16. Blind for a day

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

I walked out of my office and locked it with a sigh.

"Hola," I heard from behind me.

I turned to look at him and put on a smile, "Jude."

His look of contentment turned to worry. "Hey... what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I told him with my voice breaking.

"Zee, don't lie. Wassup?"

I bowed my head slightly, and stared down at the keys in my hand. I hid my lips as I felt my eyes sting with tears. I blinked. A tear drop raced down my cheek. My face felt warm. I looked up the ceiling above and sniffed as more tears were released.

It had been a week since I last saw Leon and I was still hurting. I thought I'd feel better if I saw him less often... but in all honesty, I felt worse. I missed him more. I didn't know how he was doing, how he's coping, if he's drinking... I didn't know. I haven't even bumped into him at all.

"Would you like a hug?"

I nodded.

He gave me a hug. "Thanks Jude," I sniffed in his arms. I broke the hug and wiped my tears.

"You going home now?" he enquried.

"No, I'm going to visit Nolwazi. She said she wanted to talk to me."

"I could give you a lift."

"I'd appreciate that," I smiled.

We locked up the shop and Jude gave me a ride to Nolwazi's place. "I need to have a word with her," he sighed turning off the engine.

We got out of his car and made our way up the stairs. We got to her floor and walked to her door. I knocked. A moment later it was opened.

"Hey Zee," my sister greeted opening the gate. She gave me a hug. "You can head in so long," she said once she broke the hug. She shifted her attention to Jude, "Hey babe."

I went inside and took a seat on the couch with a sigh. I looked out the open door to see Jude and Nolwazi break their kiss.

I shifted my gaze away from them and down at the floor feeling slightly jealous that my sister's love life was looking better than mine. But if I'm being honest, I'm happy for her. She deserves to be happy. Even if it's with my ex.

I heard as she closed the door with a sigh, "How you doing?" she asked me.

"I'm fine."

She went to the kitchen and returned with a pack of six beers. "Karla is on her way." She sat beside me, "But in the meantime, how's life? Hows business? Hows Leon?"

I sighed, "Well... I haven't seen Leon for a week now. I haven't even caught a glimpse of him in the shops or anything, so I don't know how he's doing."

"Are you guys talking at all?"

I shook my head.

"Hmm... are you moving on? Or is there still hope?"

I shook my head, "There's no hope. I'm moving on with my life. If I see someone intriguing, I'll start seeing them. If he comes and asks for forgiveness, that's fine but that doesn't mean I'll take him back."

"Damn... I never thought you two would break up. I could actually see you and Leon married, with children."

I shrugged.

"Hows business?"

"Its good actually. I think I can open another shop next year elsewhere, I just need someone I can trust. Oh and someone wanted to invest in my business."

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