Chapter 7: Me A Hero?

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It was a normal routine for Shira, like any other day, her getting out of bed and getting ready for her day but that stop after her landline phone rang like any other normal person, she answers the phone.

"Hello, Tsubaki here," she said to the other person at the other end of the call,

'Hello, miss Tsubaki, it is Principal Nezu,' the other person replied, who she finds to be the mouse, bear chimera, Principal Nezu of UA high,

"Ah yes, what can I do for you Principal Nezu?" she asks, curious to what he could want from her,

"Yes, if you are free, please come over to UA as there is something that I wish to discuss with you if that would be alright for you" he answers her, Shira did think of it for a while and she did take a few days off from work to relax and she's enough money that the moment to worry about it and she doesn't have anything planned out, so she might as well go and see what he wants to talk about,

"Yes, that would be alright with me, when would you want me to come over there," she said to him,

"Would today be okay and maybe around lunchtime, you would not need to worry about lunch as we would provide you the food" he replied,

"Well, that would be okay with me but is it okay for you to prepare lunch for me," she asks with concern,

"Yes, it would be our pleasure," Nezu reassure her,

"Very well then, I will be there at 12:30," she said,

"meet you then, Miss Tsubaki," then he hang up after a few seconds of making sure she put the phone down, she look at the time, it says 8:30 am, she had plenty of time before going to school so she had a small breakfast, she gone to take a shower after finishing she put her clothes on it was a plain black sweatshirt and a black waist skirt on, then crushing her silky smooth black hair and another normal routine for her, after making sure she has everything she wants and need, it was 11:40 so she put her black ankle boots on and went out the door and make sure to close the door and set out to go to UA high while putting her headphones on and putting on music from her phone as she walks forward.

She has made it to the front entrance of UA high, she looks for a camera after finding it she waves at it with a smile on her face, she looks at her phone to see the time, it was 12:18 so she was just planning to just wait there while listening to music till it was near the time for her to go inside the school so she stayed outside for 7 more minutes, then that she when she tried going inside but before she could take a step inside she remembered the alarm so she stayed a little longer as she didn't get the number for the school so now she doesn't know what to do, that was until she heard a voice calling her it was three students, with the blonde-haired boy that look like a cartoon, long light blue-haired girl with round blue eyes and a dark-haired boy that look alike an elf, they walk closer to Shira,

"Hello is there something we can do for you?" the blonde-haired boy ask with a bright wide smile on his face,

"Oh, well you see, Principal Nezu ask for a meeting with me but I am not sure whether to go in as I don't have any ID with me to allow me in and I don't want any students to panic at all" Shira answers him, the students were quite shocked as they were not expecting for principal Nezu to invite someone like this. Then a young girl had glitter in her eyes and started asking questions, Shira,

"Oh, why was he asking for a meeting with you? what did you do? and how old are you?" and the girl kept on asking questions to Shira, this kind of annoyed her so much but Shira didn't want to be rude to this new girl who she doesn't even know who she is. Shira was about to open her mouth when she hears a familiar monotone voice and familiar loud bright tone voice call out to her,



Shira and the three students look towards the voice to see that it was Eraserhead and Present Mic, the two pro heroes started walking towards the four and the two heroes waved towards Shira as they walk her,

"Oh hey, Eraserhead and Present Mic," Shira said as she waves back to the two heroes from behind the three students.

"Hey, just call me by my name kid, Shota Aizawa," Eraserhead said to Shira with a small gentle smile on his face,

"Yeah, little listener, just calls me Hizashi Yamada," Present Mic said with a big bright smile on his face, as both he and Shota had made it in front of Shira. She was a bit hesitant at first but gave a small nod to her head with a smile on her face.

"Anyway, let us go see Nezu now," Aizawa said as he let her in through the gate as both the heroes and the three students made way for her, she walks through the gate, she turns and thank the students, as Aizawa and Yamada guide her to Nezu's office when they have finally made it in front of the office doors, Aizawa knocks on the door, there was an answer to come in, the doors open and in view was Nezu.

Shira walks inside the office, and both the pro heroes went in with her, Nezu offer her a seat on the sofa across from him with a small rectangle coffee table, she took the offer and sat down on the sofa across from him. He offers a cup of tea and she accept it, Aizawa took a black coffee and Yamada took tea as well, Shira took a sip of tea that she has been offered, she waited until everyone had their drinks. After everyone had their drinks, she put her cup of tea down on its tea plate and onto the table, when she has finally spoken up,

"So what is it that you have wish to discuss?" she ask, as she look at the white mouse from across her, everyone in the room stilled for a while though they were expecting that question to be asked as that is the reason as to asking her here, Nezu was about to answer when there was a knock on the door again, Nezu let them in, the door open and it was the rest of the teachers of UA who walk in. they all entered and stand by the door as Lunch Rush had was waiters trolley with food on it, after placing the food on the table, Shira said thank you to him with a small bow of her head then she faces Nezu again,

"Yes, well you see we would like for you to come to UA high school to become a hero," Nezu said to her but Shira just widens her eyes,

"I am sorry, what did you say again?" she ask her again, doubting her ears and wanting to make sure that she has heard it correct,

"I have said that we wish for you to join UA high into the hero course," Nezu repeats himself, this just made it's even more shocking for her,

