Chapter 26: The amused Gleam and Comforting

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After the cheering even has happened it was time to start the tournament everyone watchers well almost everyone as Shira doesn't pay attention to the TV. Most of the time, she pays attention to what is going on in her life to stay in control and her seer's eyes don't make it easy for her as they tend to turn on by themselves at times. "All right, now I'll determine who fights whom through this lottery. Once the matchups are decided, we'll do a fun bit of recreation, and then we'll commence!" Nemuri says as she shows the lottery box to everyone, "whether or not the 16 who will be competing want to join in on the recreation activities is up to you. Since I'm sure many of you will be wanting to take a breather or preserve your strength..." she continues explaining but Shira was getting bored so she blocks out Nemuri's explanation. after a while Shira has noticed that everyone is leaving so she went and sat her sit, she sadly has to sit with her class as she can not sit with Zashi and Zawa or the other teachers as people might notice her and many other students may say some rudely comments, luckily they did allow her to have her phone which is good but in her turn, she needs to give it to one of the teachers to make the battleground even though that is very unlikely.

Shira spent her time reading and listening to music, some class 1B students came to talk to her,

"HEY, It's one of those Class 1A students, haha..." some boy's loud voice which bothers her, came through her headphones, Shira turn with an annoyed expression on her face to find a blond-haired boy and blues eyes, that was when her seer's quirk choice to activate, afterward she let out a sigh, "Look I don't care what you have to say as it doesn't matter to me but if you must let it out then go ahead I am listening," she says with a calm tone and voice as she faces the boy when the boys start speaking in full insults when Shira let out a sigh, "okay, you finish with all of all the comments," she says with a calm expression, this got all of the students by surprise as they were expecting her to be mad or mostly annoyed, "okay, 1. calm down, 2. I don't think like that cause as I have said before, prove your point by the scores and nothing more, 3. class A is not superior or lesser than B as they are both in the same stage, anyone who says otherwise is blind and stupid so don't lump me up with them as it is quite insulting, kay" after saying her point she sat back down to her sit, people who have heard her explanation has once again had wide eyes and felt a heavy weight in their chest, the blond -boy was speechless that the orange hair girl drags him to their sits, 'ahh...this is annoying, fist my quirk activated on its own once again and now I have a headache she thought as she rubs her temples ' you know what I don't care what people say I am taking a nap as I am extremely tired and have a headache she thought as she slowly closes her eye.

Class 1A classmates went to their place to see a young black-haired girl sleeping peacefully, they don't know what to do in this situation,

"um...what are we going to do?" Denki asks in a worried and concerned tone, as he and all his classmates are around the young sleeping girl,

"how about we just let her sleep for now," Momo said as she sits next to the sleeping girl, the rest of the students also sat in their seats, and as time goes on the louder everyone gets the more Shira started waking up, was woken up from Yamada's announcement,

"What the Midoriya! came to a halt!!?" Yamada announce, this woke Shira up from her nap, and she starts to move a little on her seat, this got her classmate's attention, and everyone freezes in their spot,

"What the hell is it with the noise!?" Shira's voice was in an angry and annoyed tone as she has been woken up in a not-so-friendly manner. Her eyes blink a few times as they adjust to the bright light that greets her, "this is so blaming annoying, all I want to to have a nap and nice nap but no, I have to be awoken by a loud Cockatoo," she says with so much announce she says, after a while, her eyes adjusted to the light, "so I am guessing that the tournament is starting already," as the rest of the students nods their head in response, Shira says her thanks to them and then faces the fight, "that was impressive, I have to admit,"

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