Chapter 5: Boy on the Rooftop

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After that day this has been different, they look at things in different ways than they had before and notice things they have never seen back like how people treat others, the separation and unfairness of quirks to others that people see as useless or villainous, the heroes had always known of the discrimination but they didn't just how big it really is and how people seems so different or so fair what the true meaning of a hero, now they are thinking 'how much damage did our blindness cause.'
when they look at the news at home or in the staff room, seeing how much the new heroes are so different from heroes from the past, the damages the fight cause, how the people in the background work to fix those damages, this made them release how much people stray from the true hero meaning.
"How could I forget to thank the people who helped me and why I wanted to be a hero?" Vlad King said with guilt and sadness in his voice as he rests his head on his hands in the UA staff room. since that day all the UA staff felt a heart-clenching crush in their chest as their mind reminds them of their past, they have not seen Shira for a couple of weeks, and for some reason, they can't bring themselves to see the girl after that day,
"you're not the only one who asks that question as I think everyone here is asking the same thing," Midnight said to him as she looks at him from her desk as she just finished her papers, "when you think about it as more time pass, the more we lose the real reason" ash she with sadness in her voice, she sat lean on her chair as she thinks deeper in her thought, every one of them did the same thing as her. When Nezu calls them all to his office, they sigh in frustration as they all stand up from their chairs and walked toward Nezu's office.
Meanwhile, with Nezu, he is typing on his computer, on his computer screen shows a file of Shira Tsubaki:
Name: Shira Tsubaki
Age: 14 years old
Gender: Female
Mother: Chihiro Tsubaki (diseased)
Age of death- 46 years old
Father: N/A
Older Sister -Shikary Tsubaki (diseased)
Age of death- 15 years old
Younger brother- Shinmay Tsubaki (diseased)
Age of death- 7 years old
1- Siren's voice
With this quirk, she can control anything or change anything in her surrounding with her voice, it gets strong with her singing.
overuse: sore throat and tiredness
2- Seer's eyes
with this quirk, she can see things that people can not see.
overuse: sore eyes and headaches
She has lived overseas for a few years after her mother got married to a man, but they return after that man went to jail and her mother got a divorce from him. Chihiro returns with her three children and lives with their grandparents four years later both grandparents died from old age or dementia, later on, Shira has lost her mother and both her siblings in a car accident but in this accident, she got her quirk Siren's voice, it protected her and so she was the only one who survived.
She was sent to an orphanage for a few years, she went to middle school (Sakura Middle school) but she left during the middle of the semester and went to online classes. During schooling there she has caused many problems such as talking back against teachers, starting fights, skipping classes, and not doing work.
After reading the file Nezu sighed heavily as he feels as though something is wrong with it as he has met the girl herself and he thinks as though he is a fairly good judge of character thus, he does not see the girl herself as what the file describes and somewhat sad as it also mentions that she has no relatives and she lives by herself.
'Well, I guess these answers as to why she works instead of going to school' Nezu thinks as she remembers the ways she spoke and looks in her eyes every time they meet her. 'This also explains that distant yet wise look in her eyes as well the disconnection feeling that she gives off' as he thought more, he hears a knocking at his door "come in" he said allowing the people at the door to come into his office, it was the UA staffs who walk inside his office.
"You called for us," Presentmic said as he and the others walked into the office, the last one to walk in was Vlad King closed the door after him,
"Yes, I have called all of you to talk about Shira Tsubaki" hearing her name made everyone still, and her image shows up in their mind as they all looked down at the floor, "everyone I understand how you all feel but we must take a step forward to improve" with his words everyone lookup with determination. "Now, I have searched her up in the database" with his words has made the teachers sighed as they should have already expected it. "I would like you all to do some investigation about Sakura middle school," with this made the staff confused as to the reason for it, " she had gone there before but after a few months she left in the middle of the semester and the discrimination they have put in the files does not fit and seems wrong" Nezu explain and read the description that was written to them, this cause the teachers to be confusing as it does not seem to the Shira they know of.
"Are you sure it is the same girl or that they have put it in the wrong file?" PresentMic ask to confuse, the other nod as they are thinking the same thing as he is,
"No, that is why I want all of you to investigate that middle school" he is answering them while looking them right in the eyes. Everyone in the office nods their head in understanding and agreement.
A few days later: In the middle of the night, on top of a high building there stand a figure as she looks upon the city, as the moonlight shone upon the roofs as they sighed, 'this world so ugly and cruel yet so beautiful and kind which I will never understand as to how it can be like that they thought as they sat at the edge of the roof, they sent little scout fairies to go around and search for people in need of help and send the figure as alert and location of the victims as the fairies put up illusions and a proactive shield on the victims and with the protective shield would also heal the injuries or injured till the Vigilante come and deal with the criminals and the polices has come. This goes on till their portal ends in the morning by the next day while the heroes and police officers and police cars go to every one of the locations of the places that they notify as well search for the vigilante, the sun starts coming out to view.
