Chapter 4: What A Hero Means to Me

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'What is a Hero to you?' This question stayed and repeated itself in the heroes' minds, they are at UA's meeting room as Nezu has called for everyone to the meeting, and the number 1 hero was invited as well. Everyone has taken their seats around the meeting table.

"Hello everyone, I have called this meeting to introduce everyone to a new member of staff at UA" Nezu has spoken to everyone while showing All might everyone's view as All might stood up from his seat as bowed to everyone.

"Hello everyone, it is my pleasure to meet you all," he says to everyone, everyone in the room was shocked to hear this news but the one to speak up was Eraserhead,

"I have to disagree with you Nezu!" he said while standing up from his seat as PresentMic tries to calm him down, "this man doesn't even have a teaching license, to begin with, and the biggest problem of all is that this can cause so much trouble for the everyone and put the students in danger," Eraserhead said with a more stern tone of voice while looking at Nezu at the eyes,

"Aizawa, I understand your concern, but I have already taken that into consideration and made preparations for those cases" Nezu replies with a calm and formal tone of voice. This made Aizawa close his mouth but he still gave a cold stare at them before he sat down he remembers Shira's voice and her question 'What is a Hero to you?' that question can't seem to leave him alone but it is not only him but PresentMic, Midnight and Nezu too like the image of Shira and that question keeps repeating itself in their mind before Aizawa knew it, his mouth moved on its own,

"What is a hero to you, All might?" he asks while looking at him, with this question everything even the air stilled, and four people including Aizawa himself stiffed at this question while looking at All might, this caught everyone else except those four by surprised and confused because what kind of question is that to ask a hero?

"I do not quite understand why you are asking me that question but I will answer, to be a hero is someone who will smile through any pain for others who are in need, fight those villains who wish to take from others, that is what it means to me" All might answer, but hearing those words the four felt as though it was not right and they do not know as to the reason it felt that way. The others in the room were quite inspired by All might's words but not the four. "Why do you ask me that question Aizawa?" All might ask the black hair hero, who is in thought when ask it got the hero out of his mind,

"No reason at all" Eraserhead said as he sits back down, as PresentMic holds his left arm gently.

"Please tell?" Thirteen ask with curiosity in their voice, this got everyone else to be curious as well as it is not normal for Aizawa to behave in such a way, and this time it was Midnight who answer, against the glare that comes from Aizawa,

"It may be because of yesterday," Midnight said with a quiet voice but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear but this answer just causes everyone to be confused,

"What happened yesterday?" thirteen ask confused,

"there's this little girl that we meet a couple of months back..." then Midnight start explaining everything to the rest of the staff, this got everyone shocked and surprised, "so now that question has been stuck in our minds and we don't know why" it was quiet for a while in the room.

"how about we meet her and ask her," Cementos said, everyone agreed with him but Aizawa just sighed but went with them, All might go with as this seemed interesting as they got to the cafe, they just made it in time as she was about to leave as she finishes her shift, she was about to get out when she saw them walking towards them, she just sighed and walk towards them and look at them,

"Let's to the park, yeah," she said as she walks past them, and went towards the way to the park, they just followed, when they got there, she went towards the swings, removes her shoulder bag, and put it beside the swings and sat on the swings and look towards them letting them know she is listening, it was Nezu who spoke,

"We came to ask as to what you meant with your question," he said but she just look straight at them not saying anything, "what do you mean by 'what is a hero to us'?" he ask but Shira just start swinging, as she closes her eyes for a few seconds, it was just silent as the heroes wait for her answer, when she finally stop and look at them again, her looking straight to their eyes.

"Umm...what are heroes?" she asks, this confuses the heroes,

"that's a silly question young one, heroes are people who protect and help people and keep them safe from harm and villains and save people" All might answer her, she just did small swings as she looks down to the ground but then she looks up at the sky and gave a soft sigh and once again she looks at them.

"Doctors save people's lives and heal them and prevent them from dying, policies save people's lives and save people from harm and have their safe places, parents keep their children safe and make sure they are healthy and would give their life for their children, so what are the differences between them?" she said to them, the heroes widen the eyes, as they try to say anything to her, and it was all might who just said,

"That they are not heroes, and they are not the same" this comment made everyone turn towards him,

"Are you stupid!" It was Aizawa who said to the Number one hero, who was surprised at the man's words. "All might, they do the same things as us heroes do, they save lives, they protect life and most of it is everyday like us, who fight villains and yet the policies fight villains, doctors and nurse the save people lives and parent raise their children protecting and helping them get their dreams and smiles, they all do the same as we do," Aizawa told him, at this the number one hero release his mistake.

"Sorry" the number one hero apologizes as he looks down, she just sighs,

"the difference is the tittle people give them is not hero because they choice a different path yet they do the same task as the heroes the people see on the TV, They don't get to be shown on the big screens, they do not get interviews and most of all they do not get fame, yet they work hard to help people, they save lives, they protect people" she says towards them, "to me heroes are people who takes a stand for what they believe is right, help people when they can while saving themself to safe more in the future, to walk with others, to support others when they need support, to give hand when people need a hand to hold, to help to take a step forwards their future that they have chosen, they are people who help others to be themselves, to help others to be proud of who they are and most of all heroes are whoever people see as their hero" she said looking at them with a soft smile "because our life is our story and we have our own types of view in this world, so we see people differently, we have our own minds so we understand things differently, who heroes and villains may be different to others, but we have heroes in our lives, so who is the hero in your life is really what the answer is to the question from yesterday" she said as she got off the swings and grab her bag and left.

This brought memories to the heroes of their mind, as now they know who their hero was, and this brought tears to their eyes and clenched their hearts as they remembered the heroes who were or are in their life.

'What is your hero is the person who you see as your hero in your life

'Who is your hero? who do you think of when you hear the word hero'

'Whoever they are is the answer to this question 

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