1. With You

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

I had a sip of my wine and let out a sigh, "Yeah business on my side has been going great. And I think the designing with clay thing, I won't let that go. Because instead of making a prototype with material you could use clay. And like when you by mistakenly cut the material incorrectly you can't use but with clay you can easily start again," I explained.

"Yeah. It's really a good thing. Though I haven't mastered using clay. I can barely make a clay pot, now imagine a dress," Kanya sighed causing me to burst into laughter. "Remember our grade 7 project. Making something out of clay."

"Oh yeah yeah?"

"I flopped! While people who are usually failing slayed with 80%, I failed!"

"How much did you get?" I asked cutting a piece of steak.

"I got 29%!"

I choked and hit my chest to try get the food down. "How the hell even? I got a full marks!"

"Well duh, you were definitely not extra pulling up with a life size chihuahua made of clay."

"It was easy."

Kanya gave me a look.

I shrugged.

"Anyways," she sighed as she finished her dinner, "How's Leon?"

I felt myself smile, "He's alright. We just haven't been spending tons of time together since we've both been freakishly busy."

"Yeah. You're both advancing through your careers now so I get it."

"Exactly. Like this dinner was meant to be for us but he couldn't make it so I thought why let this reservation go to waste?"

"Yeah neh. And this wine mmm, he has good taste in alcohol."

"He sure does. But clothing, not so much."

My best friend laughed, "What does he wear? Fakes?"

"No. Some of his clothing is too big for him. Some of the colours he has are disgusting. And his style, so last season. I'm in the process of replacing his whole wardrobe," I smiled as I finished eating.

Kanya scoffed, "And he's ok with it?"

"Of course not! We've argued a few times over it but when I get him to try on a new outfit then he's like "Not bad", then I'm like don't deny it. Admit you look mighty fine! Your mother did say I should teach you how to dress up!"

Kanya laughed.

I sighed, "But yeah. It's been good."

"How long since he asked you?"

"It's been three months."

Kanya took my left hand and looked at the ring, "Still looks fabulous. And now that I see it in the dark... this looks like an expensive ring. The diamond might 2 or 3 carat and the silver... I'm guessing 16K."

"I asked him, and he said it wasn't that expensive."

"And how many times has he told you that when it was in actual fact expensive?"

"Only once."

"Thats one time too many."

"He said it only cost him 30K."

"Next thing you know he's flexing to his friends that the ring in actual fact cost 72K!"

"No! That's enough to buy new furniture!"

"You never know!"

I had a sip of my drink. "So? Do you have a boyfriend yet?"

Kanya sighed, "No. I swear these guys are scared of strong independent women!"

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