A/N & Prologue

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Hello Readers

I'm back. For those who read the first book, sorry I kept you waiting. And for the newbies, welcome. 

This is the sequel I promised, to Blind Love. To those who've read it, enjoy, and those who haven't... I recommend you go back and read the first one if you don't wanna be lost souls. But I guess the choice is yours. 

Updates, I know you hate the dreaded words but, they will be slow. I'm sorry, I'm still a high schooler (Dont ask me why I write adult fiction) who's over involved and sometimes my mental health can't handle that so yay. I promise I'll do my best to update as often as possible. But I assure you I won't keep you waiting for over a month. But I do, I'll probably publsih like three chapters. 

Anyways, vote and comment as you go along, they are much appreciated. I feel no one takes me seriously when I say, comment about anything. Even if you have to criticise my writing in an unforgivable manner. I dont mind. 

I hope you enjoy the book and here's here's the prologue you've probably been trying to find...

"So I ask you again Leon Kelly, is there anything going on between you and Sherri?"


I let him go as I closed my eyes. My heart cracked in my chest and more tears streamed down my cheeks. I showed him my phone. "Then please tell me... what is this?"

His eyes widened after he looked at the screen. I watched his Adam's Apple go down then back up his throat as he swallowed. "Zee... I can explain-"

Overwhelmed with pain, I slapped him.

He did cheat. Sherri was right. He was going to lie about it. I don't even know who I'm standing in front of. I don't know who I'm engaged to. This isn't Leon. Leon knows honesty is the best policy. He knows I hate secrets. This man is not Leon.

"I deserved that," he stated looking at me.

I stomped to the bedroom and grabbed my suitcase. I opened it and began packing. As I thought about everything we went through, everything I sacrificed, everything I gave him, I cried more.

"Zee... please, let's talk about this."

I ignored him and went to get more of my clothing. Before I could put them in the suitcase he shut it closed.

"I was going to tell you-"

"Going to tell me what huh? How you seduced her while I was dying in a coma?! Huh?"

"But I didn't seduce her-"

"And you expect me to believe that?!"


I scoffed with a smile, "You have some nerve Leon. Honestly. And you expect me to stay here with you, a liar."

"But Zee-"

"I'm not even talking to my father anymore for you! I gave up my home and decided to live with you! I gave you all the love had! I gave you my fucking virginity! And this is how you repay me?!" I screamed. "I'm leaving."

I made him let go of my suitcase and shoved more clothing into it as he said, "But Zee, you have to understand. I was afraid of losing you. Women say they want the truth but most of the time when you give it to them they walk away. I didn't want you to walk away from me."

I went to get my box of jewellery so I could put it in the suitcase.

"Zee? Zee please, talk to me. Slap me again if you want just..." he stood in my way, "don't leave."

I looked into his eyes which were filled with tears. "Leon get out of my way," I choked out.




"I don't know you! You're not the Leon Kelly I fell in love with..." I said as I began to take the ring off my finger.

He dropped to his knees in front of me as a tear drop rolled down his cheek, "Zee, no, please..."

"I don't know you..."

"No! Dont take it off!" he cried trying to stop me from taking the ring off the last third of my finger.

"I said yes to marrying an honest man, a man who was going to be loyal to me. You're not that man," I told him shoving the ring in his hand.

"You promised you wouldn't give me back the ring."

"And you promised no secrets!" I spat silencing him. "So I guess we're even."

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