36. Good Person

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~Ryan Kelly~

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Kelly, you are now officially remarried."

I looked at Karla with a smile. She looked at me smiling and trying to wipe tears. I kissed her lips, "I love you."

"I love you too Ryan," she tittered between sniffs. "Oh God, my make-up is probably gone."

I tucked her hair behind her ear as I analysed her, "Not at all actually. You look like you just put it on. Not even the mascara got ruined."

"Oh please! Stop lying. I know it looks bad. I'll go fix it."

Karla went to the bathroom while Richard ran up to me. "Dad!"

"Hey!" I exclaimed picking him up.

"Weren't you and mommy already married?" he asked me.

"Yes but we separated and now we're back together again."

"Does that mean we can be together again?!"


"Yay!! Hear that Syd!" Richard climbed down and ran to his sister.

I looked over at my daughter who sat playing with the lawyer's dog. I looked over at my good friend. "Njabulo, thank you for helping me on this."

"We're even now."

"Not exactly," I stated with a smirk, "You have to give us the dog."

He burst into laughter, "You still got jokes I see." He then let out a sigh and looked at his Labrador playing with my daughter and son, "She's all I have left of my wife you know."

"She passed?"

He nodded. "Yeah. A car accident. On the spot."

"I'm sorry."

"Keep yours safe. Make her happy," he told me.

"This time, I will."

Njabulo looked over at Michael who sat with his arms crossed, brows furrowed, staring at the floor. "Your little man reminds me of you when the teacher used to call you out cause you were caught red handed. You could throw the biggest tantrums. To the point they were convinced you were innocent and telling the truth."

I laughed, "Yeah. That was me."

"You stole my girlfriend."

I looked at him, "Hey, she came running to me."

"Yeah right!"

"I was just that attractive. Plus I had the charm," I stated winking with a smile.

"Valid. I think you still got that."

"I'm back," Karla announced making her way up to me. I held my hand out and she placed hers in mine. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful as always," I told her.

"See, still got the charm," Njabulo smiled.

I chuckled. "Well, thanks again." I gave him a handshake, "We're definitely even."

"We'll keep in touch."

I nodded.

We dropped the children off at their grandparents. The children already ran inside while I spoke to my mother in law. "Thanks again for this," I said.

"It's no problem. Reginald and I always enjoy having them here."

I nodded. "Well, Mrs Aldridge, I'll see you," I said turning to leave.

I took a few steps when I heard her call, "Wait Ryan!" I looked over at her. She stepped closer. "I know what your mother and I did to you and Karla was unfair and probably why it didn't work at first but... I hope you can forgive us... and I hope you're both happy this time."

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