Chapter 17: Students Scattered

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"V-Villains!? Get out of here!!" Aizawa says as more villains walk out of the black-purple make, "What Kinda numbskull could think honest-to-god villains would be able to just waltz into the hero home-based!?"

"sensei! What about the intruder alarm sensors..." Yaoyorozu asks with a panicked voice but a bit calmer than the rest as cold sweat rolls down her pretty face,

"Of course, we have some setup, but...!" 13 answered but was interrupted by  a cold monotone voice,

"Is this the only part of campus they've infiltrated, or are they attacking all of the others too...? then that would just mean they must have one amongst their number who has a quirk that can do that," Todoroki says looking at the numbers of the villains, "An Isolated space away from the school building at a time when there is a class scheduled, it may seem out of the question but they..." but then he was interrupted by someone voice,

"It means that they have a solid objective as this whole incident would not have been an ambush with a careful planning and time," It was Shira who interrupted Todoroki, "but this would also mean that the main campus would be safe from what the black-purple smoky guy and that hand covered man said they are looking for All Might, so that would mean that they are looking for him and they have only know All Might be going to be because of the press break-in, so they do not have any reason to be attacking the main campus..." Shira explains more to the students, this shock the students as she was calm and collected, she analyzed the situation without panicking, "right, you all are students to becoming a hero are you not? yes this is our first year, yes we are still young but think of this instead, this will make us stronger," she told the students with confidence in her eyes which gave the panicked students more hope and made them more relaxed,

"no.13, Do the evacuation producer! and try calling the school! these villains know how to get around the sensors! there is a chance there is an electro wave-type guy who is interfering," Aizawa told 13 in a calm tone but commanding, "Kaminari you too! try contacting UA with your quirk!" this got Kiminari by surprise, Shira sighed as she has an idea as to what Aizawa was going to do next as she too was going to the same with or without Aizawa permission,

"Sensei!? Are you going to fight them alone!? even if you suppress all of their quirks, there are too many of them!!" Midoriya said with a panicked and worried tone in his voice and face, "the battle style of 'Eraserhead' is to capture villains after erasing their quirks. meaning the main battle starts now..."

"Midoriya...stop" Shira's voice stops Midoriya from continuing, "Aizawa-san is a hero, yes this is not his specialty but it is his job as a teacher and hero to protect us and that includes 13 because...what type of heroes will they be..." Shira says with a worried yet trusting tone of voice while looking at everyone, she looks at Aizawa, "you be careful, alright" her voice felt a bit chocked up but she gave him and smile as he nods,

"A hero always has more than one trick up their sleeves!" Aizawa said as he face the villains, "No.13, I'm counting on you!" with that He start fighting the villains, Shira felt worried taking over but she take deep breathes as she believes Aizawa will be fine,

"Incredible...! I forgot one-on-group batt;e is sensei's specialty!" Midoriya said with amazement from watching Aizawa's fight, which Shira can't blame him as Aizawa is amazing and strong, that is one of the reasons why Aizawa is her favorite hero,

"This is no time for analysis! we have to evacuate!" Iida told Midoriya wanting to evacuate the USJ as soon as possible and be somewhere safe for everyone until the rest of the heroes were notified and arrived.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that." the black-purple smokey said as he appear where the student is, "greetings we are the villain alliance. I do apologize for the presumption but we took it upon ourselves to enter UA academy, the base of heroes." 'well for a villain he is quite polite, so gentlemanly Shira thought, "To engage with Mr. All Might, the 'symbol of peace.' we were wondering if we might be allowed the opportunity to extinguish him, you see." hearing those words got everyone goosebumps and shiver across the spin specially Midoriya. "Was Mr. All Might not be meant to be in attendance at this juncture? perchance has something been altered? Ah well...setting that aside... This is my role." 13 started to get to action when Bakugo and Kirishima interfered by attacking the black-purple smoke man.

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