"But why?" she asks as she is very confused as to the reason why they would want her to be a hero, she tilted her head to her right as she tries to conclude it,

"It is because we can see that you have great potential to be an amazing hero," Nezu answers her, but instead Shira just laughs as though it was a joke of the year,

"You are joking right, me a hero," she said as she points at herself, this made the heroes in the room to be concerned and confused as they try to figure out what was so funny, "I have thought we have already talked about this; I would be a terrible hero as I am to self-fish to be one,"

"if we may ask once again as to how exactly are you self-fish again," Nezu ask as he is confused as he has done his research on her and her actions that he has seen are not ones that a self-fish person would make, her actions so far are of helping others and fixing the mistakes of those other heroes mistakes and most of all she does all those help and actions of her accords and without any other meaning behind them at all, not for fame or money but just because she chose to, Shira could tell what Nezu was thinking by just look at him in the eyes, she let out a sigh,

"you know what I will start talking more straightforwardly for ya all," she said with a bold tone and cold eyes this took them all by surprise, "I can tell that you Nezu know about my past and have done a bit of research about me," she said while looking straight at Nezu, Nezu just took a sip from his tea, Shira let out a sigh and said "I do those actions for my good and my concourse, that is all and that is it, it bugs me a lot if I don't help when I can help them," she said as she took a sip of her tea, "I am not stupid enough to help someone when I can't do anything for them as it would not benefit anyone at all," as she finishes speak she look up at all the other heroes, they understand what she meant by those words,

"But why did you help that boy on the roof?" All might ask confused, this got Shira's attention as she snaps her head to look at him,

"that is because of my quirk," she simply said, the heroes are just confused except for Nezu, Shira sighed, "One of my quirks Seer's eyes, allows me to see people's life, past, present, and future as though I am that person, I can activate it but it would do it by itself sometimes and on that day it activated on itself and I got to see his past and his choice of going to the roof and taking a jump, that is all," this take the heroes by surprise,

"Wait you said as though you are that person, does that mean...that... you." Aizawa said as he thought of something that he wishes he didn't but Shira just gave a small nod of the head, everyone else was confused except Nezu as he too figure it out,

"What?" Yamada asks as he is confused, Shira just sighs and gave up and decides to explain it to them,

"It means that I to experience his death, how he had felt at every moment of his life, past, present, and future, I will feel it through all of my sense, I will feel their emotions of those moments as well, physically and emotionally," she explains and hearing this gave the heroes a grim look, as that would also mean that she experiences being near death or taking a final breath of life,

"Oh sorry," Yamada said softly but Shira just put on a bright yet gentle smile,

"Nah it's fine as I got to experience a happy normal family, and to answer All might question as to why iI saved that boy," She said, and when the Number 1 Hero heard his name, he looked up to face the girl, "I saved him as I do not want his family to feel the loss of losing a younger relative, the pain of losing a child who can live a wonderful life in the future, a life who had many chances in life, I do not want their older sibling to feel the loss of a younger sibling that they hold dearly, that is all," there was a small spark of grief in her dark brown eyes that the heroes saw, hearing this Nezu look down has he know what she was referring to, the other heroes saw it but the choice not to ask as they want her to tell them at her own time, "losing a family is painful and heart-clenching," she had her right hand on her chest where her heart is place as she said those words.

"I understand," All might say as he looks down. It was silent for a while until Nezu spoke up,

"How about a little deal, you come to UA as a hero course student until you graduate, and after graduation, you can choose whatever carer you want to take and UA will support whatever path you choose with everything we can give," Nezu look up to the girl, the heroes had wide eyes at what kind of deal he had just given, Shira look quite interested at this deal,

"umm... okay but I will give you heroes my proposal as well," she said with a mischief smile on her face as though a small child has found some new games to play, the heroes swallow a big gulp but gave a nod, "I will take it but in those let's say 3-4 years as I am 14 years old as of this moment if you can not tell what is my wish is by the end of this deal, I will decide what the conscience will be when the time comes okay" she had that mischief smile wider, some were about to speak up but Aizawa, Nezu and Yamada agreed to it before they can say anything about it,

"Okay you have a deal," the three said in unison, Shira's eyes widen for a moment but she went back to smiling again, the three stretched out their hands for a hand shack and Shira took it and shake their hands,

"Okay it's a deal then," she said with a smile, "let's write it down and some rules and other necessary things of the deal," Nezu agrees, as he got off his chair to get his laptop from his work desk and went back to his spot as the laptop on the table and start typing everything as the four discuss everything out, the other heroes were shocked but soon join in, after a while the document has finished, they print it out and every one of them sign the document.

"Well, I guess I will be taking the entrance exam this year," Shira said, as she signs the document,

"Well, you don't have since we have already accepted you as the document has already said," Yamada said,

"Yeah, but I will still take it as it can be used as proof to the other stupid students, that I pass because of my brains and skills not because of my connections and cause of a deal, and it will look as though UA is not just taking on anyone cause of a deal but because of potential and so on..." Shira said with a small wave of her hand and a shrug of her shoulders,

"It would make sense," Nezu said as Aizawa agrees as well. Shira was walking home, she had enjoyed her time with the UA staff, she looks at the sky as she thought of the discussion that they had,

'Will they find out what my wish is or not' she let out a little giggle at the thought,

'Me a hero? well this will be an interesting kind of journey'

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