Chapter 24: Calvary Battle results and Memory

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Then Nemuri comes into view, as the screen shows up the ranking of people who have passed the obstacle Race, she started speaking on top of the stage,

"The 42 at the top have earned the right to advance!!! I'm sorry for the kids who failed, but take heart! this festival's showstopper is still being prepared!!" she announced in front of everyone, getting everyone's attention, "and now for the post-preliminaries, the final selection! from here on out, even the press corps will teem in a white heat of excitement, so go all out!!! now then onto today's heart-pounding second event!! I already know what it will be, but the suspense is killing me, what could it e!!? well, I'll tell you!" she says as the huge screen changes, to announce the next stage, the screen shows 'Human Cavalry Battle!'

'Oh Hell no!' Shira thought as she doesn't want to do this task but while looking around, then Nemuri, "you can all form 2-4 person teams freely and form a horse-back configuration! it's the same rules as a normal human cavalry battle: swipe the enemy rider's headbands and guard your own. except for one thing, everyone will receive points based on their performance in the last trial!" she explains the new task rules, as she was going to continue explaining but some students who Shira recognize as her classmates this made Shira let out a sigh,' dear god I am becoming like Aizawa-san' she thought as she releases that she has been sighing a lot like Aizawa.

"But yes, that's right!! and the number of points you're worth will be 5 points if you place 42nd, 10 if you place 21st 15 for 40th place, and so on..." Nemuri explains as Shira thought of what she says, 'mmm...that means that I have 190 points, "except 1st place, whose head is worth ten million points!!!!" Nemuri announces which causes everyone to turn towards Midoriya as he is in 1st place, Shira almost felt sorry for him, "if I were you I'd aim for the guy who placed first this is the chance for low to supplant the high! Welcome to our survival game!!!" Nemuri said to everyone, that was when She has to notice Shira's sweet smile which causes her to be nervous, as Shira raises her hand,  Nemuri felt as though she has no choice but to answer her, "yes, what is it that you wish to question Shira" Nemuri asks the young girl,

"must we be in a team or can we work solo?" she asked with a sweet smile, all the teachers had already expected this, as they know their young friend very well,

Flash Back:

In a meeting room, where all the teachers were discussing:

"We all know that Shi-chan would want to work alone in the teamwork task," Yamada says to everyone,

"Yeah, you're right she would," Aizawa says as he let out a sigh,

"Then was should we do?" Nemuri ask everyone, everyone thought about it that was when Nezu's voice catches their attention,

"we will allow her to do so," Nezu simply said, as everyone widen their eyes as they look at him, "as we all know if she doesn't she will just quit or not participate in the task and just watches everyone else do, it is better to allow her be doing it her way as she would not overdo it and just do the minimum instead," he explains to everyone, hearing the explanation the teachers let out a sigh as they do agree with the chimera.

Flash Back Ends:

"Yes, you can as long you can take on points," Nemuri answers, with this Shira let out a smile and nods her head, everyone else was shocked but choices to make groups, as Shira lean onto the wall waiting for everything to start, she lets out a sigh, seeing how people were eyeing at Midoriya,

'well, that is how people in a higher standing would feel, some may become ignorant, egoistic, or pressed under pressure from expectation or people who wish to crush you, especially in this hero and villain society, lets's see which path you choices Midoriya,' Shira thought seeing how the said boy, looking around him with eyes full of anxiety and fear.

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