Chapter 13: A quiet Battle and Seer's Eyes

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It was Shira's turn for this battle activity, she just let out a bored sigh as she left herself off the wall, and walk towards Ojiro, who was standing beside the so-called weapon while she gave a small wave to the tailed boy,

"So, what do you think we should do first?" Shira asked the boy as she tilted her head to her right, as she still sucking on her lollipop, 'God I am so going to get some snacks after this stupid lesson; Shira thought wanting something sweet, the tailed boy hummed as he thinks on what to responded.

"I am not too sure what to do, to be honest," Ojiro answers as he nervously and embassy scratches the back of his neck, Shira gave a small understanding nod at his answer, she let out a sigh 'maybe I have been hanging out with Zawa to much that he is rubbing off on me' she thought as she has been sighing a lot more than she usually did before meeting the UA teachers,

"What can you do?" she asks wanting to know what she is working with, this got the boy by surprise,

"Umm... I can do a bit of hand-to-hand combat and my tail is quite strong," he said as he still catches the back of his neck, Shira nods at his explanation, as she thinks of what her plan will be and the little information, she got from Nezu and Aizawa about his classmates, like their quirks and names as they already knew that she won't listen to the students' introductions,

'So, Todoroki's quirk is hot and cold, and Soji's duli-arms,’ she thought, and then she came up with a plan and explained it to Orijro, then they hear the signal of the battle starting, Shira activates her quirk,

'Area control, cancel out quirk usage inside the room,' she thought but she didn't cancel out Ojiro's quirk, Shira felt the whole building get cold that she shivers, "the hell, why make everything so cold" she whines as she hugs herself, 'Yeah, the room won't freeze doesn't mean it won't be cold,' she called out in her mind "oh holy mother's name, I should have thought of bringing my coat!" she said with a sad tone as she pouts which made Ojiro sweat drop.

With the other students and All Might:

They were watching everything, the students still don’t get Shira's quirk but All might already figure out what Shira had done,

"The hell, why make everything so cold" Shira whines as she hugs herself, which made All might glad that he did what the other teacher told to record her battle so they can watch it later, "oh holy mother's name, I should have thought of bringing my coat!" Shira said with a sad tone and pouts, All rights gave a little chuckle at this, "please hurry up so we can finish darn thing already!" She said loudly as she stomped her foot onto the floor, like a little kid.

'She must be in her kid mood at the moment' All might have thought as he saw the girl's actions and Ojiro looks so confused and not too sure what to do with the sudden change of behaviour of the girl.

"what's going on with her?" Kiminari asks confused about the do not know girl’s behaviour, not just her but the rest of the students as well are confused,

"I do not know,” it was Mina who answers his question, All might, on the other hand, knows that Shira is not too fond of the cold and can get cold quite easily.

Back to Shira:

"What is taking them so long?" Shira said will an annoyed tone and with a pout, " I am freezing over here" she said as she throws her arms up like a little kid who is throwing a tantrum, a few minutes later they heard footsteps coming closer to their place, which causes Shira to switch gears 'Area control: silent steps' Shira thought as she ran next to the door, you can not even hear her footsteps, 'Area control: stealth' with she can sneak up on someone without them noticing her presence even when she is right next to them, Shira lowers her height by bending so the would not be seen.

The footsteps get closer to where Shira and Ojiro are, Shira nods for Ojiro to hide behind one of the pillars, he saw this and did as he was told and hides behind one of the pillars, as Shota and Shoji get into view, as the two walks into the room of where the weapon is and gets closer and deeper inside the room, 'Area control: Close off exit' Shira has thought as the cement from a wall at the exit doorway without Shoji and Shota noticing, 'Area control: Shield around the weapon' with that a transparent green light shines around the weapon making a dome which got Shota and Shoji by surprise as they were not expecting this, Shira walks silently behind the two, She gently hit the back of their neck as the two collapses to the floor, Ojiro came out of his hiding spaces,

"Umm... what did you do?" Ojiro asked her with wide eyes and surprise. Shira just shrugged her shoulders,

"I just made them unconscious as I tap their pressure point not a thing else, they should wake up after a few minutes," she simply said as she undoes her quirk,

"Winner is Team 1, the villain's team" All Might announces. Hearing this Shira immediately ran out of the buildings and went to where everyone else is,

"All might! tell Lunch-san to make me tea ask I will be going there to warm up and came back here," she said as she stops for a moment as she said that to All might from the doorway and left, All might just sigh and pull out his phone to the group chat where the other teachers are grouped.

