30. Progress?

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

"Baba we have to go to the police station or something!"

"Breathe kind, breathe. We'll report tomorrow-" my father soothed rubbing my back.

"Baba! The man is disabled! He can't leave the apartment on his own! I'm telling you someone kidnapped him!" I yelled walking away from him. "Yoh, Nkosi yami..."

"Zinhle. Come. Hlala phansi." He led me to the living room and got me to sit on the couch. "There... now just calm down. Breathe."

I took a deep breath.

"Daar sy. Keep breathing."

I took another deep breath.

"Now lay back and close your eyes-"

"Baba," I warned him with a finger. "we are finding him now."

He lowered my finger with a sigh, "Zinhle, hes a grown man. Let him have his space-"

"Space?! Baba, he needs me to help him use the toilet. Hes very dependent on me. But now he's missing. Do you know how concerning that is?!"

"Ok, ok, we'll go to his brother's house first, then we-"

I heard a key enter the keyhole. My head snapped in the direction of the door as it was opened. I sprung onto my feet. I stormed past Leon on his wheelchair and went straight for his half brother. He backed away till his back hit a wall. I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him inside before shutting the door.

"Do you want me to moerie you?!"

"Zee-" I heard Leon call.

"Cause you, you're starting to get on my nerves..."

"Zinhle stop!"

Ryan raised his hands as he slowly backed away. "I come in peace," he stated in defence.

"When do you ever come in peace. You bring destruction!"


I grabbed Ryan by the shirt and shook him, "What did you want with Leon?! Huh?"

"Nothing! We just talked-"


"Zinhle!" I looked over at Leon. He looked pissed. "Let go of my brother," he instructed firmly. Did he just call Ryan his brother? I released Ryan. "We need to have a word." He rolled his wheelchair to the master bedroom and I followed. I closed the door behind us.

I looked at him to realise the cast on his right fist was finally gone.

He let out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry I disappeared without telling you."

"Since when is he your brother?" I asked him.

"Today. He told me everything..." Leon looked down at his hands. My heart softened. "Umm... it still hurts," his voice cracked, "but uhh... I understand everything now." He took a deep breath, "And... I think I can forgive him. Like my mother always wanted me to."

I smiled and kissed his forehead, "I'm glad. I thought he kidnapped you."

"He kinda did. I saw your calls though," I looked into his eyes, "I'm sorry I didn't pick up."

"You almost gave me a heart attack. I was just having a mini panic attack."

He chuckled. "I'm sorry.

"I'm just glad you're safe," I smiled. "Lets go see...Ryan... and my father."

I turned to walk out when he grabbed my arm. "Why do you say his name like that?"

"I'll explain later."

Tough Love (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now