Chapter 18: Scattered Petals

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From above the whole event, no one seems to notice strange activities that have been occurring, those no one can blame them as they are fighting for their survival. When you think and observe then people would notice falling flower petals all over the whole USJ, and above up at the ceiling there is an in the air sits a young figure watching and observing the whole activities, thinking of ways to support and help them.

There they saw that each student's team fights against the villains, as Kiminari gets pushed towards villains with his quirk activated in the process electrocuting a big tall man, as Yaoyorozo and Jiro fight off the other villains that were until Yaoyorozo made a 100 insulator sheet for Kiminari to use the full strength of his quirk. The figure has also seen Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Hitoshi walk out of the flood zone soaking wet. The figure watches as Aizawa fights through the villains and moves toward the boss who has bright blue hair and severed hands all over him.

As Aizawa elbow's the light blue-haired villain at the stomaches but was caught by the villain who used his quirk which causes the surface of Aizawa's skin to decay, the light blue-haired villain said something to Aizawa until Aizawa punches the villain in the face with so much force that it pushes the villain backward and fall to the ground. Then a giant black monster with a bird's mouth came from behind Aizawa, the monster's massive hand right above Aizawa, the monster's left hand pushed Aizawa's whole body against the floor on top of Aizawa's left shoulder, as the monster's right hand wrapped harshly and twisting Aizawa's right arm in 360 full circles causing the skin and muscle tearing and making a bloody scene, as his right arm pulls towards it selfs as the monster is sitting right above Aizawa's back putting all it weights on to Aizawa.

Aizawa's yellow goggles broke in half because of the force of the monster's attack when it smashes Aizawa's head into the ground, seeing this sight causes the figure to freeze in their spot as there is caught in their chest causing them unable to think of anything other than the view that they have seen of Aizawa unable to move covered in blood. With this, the whole building's temperature dropped.

Meanwhile with All Might and Nezu:

The single petal has to reach UA as there was an open window, the petal comes into the room as it lands on top of the surface of the table, and the whole room seemed to change to become like they two were in the USJ but no one seems to notice the two as though the scene was being projected from the petal, the two was from above in the air, they had a birds-eye view, they can the students fighting the villains, 13 singing her quirk against a black-purple smoked man who used a portal gate to use 13's quirk against herself, and Aizawa being held down by a monster thing onto the ground, it was quite obvious that that class 1A need help and back up at this very moment.

The seven changed outside of the USJ building, the two sees a young dark blue-haired boy, whom they have identified as Iida Tenya, who was running toward UA, he keeps saying to himself "I need to hurry, everyone is in danger, I need to get help soon" he keeps repeating as he runs faster, he gets closer to the school, soon the scene blurred to which that have noticed that they have returned to the room they have once were, they wondered what that was about but soon put aside as Nezu contacted the other teachers, then the door was slammed open, to which the look at the door to found Iida who stands out of breath and sweat running down his forehead the two look at the flower petal that lays on top of that project the event of the USJ, the two insatiately and gave a nod as they got ready to leave as they were about to get the petal flies towards them, Nezu caught the flower petal gently as his instec told him to bring it with them as it will be important.

Back to USJ:

Everything was a blur for the figure but they soon came back to reality when the sound of a loud smash can be heard, they look where the sound came from to see that it was the monster smashing Aizawa's head into the floor making a small creature on the floor, the monster was snapping Aizawa's body like a twig, as the figure knows that Aizawa's quirk Erasure should have been able to erase then monster's quirk just by looking at it but it wasn't meaning that the strength that the monster has is its strength not by quirk. Which causes the figure a hand to fist tightly that their nails could carve through its skin causing blood. It was then the black-smoke villain appeared from behind the light-blue-haired villain, the light-blued-haired villain ask the mist villain if 13 is dead, hearing this question caused the figure to bit their bottom lip, 'just a bit longer, a little bit longer the figure thought trying to hold back to not change the future that they have seen, with the thought came through they saw the light-blue-haired villain be in front of Tsuyu, the figure was about to move when they have seen that villain was going to use their quirk but stoped when villain's quirk didn't work as Aizawa used his eraser quirk on the villain, the figure let out a sigh, but their blood was still boiling.

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