Shira's Friend Group Chat:

Muscle brain: Lunch rush, Shira said to make tea as she is coming there to get warmed up

Caterpillar: Warm-up?

Loudspeaker: Why would she need to warm up?

Lunch Lunch: Okay, I'll get it ready

Muscle brain: I have recorded it, it will explain everything later

All might gets off his phone and put it away as Ojiro, Shota and Shoji walk into the room, Shoji and Shota looked a bit confused.

After class, Shira was in the teacher's lounge drinking her cup of tea and eating some biscuits that lunch rush made for her, as she reads manga on her phone, as more teachers walk into the room. They ask how it was but Shira would always reply with boring and annoying and just go back to her phone, All might walks in with Aizawa and Present Mic.

"Shi-Chan!" Present Mic shouts as he ran towards Shira with open arms for a hug, with a big wide smile on his face, Shira just let him hug her without any resistance as she is already used to it,

"You look sure cute with your hero costume!" he said a loud enough for everyone in the room to hear him, hearing this got everyone's attention, "you look like a doll,"

"How the hell did you know my costume?" she ask with a bit of annoyance from his loudness, so close to her ears, Yamada looks down at her with a gleam in his eyes,

"All might show us a video of the fight" he simply answers, Shira, looks at All might who just smiled at her, Shira let out a sigh from defeat knowing that everyone would want to see it with that All might share the video to the Teacher's group chat. serval notification noise can be heard in the room, all the teacher got their phones out and watch the video as Shira continue drinking her tea and snacks, after a while, everyone finished watching the video, and there can be a high-pitched squeal and the next Shira was in another bear hug which belongs to Nemuri,

"You look so cute and adorable," she said with a high pitch and excitement, Shira just let another defeated sigh, and she continues eating her snacks,

"You didn't let your partner or the other pair show much action now did you," Snipe said as he sweat drops feeling kinda sorry to the pair and her partner as she has overpowered them in seconds and she was not even taking it seriously or trying which got to hurt them a lot,

"What?" Shira ask confused, "1: In a battle, your enemy will not go easy on you and give you a chance to have the advantages, and 2: it's not like I was the only one not trying at all in the activity, that red and the white-haired kid was only planning to use one of his quirks and let the person who caused his pain to win," she said with an annoyed tone yet understanding at the same time, "allowing the very person who has hurt you win, it will just continue to hunt you for the rest of your life, it is a claw that will continue to dig it's the nails into or under our skin until you try to fight off or you have completely given up on became an empty vessel," there was a bit hurt and sadden tone in her voice that clenches anyone heart when heard,

"How do you know that?" it was Aizawa who asked her with a soft yet curious tone in his voice, which everyone else in the room wishes to ask as well,

"Umm...well my quirk and from experience," Shira answers with a smile on her face as though she was an innocent child yet there is some sadness in the smile, this has made the teacher's hearts clench and they felt pain in their chest making it hard to breathe.

"Would you mind explaining more in detail?" Nezu asks as he walks into the room with his smile and a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Shira just sighed,

"Why would I? when you Nezu-san already knows as you may have already searched me up," she said as she looks at the chimera with a knowing smile, which cause Nezu to let out a chuckle as the rest of the teachers are confused as to what is happening,

"Yes, I do apologize for searching up without permission but I would not like to tell others without your permission," Nezu says with a happy tone in this voice, Shira just sighs as she takes another drink of tea before putting it on the table in front of her,

"Nah... It's fine and understandable," she says as she looks at Nezu with understanding, she then faces everyone, "I have two quirks which is Area control as you all already know and the other one is seer's eyes."

"Seer's eyes?" Yamada asks with confused eyes and faces not just him but everyone else has a confused face, as they do not quite understand what that quirk does.

"These quirks would allow me to see paths of different futures, their past, and present and, I can also project those visions to other people, Truths so I will see the truth even when people lie to me, I will have already known the truth behind that lie, I will be experiencing those visions. I will also see other people's future past and present chances and choices and possibilities but while seeing others I will experience them as though I am them," She explains to them, they nod but then Aizawa's eyes widen from realization,

"Experience them as though you are them..." he says as though it was a whisper but everyone heard it as they also realize, "Shira does that mean...that you..." Shira gave them a small nod,

"All of my senses are used, so I feel what they feel, smell what they smell, hear what they hear, taste what they taste, see what they see and the emotions they have felt II have felt," she said while looking at them in eyes, her eyes show a full understanding, it was so deep that they could be drown in them and it was suffocating.

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