Chapter 3: What is a hero to you?

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Heroes' POV:

We walk into a café called Heiwa-teki café, and we are all so tired, when we went inside it had a peaceful atmosphere and so relaxing that it just seems to have taken in all our tiredness now, we went inside, there at the front desk took us all by surprise as it was a 14-year-old girl, she has a smile on her face,

"Welcome to Heiwa-teki café," she said as she welcomed us with a calm and relaxing tone of voice, we went towards her and made our orders as she took them and showed us our table afterward, she left to take our orders.

"Shouldn't she be in school as she looks like she is 14?" PresentMic asks with a concerned and worried tone in his voice while looking at the others.

"I know," Midnight said, agreeing with him as she too is concerned and worried as well of the young girl, "what was her name again?" she asks while looking at the other heroes with her.

"Not too sure" PresentMic answered her,

"Her name is Shira Tsubaki, at least that is what is written on her work name tag," Eraserhead said to them while looking at them with a stone face. He let out a sigh as his co-workers were annoying him a lot, but he does understand their concern for the young girl, as 14-years-old so should be in school not working, UA high school is only out as most of the teachers are out to get to that meeting about that vigilante even with that fact, she is too young to work anyway. Then the young girl came back with everything that they had ordered to their table, she put them down with a gentle smile but something about the smile seemed disconnected and empty.

"Hope you all enjoy it," she said with a bright calm tone in her voice, as she once again walks away to get other orders. The heroes look at her as she walks away from their table, they watch as she talks and smiles at other customers, giving their orders. She seems to have a good relationship with a lot of people and a lot of people smiling at her.

"She seems well-liked by people," Presentmic said while looking back to the others, the rest nodded in agreement with what he said.

"But at the same time, there seems to be disconnection with her" Nezu said, while putting his teacup down onto its small plate that is on the table. He raises his head to face the heroes with his black beady eyes. The others look at him and nod in agreement with his statement, they stayed for a while and chatted to each other, till they heard,

"Right, time for me to go home" they look and saw it was the young girl with a small shoulder bag, she was about to leave but was interrupted by Midnight,

"Umm... can we speak to you for a little while?" Midnight asks to get the young girl's attention, it seems as though it took her by surprise, she looks a bit hesitant but still agreed, the heroes sighed in relief that she had agreed, and the young girl sat near the end of the table.

"So umm... what is it that you wish to talk about?" the young girl asks them while looking straight at the heroes. The heroes look at each other than at the young girl,

"If young do not mind telling us as to why you are working here instead of school?" Nezu asked her, the girl tilted her head to her right,

"Not telling as I don't know any of you people," she said towards them,

"Do not worry as we are heroes," Nezu said, while they showed their hero license to her, but she still tilted her head looking confused,

"still you may be heroes but I don't know any of you, you all are still strangers to me," she said to them, it shocked the heroes as people normally trust them after knowing that they are heroes but she didn't, she let out a sigh, "even if you all are heroes doesn't mean I should trust any of you cause for all I know you all could still be dangerous," it was understandable as they are strangers to her and she doesn't know any of them, while all of them are shock, she stood up and left.

"Well, that was something new," PresentMic said while in shock still looking at the empty chair that she used to be on.

"Well, we could come here now and then to gain her trust," Nezu said while looking at them, they nodded understanding.

A few months later:

After their meeting at the café, the heroes would come more often, would talk to her, and tries to get along with them, well more like Presentmic would drag Eraserhead with him every time but Eraserhead would come by himself from time to time, just to have black coffee. They would ask her questions that she choices not to answer but there were times she would give them answers but keep her distance from the personal ones. It is one of those days that all of them come together and it always annoys her the most as it would also feel like they are interrogating her all the time. She finishes her work as she walks out, and there they are the heroes, but she just sighs as she walks toward them.

"Right let's go to the park then you can ask your question there," she says to them as she walks ahead of them and they follow her to the park, when they got there, PresentMic was the first one to ask a question,

"Do you like heroes?" this made the air around them awkward as the heroes always wonder this as it seems as though she does not like heroes but the young girl just sighs,

"There are heroes that I like Eraserhead as he is my favorite," she answers, this shocks the heroes as 1. She knows Eraserhead and 2. it is not all might that is her favorite,

"n-not all might?" Midnight asks with shock and surprise, the young girl just sighs with annoyance as she turns to look towards them,

"All might um... no offense to him but he seems like an idiot, I respect him as a hero, but would I say the best um... not the best, as from where I see it, he takes things all on himself and don't see things logically and most of all-cause to many coral damages to his surrounding when fighting villains but to be honest that comes to most or all of the limelight heroes these days and it is very annoying" her saying this about the number 1 hero shock the heroes. " But that is not all the damages that comes that is too high for people around them too," she said with a sad and concern tone, "it feels as though this society has forgotten the true meaning of what a hero is," she says to them as she looks at them, something in her eyes just makes it like those words have more weight and has some sadness to them.

She then walks towards them, as the sunset is the background, the blue-sky fades into mixtures of red, orange, and pinks, the light from the setting sun lights her silhouette and asks them a question which froze them in place,

"What is a hero to you?" 

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