya whose eyes are wide and full of fear. "now listen here, All Might! I'm very ticked off! We're all categorized as either heroes or villains, but at the end of the day violence is violence, and who gets to decide right and wrong? society does!!" his voice full of craziness, "the 'symbol of peace? give me a break!! you're nothing more than a bludgeon of oppression yourself! violence only breeds more violence. and once we kill you, that'll be made known to the world!"

"you're mad, you oughtta keep your antisocial viewpoints to yourself." All Might's voice was serious and calm but it was still on guard, while he stare right at the villain in front of him, "Besides, be straight with me. you just want to get in your kicks,"

"you saw right through me," the light-blue-haired villain says in his husky voice. The students have serious and guarded faces. When the room temperature dropped and the clouds cover the sun, it got eerily silent, the students open their mouths to say something but All Might heard a quiet humming as it gets louder than the students to hears.

*Killing Butterflies by Lewis Blissett*

All the things we've seen
They just make us scream
Now they're in our dreams
Open up the box
Now it never stops
Full of little shocks

With these words, everyone turns to see that it was Shira but the air turns cold and the silent sound sends shivers down everyone's spine,

Wings, hearts, some things are meant to be torn apart
Faith, hope, some things are meant to be gone broke

with those words, wings starts appearing on Shira's back, they were black and purple with a hint of night blue, and they shimmer like stars, Shira then reach down to one of her guns that is attached to her high and started to aim it towards the Nomu,

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