It is the next day, Shira doesn't have any work today so she planned on staying at her apartment but sadly life was not on her side as her fridge was empty, she let out a sigh as even if she order some food, she would not have any food for later or the next days, so she got changed into Solid came dree and plaid frilled high low blouse and black shorts and ankle-length boots after getting change she put her shoulder bag on, she brushed her hair and put her hair up with claw hair clips, she walks out her apartment and lock the door after making sure that she has everything wallet, phone, power bank, charger, headphones, ear pods, and earphones are in her shoulder bag, she then went to the shops to buy the things she wants and needs. while going around she heard a commotion outside of the shops and as she is curious she went to see what is happening outside after paying for the things, only saw that it was only a villain and hero fighting and the hero is making a big show out of a simple robbery that Shira just sighed as she walks away from it but to see so many casualties from the fight and it was bugging her that she went and help with the casualties, helping with treating the injuries and using her quirk to help with moving the fallen debris.
Without her knowing some people were taking videos of what she was doing and even though she can hear them whispering she doesn't pay mind to them as she was too busy helping out. Some heroes who were passing by noticed her and were surprised and admired her not noticing that a villain was running away from a hero, the villain notice her and went towards her, he was planning on using as Shira a hostage, he got a knife out ready to attack her. the heroes notice this and are about to go forwards but before the villain can use her as a hostage, Shira has already taken the villain down on the floor with his wrist on his back and chest to the ground, Shira's knees on his back. The villain tries the get-up but couldn't as Shira would just tighten the grip on him,
"Seriously, I have just gone out to get some groceries but no life just had to make it harder for me," Shira said with a sigh, everyone in the crowd is just a way to surprise by what had happened, then the hero who was chasing the villain got out of the shock and got the villain as Shira got off and just gave the villain to the hero, noticing that Shira doesn't need to help anymore and it has been sorted out and just walked away. As she walks away, she went past UA high where she bumped into someone and it was one of the UA staff, Present mic, and Eraserhead.
"Hello long time since we saw each other, " she said with a gentle smile on her face with a small wave of her hand, the other two waved back at her,
"Yeah, hello," PresentMic said softly towards her with a bright big smile on his face and Eraserhead gave a small nod as they heard more voices coming toward them, they turn to look in the direction of the voices and it was the Midnight and Vlad king walking towards the three but they have yet to notice Shira there but as Midnight and Vlad King got closer to them is when they notice Shira that they stop moving, Shira just wave towards them with a gentle smile they two-wave back towards her as she was about to leave, Nezu pop out of nowhere and invited her into the school and before she can reject it Nezu has already interrupted her and got her inside the UA building.
They chatted for a while but then it got to the topic of heroes and villains,
"Miss Shira, do you wish to be a hero?" Nezu ask her which caused Shira to be surprised by the question but after a little while she just gave a little giggle,
"Me a hero..." she said while giggling "you are kidding because I would not be a good one" she had a smile on her face as she said that towards everyone, her words cause everyone in the room to be confused about her words,
"I believe you would make a wonderful hero," Nezu said to her with a straight face ad the other four agree with his words with a serious faces as they looked at her but she just looks surprised and shocked by what they had said.
"Yeah but no thanks," she said with a bright smile on her face, "it's too much trouble and I am not a hero type as I am to self-fish to be a hero and they could have too much expectation, so yeah no thanks," she said while with a small wave with her hand as she looks at them with a smile, this causes the heroes to be confused as she does not seem to be self-fish,
"How are you self-fish?" PresentMic asks with a confused face but she just giggles with this question as she looks at them sparkle in her eyes,
"Simple as my moto 'I am no angel and I am no demon, I am just a human who wants to do whatever I want to do and if I don't want to then I don't' she said as she goes into her bag and grabs a bottle of (Favourite drink) and open it taking a drink from it as she then looks at the heroes, "well anyway I have somewhere to go to so let's talk some other time yeah," she said with a bright smile as she stood up and left the heroes in the room before they can do anything.
"don't worry I can have a drone follow where she is going as it is getting late," Nezu said as he sent a camera drone out to follow Shira, they followed her to a building, she has gone up the stairs as she reaches the rooftop and at the edge, they see a teenage boy standing there, the heroes were about to set out of the high school when they heard a voice,
"Hey what are you doing over there at the edge?" they look to see that it was Shira who spoke as she slowly walks near the boy and sat down on the floor not too far from him, the boy look behind him to see her sitting on the floor, he was shocked by seeing her there...

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