4. Parental Practice Part 1

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

I wrote down the idea and sighed, "So, is that it?"

"Yeah. That's all I got," Kanya stated.

"I mean it's not a bad idea to partner with them. They've been our material supplier for ages but it's never been official. As the business grows we need someone who'll be in charge of getting the best material at the most reasonable price."

"Are we both thinking of the same person?"

I nodded.

"Jude," we said together.

"Sure he just works there but he's practically an expert," I added.

"And his ability to differentiate between originals and fakes just by looking at them is excellent. He could even help us introduce accessories cause lets face it, no one knows jewellery like Jude," Kanya stated in agreement.

"Then is settled. I'll go to them with the proposal tomorrow. If they say yes, to make it official we'll compile a contract."

"Sounds perfect."

"Now we can take our break," I sighed getting on my feet. Kanya and I walked out of my office and out the shop. We walked to a fast food restaurant and ordered drinks.

"Lets order food!" Kanya encouraged.

"Hai! Order yourself! I don't need to gain more weight."

"Yeah vele, you should starve."

I gasped at her comment. "Voetsek!"

She laughed at my reaction. She got her food and we made our way back to the shop. We sat in my office and she ate her fast food while I had my coke.

"So how's life?" I asked her.

"Good. Im single and happy."


"How about you?"

"Well, Leon and I moved in together and Sydney is living with us for a while, so it's been fun. A real learning experience," I stated.

"So you two are learning what it's like to be married with a child," Kanya stated after swallowing.

"Yeah. And so far so good."

"Great. Any spice to share?"

"Nope. We're all good."


I looked at my best friend. The look on her face told me she thought I was lying. "Well Kanya, truth is some things have to stay between a couple. You cant share every fight, every secret and every romantic moment. A couple is made of two, not three."

Kanya stared at me, a look on her face that said, 'I'm impressed'. She then exclaimed, "Damn... look at you. Got that relationship wisdom!"

I laughed.

"Wow, I mean, I get it. I totally do and I respect you for that. I mean yes you are 26 and may seem a little too young for marriage but... look at you, you're already stable and mature. You're totally ready for marriage."

"Thanks Kanya," I smiled.

Late that afternoon Kanya left and I went home. I walked in to see Leon seated on the floor with Sydney in front of him.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hi Zee!" Sydney exclaimed.

"What are you doing?"

"Playing spin the bottle, ice cream edition," Leon sighed.

"How do you play?" I asked them as I saw ten glasses filled with ice cream in a circle with a slip of paper beneath them each.

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