18. In Need

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

"Zee... please, you have to stop crying now. Hm?"

I shook my head in disagreement.

"Then tell me what you want to do. Tell me what I can do to make the pain go away."

I pulled away from Kanya to sit up and try to wipe away my tears. "There's nothing," I told her, "Nothing can ease this pain I feel inside. I mean, the only thing that gets close is alcohol but I've had more than enough of that."

"Yeah, for once I think drinking is a bad idea."

I grabbed another tissue to wipe away my endless tears. My make up was probably washed away by now.

"Are you staying with your dad?"

I shook my head, "I'm supposed to be going back there tomorrow. But I don't think I should. If he sees me crying like this, he'll personally kill Leon."

"Wouldn't that be a good thing though?"

I shot her a glare, "No! God no! How could you think such a thing?!" I spat.

"Because you're no longer an item. You don't love him. That would just be getting rid of him for good so you-"

"Are you mad?! Kill Leon?! No!" Kanya was looking me weirdly. I began to fumble my fingers as I explained, "I mean sure I don't... love him... but for the sake of the love I once had for him, I could never bear to have him killed. I mean let's be real here, that's my ex!"

"Zinhle, are you hearing yourself?"

"Are you hearing yourself? Lets be real here!"

"Ok, sure, murder is a little too much but maybe a good beating will suffice."

"No!" I screamed in horror.

"No?" she enquired.





"Well... he gets bruised easily."

"Oh my gosh! Who cares if he gets bruised! Hell, we gotta make him bleed!"

"No! Please no!"

"See...you're still head over heels for the man! And yet you dumped him!"


"But what? You had a great thing going but you let one incident get in the way?"

I sighed. Kanya was right. This was a bit too rash of me but, I'm trying to protect my heart. I know what's best for me and Leon is just not it.

After a long while, Kanya left and I remained alone in my office.

I remembered once in a while when Leon would come by. He'd sit on my desk for my last few hours of work and just watch me, sometimes comment, other times conversate. But he was there. And I enjoyed it.

Maybe I need a drink or two. I can't handle these thoughts and emotions anymore.

~Ryan Kelly~

"I see... you're jealous of your brother..."

"He stole my father-"

"He didnt-"

"He stole the company!"

"You stole the company! You and your witch for a mother!"

"You stole my father too!"

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