Chapter 15: Heroes and UA meeting

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it is after school, inside a meeting room of UA, the UA staff  and a few top heroes speak of the event, and the students, as everyone looks at piles of students as of right now they are looking in the heroes course students, as the few heroes who are not of the UA staffs review the list to notice something that they were not expecting,

"Nezu, I noticed that there are some students that have mental and intelligent type quirks in the list, is this some kind of mistake?" a hero asks the chimera in curiosity as to the reason as the other few heroes to wonders for a reason.

"This is no mistake as they too have passed the entrance exam and place to the place they have earned," Nezu answers forwardly to the hero,

"But how, this has never happened before," the hero said in surprise but then turned to worry, "will they be able to become a hero with this type of quirk," the hero's tone was full of concern and worry,

"Yes they would be useful and important heroes as we train them to strengthen their weak spot and their strong point, that is what this school is made for" Nezu answers once again,

As the Heroes look at the report more, they have found that the exam changed a lot, "Nezu when did you change the exam and why?" Mount lady asks as she looks at the chimera as the other heroes to are once again curious as to the reason why, Nezu and the other UA staff sigh as they put down the file on top of the table,

"to make true and honorable heroes, and to allow those students to know the true meaning of heroes, to see the importance of each quirk," Nezu said, as the other UA staff gave a serious look on their faces,

"What?" is all the other heroes ask in confusion as Mic explained and told them what had happened to them and showed the video of the boy on the roof and all the appearances that Shira has been doing during or after the hero vs villain fights, the talk she gave them about what a hero means to her and everything.

"After meeting this young girl made us think as to the reason as to why we became heroes," All might said as he looks down at his hands at the memory of meeting his master and the reason he wants to be a hero. "The words she has mentioned and speaks of what a hero means to her made me remember as to the reason to why I wanted to be a hero," he said as he clench his hand into a fist.

"she sounds amazing," mount lady said as she look at the Shira picture, then a memory flashed in her mind, "I might have met her before," she said with a shocked tone, this got everyone's attention,

Flashback memory: Mount lady's POV

* I do not own the lyrics, 'You don't know' by Katelyn Tarver*

I was just walking back from the mall as it was her hero break, as I headed singing and a piano playing,

'I know you've got the best intentions,

Just trying to find the right words t say,

I promise I already learned my lesson,

But right now, I want to be not okay,

I'm so tired, sitting here waiting,

If I hear one "just be patient"

It's always gonna stay the same

I walk closer to where the singing and piano are to see a young girl outside sitting on the bench underneath a big green leaves tree, as the sunlight pick through gapes from the leaves as though it was showing the young girl who was singing  who is somehow using the wind to make a sound like piano keys 'her quirk?'

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