Chapter 33: End of Term Exam

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"Oh yeah, Ochako ask me to have lunch with her and her friends today," Shira said so casually to everyone with this those words froze all the staff members still but Shira just kept on eating the spaghetti that lunch rushed made for her and drinking her cola.

"Are you saying that someone invited you for lunch but you decline it?" Midnight asks Shira to which Shira nods her head as a yes to everyone while drinking her cola through the straw, Shira gave them a confused look because the staff members were looking at her with shocked looks, "Why didn't you agree to have lunch with them?" Midnight asks even further as the other teacher nods their head.

"Well because I wanted to have lunch with you guys and I always have lunch with you guys all the time," Shira answers her as she looks at her with a puzzled look, the teachers let out a sigh and I don't feel comfortable with my classmates for now. Still, I will be having lunch with them tomorrow, I guess," she said while looking at them the teachers let out a sigh as they know that they can't change her mind if she didn't want to.

"Fine but it would be good to socialize with your classmates and make friends," Zashi says to Shira as he gave a gentle pat on her head with a soft smile on his face, Shira gave a smile and nods her head, 'I swear they can sometimes feel like a family member to me ' she says in her head.

She let out a sigh and said "I know, I will be socializing with my classmates," there was a smile on her face as she then continues eating the spaghetti as she finishes eating that was left on her plate. After a while, the school bell rang to let everyone know that it was time for class and because wards Shira let out a sigh, not just her but also Aizawa to which the other teachers gave out a giggle as the two were so similar earn them a glare from Aizawa to which causes them to stop. However, Hizashii still kept on giggling, Shira saw this, "What's funny?" she asked Hizashi, he turns to her with a bright smile, "well it is just that you and Aizawa are so similar in behaviour, that you can be mistaken as father and daughter" he said as those words the other staffs nod their head in agreement, Shira let out a giggle when she heard that and Aizawa just harden his glare at them, Aizawa just stands and told Shira that it was a class time when the two of them where out the door that Shira just laugh even more to which Aizawa just gave her soft glare to which Shira tries to cover her giggles with her hands over her mouth.

It was class time, Aizawa are in front of the class as she sat on her seat when he started speaking, "let's see here... right, summer break is fast approaching but of course, it stands to reason none of you have enough leeway to just relax for thirty," this made the rest of the students a bit panic as they all know what Aizawa was about to say, "We'll be going to a summer break forget lodge."

"I knew it! Oh yeah!!" all the students started saying as they were excited and they all started speaking about other things that they were excited about, when Aizawa spoke up that everyone was entirely down, "However should any of you fall short of a passing grade for the end-of-term test then you're stuck in school, in remedial hell." as he said that everyone started saying that everyone should do their best on the test with this loud noise, Shira covers her ears to help dull out the loud noise.

After a while, it was break time. Shira was just on her phone reading manga when she heard Kiminari start talking "I haven't studied at parallel!! With the sports festival and workplace experience and everything I never stopped to study!!" everyone else started panicking because they are worried that they might not pass the end-of-term-exam, "The midterm exams, they didn't cover very much since we'd just been admitted, but now...sure, there were a lot of school affairs and stuff but the end-of-term tests are goanna be way different from the midterms..." Sato said as he speaks to Kota.

As Shinso let out a sigh out of frustration from everyone being loud,' everyone in this class is too loud, it's giving me a headache he thinks as he rubs his head with his right hand, his eyes wander around the classroom when it lands on the black haired girl who is looking on her phone screen, he stood from his seat and walked up to her even though it is quite a shock for everyone else to see him make to the first move to make an interaction but he will take his fathers word into action.


"Shinso, how was the work experience with your father for ya!?" Hizashi asks the purple head boy who is also his son, as the teenage boy looks up at his blond hair dad as let out a tired sigh.

"It was exhausting," the teenage boy says to his dad with tiredness in his voice as the blonde hair man laughs at his son's expression, while his black-haired husband walks next to his purple-haired son when he walks past the boy, he gave him a firm yet gentle pat on the head. when the black-haired man has taken his sit was when his phone rang, taking a looked at who was calling to see that it was a hospital call, and a frown shows on his face, taking the call.

Phone call:

Aizawa: Hello Aizawa answering?

Hospital: "Hello this is Huso general Hospital calling in regards to a young teenage girl names Shira Tsubaki?" hearing the hospital and the name Shira in the same sentence made his heart skip, his eyes widen, and worry can be seen in his eyes.

Aizawa: "what happened to Shira, that made her go to the hospital?" this caught Hizashi's attention as he turns his head towards his husband, his eyes wide and full of worry.

Hospital: " I am sorry to tell you that there has been an attack when she and three other students were caught in between a pro hero and a villain in a fight." the hospital worker calmly explain to him. "The doctors now examine as to what is the problem." the worker explain further.

Aizawa: "Alright thank you, we will be there," Aizawa told the hospital worker as he hangs up and stand ready to leave. When Hizashi grabs Aizawa's sleeves, the black-haired man gives the blond his attention, so the black-haired man explains everything to the blonde, which made the blonde even more worried and comforts the black-haired man.

After a while, Aizawa returns from the hospital, and when he finally returns from the hospital Hizashi runs to him asking questions about Shira,

"Hizashi, Hizashi, calm down, she is fine just exhausted and worn out from overuse of her quirk, she will be just fine and will be better after a little bit of rest," Aizawa explains, hearing those words has made Hizashi relax. When another voice came into the room, it was Shinso their teenage son.

