Author's Note

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Hey Readers

Im so sorry for the late update, I know I said I wouldnt let you wait a month for an update but here we are. Im sorry. It's really down bad.

Truth is, I have like 12 chapters worth of drafts which I havent published yet. Four of which I've already proofread like three times over. I just got really confused as to where I was going with the story cause I was slapped by inspiration so I went off topic slightly. 

But I'm good now so I'll publsih what I've proofread and I'll try publsih as much as I can now that I'm on holiday. Might be challenging with my athletics preseason but I'll make it work.

Thanks for all the support. Blind Love has reached 1.6K reads and 200 votes, you have no idea how much I jumped up and down and silently screamed (I can't scream to save my life) in excitement. Thanks to each and every reader out there, sending you all nothing but lots of love and good vibes only. 

Your Author


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