Chapter 43: The Final Act

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The heroes wasn't quite sure what to do, as the person in front of the is the vigilante that they have been after for so long, it was the first time that even saw what the person looked like. Then the villain All for one started clapping his hands, as he started speaking once again, "oh what an unexpected visitor where have here, the vigilante, night fairy" but the vigilante did not even give him notice, which of course made the villain angry but kept his anger down as he spoke again to All Might, "The world is now going to see how weak and pathetic of man your are All Might, their symbol of peace." All for once says as steam was coming out of All might as he was slowly turning back to his true form. "Those hollow cheeks and sunken eyes... the top hero looking worse for wear, I'd say but do not be ashamed. That is your true form isn't it"  he says are he opens his arms wide. All might left his head and his eyes shimmer with determination, which was not what All for one wanted.

"My body may wither away... you may expose me to the world but my spirit is what make the symbol of peace!! You haven't  stolen one bit of it!!" All Might respond to All for one's words. The vigilante can not help but to give a small smile behind their mask at the hero's words.

"Wonderful, your just a stubborn child but I've forgotten something, I wonder if this is enough to break that spirit of yours perhaps..." lifting his right hand and his pointing finger up towards All Might, "Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's Grandchild" hearing those words All Might can not help but to be shock and guilt bubbles up in him as he was not able to protect his mentor's family, "and he hated you all this time" the was proud tone in the villain tone of voice, the villain continued speaking as the vigilante watches the whole thing, he can see the emotions coming out of All Might and they can not really blame him for it as it is unstable.

All for one was about to speak again when some one interpreted him, "So All Might what will you do? it is clear that you are in the near end of you strength. Will you stop or will you continue on?" the fairy interpreted, as the vigilante crosses their arms as they face All Might, hearing what the vigilante said brought him out of the spinning spiral of emotion that he was in and now have a clear mind.

All Might stayed silent for a while when memories of Shira's question came to his mind, 'What is a hero to you?' remembering that question brought out memories of his mentor, and the reason for his meaning of a being a hero, and his past, 'so no matter how scary things get, give them a smile. As if to say, "I'm a-ok." the people in this world who smile are always the strongest' he remembers his mentor saying those words to him, as she put two of her fingers at the ends of her lips to pull upwards to make a smile.

"Indeed, there are plenty of things that heroes have to protect, All for one!! That's why I can't lose!" All might says as he gather enough energy into his right hand and made a fist. Hearing those words, the vigilante can not help but to have a smile and giggle at the hero.

"With all you might... Let's put everything we've got into this last punch. Everything we've got, okay" All for one spoke as he levitated above the ground, "Wounded heroes are always the scariest. After I ripped your guts out... the look on your face when you charged at me... I still see it in my nightmares sometimes. You'll probably give me a few more desperate punches, so I should prepare myself." he says while in the air but then there was a massive fireball was fired at him to which with a swift of his left hand put the fire out. All Might and the Vigilante turn toward the direction that the fire ball came from to see Endeavour and other heroes.

"What?! What's wrong with you All Might?!" Endeavour shouted but then they saw the vigilante and was about to attack but was interrupted.

"They might've only been midlevel ones, but still cleaning up all those nomu so quickly...guess I should've expected no less from no.2. you sure have climbed high." All for one said, Endeavour was about to respond but was cut of by the vigilante,

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