Chapter 42: The Appearance of...

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"Stop. Not another step!" Gang Orca says with his stretched arms towards the voice in the shadow. "Is he with the league?" He ask Tiger.

"Someone, get a light over here" Tiger says as he holds the motionless Ragdoll in his arms. When the man in the shadows spoke once more, "Eversince I was reduced to this... I haven't been able to stock up as many as before..." he step forward towards where the rest of the heroes were standing.

Best jeanisy was ready to attack , when Mount lady said, "Jeanist, what if his a civilian...?"

"Use your head. A moments hesitation could allow the enemy to turn the tables on us" Jeanist answers the lady "We mustn't allow a villain to pull any tricks" he says as he clasp his hand into a fist tightening his strings in his grasp.

In a single moment was all it takes for the man in the black helmet to have all the heroes in the area to be onto the ground beaten and diffeated, the building to collapse and broken as though an earthquake had gone pass and civilian to be unconscious and injured. All anyone could feel in that moment was fear, fear of death that seems to be standing right before them, waiting for them to show their face.

People who manage to still be conscious could says that they says their death at that moment because the man who distory the area they lived in was the grim reaper. "Tomura has only learned to think for himself to carve his own path forward. So if possible, I'd like to keep anyone from interfering with thay" he says while looking at the senary that he has created, "Shall we begin?" He ask as though he was waiting for a certain person to came and fight him, his voice was cold and deep like ice that creeps onthe surface of the skin and slowly freezing the blood beneath the skin.

Shira who seems to be invisible no more like she has just became with the senary unotice and untouch by reality was still unable to move or speak as she was beside the man, her eyes dazed and clouded. 'No! Why can't I move my own body, is this one of this man's stolen quirk' she was thought in the moment. Weird black goey liquid appeared, with the members of the league of villains and Bakugo, as the liquid slowly coming off of them to the ground disappearing with out a trace.

"What was that?!" Bakugo says as he was coughing and used his right hand to wipe his mouth, 'Bakugo?!, No' Shira thought,

"My apologies Bakugo" the Villain says but it was clear that he doesn't really care, as his attention gone to Shigaraki, "you have failed, Shigaraki" it was silent and intense as the man in the helmet continues, "but you mustn't lose heart. There will be more chances to set things right. That is why I've brought along your little band and the boy because you have determined that he is a important pawn, so try again, that is why I am here to help you to do" he lift his right arm toward Shigaraki to look like lending his hand up to the light blue haired man when he then said " it's all for you" when those words come out a foreboding atmosphere was present, it felt as though the was still and suffocating, " I knew you would come" the moment the man said those words a just of strong wind come forwards them all and showed All might with both of his fist to the man head but the other grab hold of both stopping from contact.

"You're gonna give it all back. All for one" All might said, he had a smile on but Shira can see the angry no furious glint his eyes.

"Here to kill me again, All might" the Villain said, then there was blast of some type of force as All might a flown away from the villain. "It's about 5 kilometres from the bar to here, it would take you a whole 30 seconds to arrive after I sent the nomu, your losing it All might."

"So are you. What's with that industrial looking mask?! Are you sure you should be up and about in that state?!" All might said as he stands up from 2 meter away from the villain, as the smoke clears up around them. "I'm not gonna make the same mistake I did five years ago, All for one!" He says as he is now fully up, his voice full of determination and promise, as he gets ready to attack, he lift his left arm, hand turned into a fist, " I'm taking Bakugo and Shira and this time, I'm smashing you into a prison cell! You and your little league of villains" he lunch forward fist up, ready to make contact to All for one.

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