Chapter 39: The Attack On Camp

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As everyone went to the Remedial room, there they saw Monoma but Shira just went in ignoring everyone and went on her phone until they heard Mandalay's voice a sense of emergency hearing her, Shira's sense of anxiousness that she had been feeling made sense to her as her hands became a fist as she let out a growl as she feels frustrated and stupid for ignoring her insect but she tries to calm herself and tries not to lose control of her emotions now.
Everyone then hears a bang in the room, they all gave their attention to the person who has caused the noise it was, of course, Shira as she has not been able to keep them in control as they can hear some mumbling coming from her *how can I be so stupid to not be on guard...stupid...stupid...* she can't help but be feel upset as she grid her teeth at the emotions that mixing inside when she hears the rest of what was being said "two villains have invaded the area!! There may be still more lurking in the shadows! Those who are capable, head immediately to the facility!! If you should come to face to face with the enemy, do not engage them in combat! continue your retreat!" was all that was heard until she hears and saw Aizawa leaving the room.

That was all that Shira needed as she too follows Aizawa ignoring Vlad's protests when she reaches outside to see bright blue flames engulfing the forest, when she turns to face Aizawa only to see a man covered in burn scars reaching out for him, running towards the scared man then grabbing and twisting the scared man's arm to his back at the same time using her other hand to grasps the man's throat, "You should watch were your arms are" she says with a sharp icy stare and tone to the man as the man let out a bright blue flames attack towards Aizawa.

At the same time with Kota and Midoriya were fighting with the villain called Muscular, Midoriya had broken arms a bright green and blue light shines blinding everyone, once everyone was able to see, it was a transparent sphere around Midoriya and Kota as though it was protecting the two as a light mist wraps itself to the green haired boy's broken arms letting a sparkling light if green shines.

Muscular seeing the situation continues his attacks but with every episode he gives, he reives twice as strong back to him as a strong wave of electric light and blade-sharp winds which causes to tear layers of muscle that cover him as screams and courses leave his mouth.
Izuku believed that it was a brilliant idea to take that as an opportunity to leave but was unable to leave the transparent shields and Kota trying to stop the green-haired which reach deaf ears.

Back at the camp, Aizawa uses his capture scarf to warp at the rallies from the front trance as Shira tightens her grip on the scared man, Aizawa takes this as an opportunity to capture the man with scars with his capture scarf while Shira moved out of the way by jumping backward as she did Aizawa use his knees to hit the man at then using his scarf to flip and then slamming the black haired man face to the ground, so hard that Shira can hear a crack. "Your objective, numbers, and positions. Spills it. Why should I?" he says as he pulls the man's arm that got dislocated and pushes the man black haired head further into the ground, "Your right arm next. Let us do this rationally. If I get as far as your legs, it will be a hassle for the arresting officers." when an explosion was heard getting everyone's attention.

Shira hears movements behind her and turns around to see her classmates, Shinso, and Koda. Ojiro and Ida, the scared man take this opportunity as Aizawa was distracted to kick Aizawa off him and stood up when he says "Quite worthy of being an instructor at U.A. Aren't that right, Hero" as Aizawa tugs on his capture scarf to only go through as the man became some sort of liquid, "is it cuz your students are so precious? Hope you got what it takes to protect them... see ya later" as nothing was left.

When Shinso went towards Aizawa with his monotone voice, "sensei, what was that?" he asks, when Shira's eyes wide as she face towards the mountains where Kota and Midoriya are at, "Get inside, I'll be back soon" when he says that Shira started running through the trees as Aizawa was shouting for to come back as she soon got further away. When she arrives, she sees Izuku attacking the transparent shield, but she let out a disappointed sigh as she was about to go to them when she saw another person there, she hid at the end to see muscular continuing attacking the shield. 

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