Chapter 30: Reckless three Vs One

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In a room with four heroes and one young girl, there they sit in silence, as the young girl fidgets with the handle of her drink, as the three pro heroes quietly stare at her, that's until Aizawa lets out a sigh after taking a sip of his coffee.

"Shira, we won't push you to explain until you are comfortable to tell but tell us one thing," Aizawa said with a stern voice looking straight at the young girl who still looked down but gave a noticeable nod of the head,

"Aizawa's right, we will not push you to tell us anything when you are not comfortable with telling, we will listen if you want to tell us and when you are comfortable with it, Shira," Hizashi says with a bright smile on his face as the others nod the head in agreement. Hearing those words brought a smile to Shira's face, her smile seems more relaxed and more gentle to it.

"Thank you."

It was night, the night cool air touches the surface of her skin as she sit above a tall building rooftop watching her classmate's movement. it was when she sees people running in full panic and screams can be heard that she saw people needed help. Shira could not help but grip her hands. she had no choice but to let her eyes off of her classmate as she went to help the heroes but not let Ida alone as she gave a smile that a small bluish glow flew past her to follow the blue-haired boy.

As she arrived at the scene with the other heroes that she see multiple nomus attacking the places and saw many civilians that are still at the scene that she slowly lifted her quirk that big vines came out and lifted the citizens up and protected them while at the same time capturing the nomus up. Allowing the heroes a chance to attack while she goes to the injured and treats them, "alright, anyone who can still walk, please help the ones who are not able to and follow me to the safe area, and where the medics will," she says to the citizens, looking at them with confidence and control, the citizen's emotions couldn't help but to follow and nods their head in agreement. After a while, Shira brought the citizens to the safe area where the medics are and are helping the people who needed help, Shira take a deep breath and token the injured citizens to the medics and spoke to the medics, she went towards those who are seriously injured into a small space and used her quirk to help heal them. After a while of doing so, she started getting tired but she still kept on using her quirk, after getting everything in control.

She left to go to the alley where Ida is, not to her surprise only to see Midoriya ready to fight stain and to see that Ida is on the ground unable to move and an injured pro hero, Shira ran towards Ida and the pro hero, "you two alright? can you two able to move?" Shira asks the two males.

"Tsubaki-san?" Ida ask but Shira just gave him a glance, then went back to looking at the pro hero's injuries, after taking a look, she opens her small pack and take bandages out, and wrapped them on the injured making sure that is tight enough pressure to stop the bleeding. The hero did hiss at times but with a simple look of apologizing for the pain, he just gives a simple nod of understanding, 'I used my quirk too much, darn it' Shira says in her mind, and she clenches her jaws. After treating the pro hero's injury, she turns her attention to Ida, she let out a sigh, as she went closer to the blue-haired boy.

"Ida, you are crazy," she says as she was about to help the boy when the blue-haired boy screamed asking why are Midoriya and her interrupting his revenge for his older brother, this made Shira annoyed at her classmate and so she grabs his collar and slap him across the face, this caught everyone by surprise from the unexpected action of the young girl, "Are you f##king stupid? ya think your older brother wants his little younger brother that he has seen grow up since they were a babe, huh because I tell ya this no decent older sibling would want that especially knowing that they are the reason," she says with eyes full of emotions, of the edge of angry, annoyance and sadness, "Cause I'll tell ya this, it hurts ya know, it really hurt, not only will your older brother feel the pain, it would also give the same pain to you family, your mother who carried you, help you grow and gave you love, same with you father, your friends who care for you, I understand how you feel but that does not make it right to throw all the people who care and love you to feel the pain that you will bring to them, who hear me?!"

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