"Is everything alright?" Shinso asks his two fathers as he walks towards them, both men turn their heads to their son,

"Yeah, everything fine Shinso," Hizashi says with a smile on his face, when he soon got an idea in his head, so he walks to Shinso and put both his hands on top of Shansi’s shoulders. "Shampoo, what do you think of Shira?" she ask the young purple-haired boy, who gave his dad a frown as he is getting very uncomfortable with the blonde man's happy glittering atmosphere.

"Umm...She is alright and doesn't mind her..." he says to his blonde hair father, who seems very happy with the young hair boy's words which causes the very same boys to step back and his dad stops him into a hug.

"You must interact with her more," Hizashi says with a happier tone, the boy looks at his black-haired father who turns his head away and shrugged his shoulders.

Flashback ends:

"Umm... Shira. mm... what are you looking at?" he asks the black hair girl, who turns her attention to the Shinso when she hears his voice, she faces her phone screen down to the desk surface and takes one of her earphones off.

"Just some manga nothing more," she says as she turns her whole body to face him, as he tries to think of other subjects to continue the conversation, seeing his struggle made her giggle as she just couldn't help, hearing her giggle made the boy confuse, "Sorry, it's just that you look just like Aizawa, when he tried to make a conversation and it quite funny the similarities you two have," she says with a very happy tone in her voice.

"Oh, I hear that a lot," he says to her which makes her giggle even more, as they started making even more conversations, they continue talking and they get along quite well, when soon later Momo walks into the conversation.

"Hello there Shira and Shinso," she says with a smile on her face, as Shira also gave her a smile in return. Momo sat at the front sit of Shira, "what are you two talking about?" she asks the two.

"We are talking about the exam that we would need to be doing" she explains, to which Mono nods her head in understanding.

"Well, you two can just the study group that I am having at my house with the others," Momo told them,

"I don't know as I'm not good with hanging out with a lot of people," Shira says to the two, to which Momo gave a worried look,

"You don't have to if you are not sure" Momo tries to say with a concerned tone as she doesn't want to make the young uncomfortable, when Shinso thought of something,

"How about us three goes study together instead with the others if that makes you better," he says with a mono-tone voice but you can tell that he is trying to help Shira to which she considers and nods her head.

"Sure, that sounds great," Shira says with a smile to the two, which made the two classmates let out a glad smile as they were worried that they have made the young girl uncomfortable and unhappy, the three started making plans for when and where to meet up. The three students kept on chatting with each other as one black hair sleepy man notice the three as a small gentle smile comes across his face which he hides behind his grey scarf.

It is the next day, everyone is talking bout the final exam of the semester and Shira is sitting down at her seat when she lets out a sigh and looks at the clock when she notices that it was nearing the time for lunch and she can already tell that the teacher will kick her out of the office if she goes there instead of going to lunch with her classmates, she doesn't want to but Hizashi and Nemuri will make a whole drama out of the whole thing and she doesn't feel like dealing with that. That was when the school bell rings signalling that it was lunchtime, when Uraraka walks up to her, "hey still having lunch with me and my friends?" she asked with a hesitant face and nervous tone, when Shira nodded her head when an idea came to her mind that a smile came to her face.

"Hey, will it be okay if Shinso and Momo came to lunch with us?" Shira ask with a smile, Uraraka gave her a smile in return and nodded her head, that Shira calls for Momo and Shinso to come to her to which they did, "you two will be having lunch with us right?" she said it like a question but the two can tell that she is telling them to go with her like, 'you two will be will be coming with me or I will drag you with me' and her smile make as well say 'dare me' to which cause the two know that they have no choice so they gave up and agrees, to which Shira claps her hands together and said with a high happy tone "yay" which was obvious that she is faking it.

they were all at the cafeteria, eating their lunches while everyone was talking to each other, they were talking about the semester exams but Shira wasn't paying attention much as she was enjoying her food when it just has to be disturbed when someone hit Midoriya the back of her head, to which got her attention.

"Ahh, my bad, your head's so big I ended up whacking your upside it." a blonde boy with a small smile said, the tone of his voice wasn't sincere, “the class B kid! uhhh...Monoma! what do you think you're doing!" someone said.  then the kid Monoma started talking about a bunch of crazy things which was annoying Shira, that she smacks the table which got a lot of people's attention, and before a ginger-haired girl could knock out the blonde boy, Shira turns to Monona,

"Right Monona, Apologise to Midoriya as you just hit him at the back of his head for no reason, to which I will report to the teachers if you do not apologize you hear me," Shira says to the boy with a serious look in her eyes as she crosses her arms,

"What you think just because you are in class A that you are..." before he can even finish Shira cuts him off,

"Look it doesn't matter which class you are in you don't just hit someone at the back of their head if you want to talk to him then talk or just gently tap his shoulder not hit him with your tray, it is just common sense," her words Shuts Monoma's mouth and an embarrassed blush creep up on his face that he turns, Shira being enough and knew he was not going to apologize just sat back on her seat and whisper out 'annoying brats' and continuing eating her lunch.

when the ginger-haired girl walks up to the table and started talking, "Sorry about that, class A, the kid's heart is well... you know how it goes." she says while looking at Shira to which Shira just nods her head, and smiles to her, "Anyways, earlier I heard you say that you couldn't know what the end-of-term test exercise would be. I'm told it'll be like the entrance exam. that is a battle simulation exercise fighting against robots." she told the rest of the class but Shira was not paying attention the conversation and just enjoying her lunch.

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